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1 John • LESSON 5

Introduction “The most significant aspect of the image of God is seen in man’s capacity to love others—as demonstrated through his relational fellowship with God and with other human beings. Though only a shadow, human love (both for God and for others) is a reflection of the perfect inter-Trinitarian love that has characterized God from before time began.” John MacArthur The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, 1 John, p. 164 This semester we are memorizing 1 John 1:5–2:2. This week’s verse is 1 John 1:9… “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Day One Read 1 John 4:1–21, focusing on verse 1–6; Testing the Spirits 1. What specific teaching or principle convicted or encouraged you from last week’s lesson or lecture? 2. In 1 John 4:1, what is commanded, and why? a. In verse 1, the phrase “do not believe” can be literally translated “stop believing.” Why do you think this command was necessary? b. From your earlier study of 1 John, what had these readers neglected to remember and do? (See Matthew 10:16, Acts 17:11 and 20:28–30, and 1 Thessalonians 5:21–22.) 3. According to verses 2–3, how can one determine if a teaching is from God or from the spirit of the antichrist? 4. In verse 4, how does John comfort his readers? a. What is the source of the believer’s victory, and why is it significant? How does that reassure you? 5. In verses 5–6, what contrast does John give? a. How can examining whom someone follows and learns from help discern the genuine nature of a confession of faith? (See 2 Timothy 3:10–17 and 4:3–5.)

Day Two

Read 1 John 4:1–21, focusing on verses 7–12; God Is Love 1. In verse 7, what command is given? a. Who is the source of love? b. What is evident by the presence or absence of love for others?

1 John • LESSON 5

2. Since it is God’s nature to love, we know that love doesn’t define God, but God defines love. From Psalm 136 and Psalm 145, identify some elements of God’s love. 3. According to verse 10, what is the ultimate expression of God’s love? (See also Romans 5:8–11.) 4. Spend time meditating on Ephesians 3:14–21, then write a brief prayer of thanks for how your understanding of Christ’s love has grown through your study this year.

Day Three Read 1 John 4:1–21, focusing again on verse 7–12; The Effect of Love Note: “In these verses, John addressed his audience as “beloved” whom he urged to “love one another”…Unlike emotional, physical, or friendship love, agape (love) is the love of self-sacrificing service, the love granted to someone who needs to be loved, not necessarily to someone who is attractive or loveable.” John MacArthur The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, 1 John, p. 165 1. According to verse 7, what must take place before someone is capable of this kind of love? (See also John 1:12–13 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.) 2. According to verse 11, what is the logical conclusion of experiencing God’s love? 3. In verse 12, the word translated “perfected” can be defined as “to complete, to reach the intended aim or goal.” Since no one has seen God, and Christ is no longer in the world to manifest the love of God, what do you think is accomplished when believers love one another? 4. Using Colossians 3:12–17 as a guide, how might you practically grow in your relationships with other believers this week? Be specific.

Day Four

Read 1 John 4:1–21, focusing on verse 13–16; Living in Love by the Power of the Spirit 1. According to verse 13, how can believers know that they live in God, and He lives in them? 2. From the following texts, identify elements of the work and role of Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. a. Ezekiel 36:27 b. Romans 8:5–9 c. Ephesians 1:13–14 d. Ephesians 5:17–21 e. 2 Timothy 1:12–14

1 John • LESSON 5

3. According to 1 John 4:15, what is the evidence that a person abides in God, and God abides in him or her? a. According to 1 John 4:14–16, how can someone come to know and believe the love of God?

Day Five

Read 1 John 4:1–21, focusing on verses 17–21; The Perfecting of Love 1. According to verses 16–17, what is perfected in a believer? a. What causes this, and what is its result? b. How can the knowledge that believers are like Christ give confidence on the day of judgment? (See also Romans 8:16–17, 1 Corinthians 1:30–31, and Galatians 4:7.) 2. What does verse 18 teach about the relationship between fear, love, and punishment in the life of a believer? 3. In verse 19, what truth is reiterated and what do you think is the significance of this reminder? 4. In light of John’s teaching in this chapter, do you experience the confidence produced by seeing love perfected in your heart, or are you lacking in love and fearful of coming judgment? a. In your own relationship with God, are you motivated more by love or fear? Explain your answer. What can you do to find a balance between the two? 5. According to 1 John 4:7–21, what does a God-honoring love look like in a believer’s life? 6. In your own words and in one or two sentences, briefly summarize the message of 1 John 4:1–21.

1 John 4:1–21 1. The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error (4:1–6) 2. God Is Love in Character and Nature (4:7–11) 3. God’s Love Is Perfected in His Children (4:12–21)