Customer Experience Management: Born Reporting, Reborn Social

Traditionally, customer experience management. (CEM) programs have allowed brands to obtain unprecedented insights into customer sentiment and experie...

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Improving Customer Satisfaction To Increase Brand Loyalty

Customer Experience Management: Born Reporting, Reborn Social

A variety of challenges exist for retailers worldwide, from unstable economic conditions to the increased expectations of today’s digitally savvy consumers.

Traditionally, customer experience management (CEM) programs have allowed brands to obtain unprecedented insights into customer sentiment and experiences. Today, with social media, mobile technology, and a demographic shift, consumer behavior has changed.

Recent consumer research from Empathica indicates that 58% of consumers are not only unhappy with current levels of customer service; they feel it is getting worse.

CEM programs need to evolve to keep up in today’s cross-channel world: Welcome to “Social CEM.” Improving customer satisfaction was just the beginning; active advocacy is the new measurement that allows retailers to analyze the health of their brands and their reputations. Empathica’s Social CEM solution evolves customer experience management programs by:

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Helping brands tap into their best assets – happy customers – to create active advocates who will share their brand experiences with the world; Leveraging QR code and mobile technology to capture the pulse of customer sentiment as well as employee engagement; and Changing behavior by turning reports into actionable improvement plans for front-line staff.

But with big challenges come even greater opportunities. Everything old is new again and savvy retailers are going back to basics by focusing more on customer satisfaction and insight. These best-in-class brands are going beyond simply satisfying their customers and are fostering active advocacy from their most loyal fans. By reaching out to target customers, retailers can stand out in a crowded market and boost profit. It has been shown that active advocates can drive 33% more sales and 18% more store traffic than regular customers. With the continual growth of e-Commerce capabilities, retailers are receiving even more opportunity. However, retailers must ensure their audience is receiving the right messages and actively sharing brand information via social networking sites and mobile devices.

Debenhams Accurately Identifies 14,000 Brand Advocates Via Social Networks Using Empathica’s solution, UK department store brand Debenhams encouraged customers to provide feedback regarding their most recent experiences with the brand. Debenhams invited each brand advocate to join the retailer’s fan page as part of the feedback experience. Each recommendation that was posted also included an invitation for the advocate’s friends to ‘Like’ Debenhams on Facebook. The Results

To date, Debenhams has pinpointed more than 14,000 brand advocates who have shared positive experiences at Debenhams with more than 1.5 million of their Facebook and Twitter friends and followers. By inviting brand advocates and their friends to join the Debenhams Facebook page, the brand increased its Facebook fan base by over 17%.

To date, the Empathica GoRecommend solution has achieved the following results:

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100 brands participating; 1 million active advocates mobilized; and 100 million impressions on social networks.

Contact: Bruce Warren, Vice President, Marketing Phone: 416-660-5183 Email: [email protected] NRF Booth # 3137