Daniel in the Angel's Den

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Anchor Series “Daniel in the Angel’s Den” Daniel 6:1-28 (Bible pp. 743-44) Bruce Finn, Pastor of Missions August 6 & 7, 2016

God’s man of i______________ escapes a f___________________ trial for the f___________ of the Lord.

1. Anchored by faith-produced i____________________.

2. Anchored against f___________________ trials.

3. Anchored for the f____________ of the Lord.

Quotes from the Cutting Room Floor “In the midst of graft and corruption on every hand, Daniel and his judgment more readily stood out as a man governed by a sense of loyalty and integrity that stemmed from his right relationship with God.” Sinclair Ferguson, The Preachers Commentary in·teg·ri·ty - 1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. 2. the state of being whole and undivided. “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” C.S. Lewis “I intend to live forever, or die trying.” Groucho Marx “Like Daniel, Jesus was falsely accused by this enemies and brought before a ruler, Pontius Pilot, who sought unsuccessfully to deliver him from his fate. Like Daniel, Jesus was condemned to die, and his body was placed into a sealed pit so that his situation could not be changed by human intervention. Jesus’ trial went even deeper than Daniel’s, however: he did not merely suffer the threat of death, he went down into death itself. Although Jesus was innocent, he suffered the fate of the guilty ones. There was not angel to comfort him with the presence of God in the pit; on the contrary, he was left in the blackness utterly alone and abandoned by God, suffering the fate that we, the guilty ones, deserved. His body was left entombed in the icy grip of death for three days before the angel finally came to roll away the stone.” Ian Duguid, Daniel