Course Completion

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Course Completion Policy #


Policy Area


This is a statement of the International Film School Sydney’s (IFSS) policy relating to progression during, and completion of a vocational education and training (VET) course for certification. IFSS delivers the CUF60107 Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media course over four semesters (Tiers) of 20 weeks each. A Tier has a defined study program, usually comprised of four units of competency. A Tier’s study program is timetabled with specific learning activities and assessment projects/events to enable students to achieve competence through applied demonstration of the required skills and knowledge within the allocated period. IFSS offers learner and welfare support services to help students who experience difficulties with learning or personal matters. Refer to the IFSS Student Handbook for detail. In order to progress satisfactorily through each Tier of the course, a student must meet successfully all the Tier assessment requirements as outlined in the Tier Assessment Plan and maintain an 80% class attendance rate. A Tier’s study program is assessed holistically through one or more industry-focused film production projects. Based on specified pre-production project criteria, students are allocated a personal production budget for five film projects during the course. Other assessment tasks/events may be scheduled during a Tier to ensure that all assessment requirements for a study program are being fulfilled for the relevant units of competency. Refer to the IFSS Tier Assessment Plans and Assessment Policy 02.04. Attendance is an important element of the IFSS course progression/completion procedure because the screen and media industry demands reliability and respect from each team member collaborating on the creation of film or television production. Teachers mark the roll at the start of class and students’ attendance records are maintained by Administration. When a student’s attendance rate for a Tier falls to 85%, without a medical certificate or letter of reasonable absence with authority addressed to the Head of Department, the student is emailed an Attendance Alert Notice with a request to attend a Professional Conduct Meeting with the Compliance Manager to agree on an intervention strategy. If attendance falls below 80%, the student will be emailed an Unsatisfactory Attendance Notice requesting a Head of Department Meeting, with notification that the budget for the next funded film project (same or next Tier) will be reduced by 50% and the intervention strategy reviewed. If a second Unsatisfactory Attendance Notice is issued to a student during that same Tier, then the student must meet with the Campus Manager to negotiate Tier completion. Progress through a course is not automatic and a student’s place may be terminated by the Campus Manager if it is evident that insufficient progress is being made or that they will not benefit from further study. On satisfactory completion of a nationally recognised qualification or an accredited course, students will receive the qualification testamur and record of results or a Statement of Attainment for partial completion, in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and the VET Quality Framework.

Created: JMC 20/12/13 Amended: R Dunlea 18/08/14 v2

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Positions responsible for implementing this policy  Campus Manager  Head of Department  Compliance Manager  Administration Coordinator  Director of Finance and Operations

Standards Alignment The RTO must meet the following requirements of the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2012: SNR 16.3 Before clients enrol or enter into an agreement, the NVR RTO informs them about the training, assessment and support services to be provided, and about their rights and obligations. SNR 17.1 The NVR RTO’s management of its operations ensures clients receive the services detailed in their agreement with the NVR RTO. SNR 23.1 -The NVR RTO must issue to persons whom it has assessed as competent in accordance with the requirements of the Training Package or VET accredited course, a VET qualification or VET Statement of Attainment (as appropriate) that: a) Meets the AQF requirements; b) Identifies the NVR RTO by its national provider number from the National Register; and c) Includes the NRT logo in accordance with current conditions of use.

Approval This policy was updated (v2) and approved by the Campus Manager on 19 August 2014.

Created: JMC 03/02/12 Amended: R Dunlea 18/08/14 v2

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