Daniel in the Den of Lions

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Daniel in the Den of Lions

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Daniel 6 : 22

Devotional: Daniel in the Den of Lions

26 & 27 January 2019

Read the Scriptures: Daniel 6 : 1 - 12, 19 - 28

Background: Daniel was from Judah, and he was taken together with his friends to Babylon to be trained and to serve the king. Daniel served King Nebuchadnezzar and his son Belshazzar. and then Darius the Mede took over the kingdom.

Observations: 1. Who was the king at that time? Who was one of the 3 administrators he appointed? (v. 1, 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did he plan to set Daniel over the whole kingdom? (v. 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did the administrators and satraps find out about Daniel when they tried to find grounds for charges against him? (v.4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What was the edict that King Darius issued after listening to the administrators and satraps? (v.6, 7) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What did Daniel do when he knew the decree that had been published? (v.10) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did the administrators and satraps do when they found Daniel praying and asking God for help? (v.12) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. How was Daniel when the king saw him in the lion’s den the next day? (v.22, 23) ____________________________________________________________________________________

8. What did King Darius write to all the peoples, nations and men of every language throughout the land? (v.25-27)

“May you prosper greatly! 26 “I

issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must _____________ and

_________________ the God of Daniel.” “For he is the _________________ God and he endures _________________; His _________________ will not be destroyed, his dominion will ____________ end. 27 He

_______________ and he saves; he performs __________ and ______________ in the

heavens and on the earth, He has rescued Daniel from the _______________ of the lions.”

Interpretations: 1. Why did the administrators and satraps want to find grounds for charges against Daniel? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did Daniel continue to pray to God even though he might lose his life? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What happened to Daniel’s life after this incident? ____________________________________________________________________________________

Applications: 1. How do you behave when you are with your friends at school? Do you behave in the same manner when you are at home? In church? If not, why? ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. How do your actions / behaviour reflect your true character? Is it a character that others would like to have? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What can you do to be honest and trustworthy like Daniel? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How can you be a better example of a disciple of Christ to the people around you? ____________________________________________________________________________________

Response / Prayer Dear God, ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________