December 2018
Volume 132 Issue 12
The Visitor Rev. Anna Guillozet Senior Pastor 614-882-2153
A Note from Pastor Jennifer
Advent News
Congregational Care
Adult Discipleship & Spiritual Information
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Campus Ministry
Rev. Jennifer Casey Associate Pastor
A few weeks ago I was attending a conference, and I was standing in a hotel ballroom that was trying its best to look like a worship space. I was surrounded by people singing loudly praises to God who was clearly deserving. The problem? I had no voice. I was not feeling well at all. The day before my throat was scratchy, but when I woke up and tried to sing, I could not even get a note out. For this Pastor, singing in worship holds deep meaning. It is when I truly feel connected to God. But in that moment? I felt isolated and alone. Sure, I did not have a singing voice, but I felt like my connection to the Holy One went with it… Have you ever lost your voice? I’m talking about more than just when your scratchy throat kept you from speaking. Have you ever felt unheard, isolated, and alone? The Christmas story begins with Zechariah, the spouse of Elizabeth, learning that his wife was pregnant, losing his voice. Zechariah was trying to process the God story unfolding around him and his voice was gone. In this season, there are lots of voices that are competing for our attention. The voices of individuals, ideals, political parties, and theological identities are all trying to speak over each other, dominating with their volume. But do we listen for those whose voices are gone? To the voices of those who are oppressed? To the voices of those whose voices have been taken from them? Ultimately, Zechariah’s voice is restored when he declares in writing that his son’s name will be John. He and Elizabeth have stood together and have named their child according to God’s plan, and the people listened. And what is the first thing that Zechariah uses his voice for? Praising God. Perhaps instead of ignoring, mocking, and victimizing the voiceless we can find a way to hear them and proclaim God’s hope. Because I believe that when they speak, we will be surprised by the praise of our deserving God that we are led into.
Pastor Anna
A NOTE FROM PASTOR JENNIFER Beloved in Christ, As I write this note I am sitting in the Worthington Mall on a weekday morning. It is quiet and peaceful. It’s a bit too early for many shoppers to be out and about. Time and care have been put into decorating the mall. It is filled with trees, wreaths, and ribbons. While it is quiet right now, the air is filled with an anticipation of something more to come. I am reminded of the Advent season, the time in our liturgical year where we wait with anticipation for the coming of God incarnate, Jesus Christ. It is an incredibly unique, and if we allow it, challenging time in the Christian calendar. What does it mean for us to wait for something which has already arrived? Jesus Christ has already arrived, lived, died, and been resurrected. And yet we wait. This season I encourage you to reflect on what it means to wait for something which has already arrived. How are you opening yourself up to experiencing God in new and deeper ways? Where do you see God’s activity in your life and the lives of others? What spiritual disciplines could you invest or re-invest in to maintain a continual awareness of God’s Spirit? As I continue to write, a young child just stopped to marvel at the Christmas tree beside my table. As she paused to look, she exclaimed loudly to her mother, “Look mom! That tree is so big and pretty!” As you encounter God this Advent season, may you be in awe of God and marvel at God’s majesty and beauty. Grace and Peace, Pastor Jennifer
ADVENT 2018 ADVENT FOR THE AGES - Join together on Saturday, December 1, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. for an afternoon filled with worship, singing, crafts, games and supper as we begin the Advent season. This experience is designed for all ages. THE CHURCH OF THE MASTER FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE- A few years ago a big and beautiful tree was donated to Church of the Master. It sits in the front left corner under the balcony. Many of us find decorating our Christmas tree a chance to stop and reminisce with stories about the ornaments, where they came from and who they were from. We have created a “Church of the Master Family Tree”. We are asking our church family members to pick out an ornament, either from your own collection or a new one that represents you/your family to donate to the church. Beginning December 2, there will be a table to drop off the ornaments. We will take a picture of the ornament and have a simple form for you to fill out that will then be put into a scrapbook. Each year as we take out those ornaments, we will be able to reminisce about our church family, and we will offer the chance to add ornaments each year to our new family members. If you have questions about this new project, please contact Bev at the church office or
[email protected] or 330- 416-4656. BLUE CHRISTMAS - The holiday season isn’t always a time of cheer. Many are grieving over a death, loss, distance from family, illness, broken relationship, and many other reasons. If you are experiencing any type of grief, you are invited to come to a special worship experience designed to be quiet, contemplative, and mindful of those who do not experience the Christmas season with happiness. This service will be held in the sanctuary on Friday, December 21, at 7:00 p.m. In addition to our 5:00 p.m. Family and 7:30 p.m. Candlelight worship services on Christmas Eve, we will again be celebrating Communion at an 11:00 p.m. service. Each of last year’s services for Christmas Eve was special in its own way, so we encourage you to come to one, two, or all of them. You are Invited to a Church-wide Christmas Eve Potluck Supper! Are you having trouble figuring out how to find time to eat supper and attend the Christmas Eve services? We’ve got the answer for you! Join us for a Potluck Supper between the two services. The meal usually begins at approximately 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome! To facilitate planning, please let Bev Pancoast (
[email protected] or 330-416-4656) know by Saturday, December 22. You can sign up on the link below so we know what people are bringing: If you have questions, please contact Bev. Worship on December 30th will be at our regular times, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Christmas Eve Worship 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m.
Family Christmas Eve Service All Church Christmas Eve Potluck Candlelight Christmas Eve Service Midnight Christmas Eve Service with communion
: Sara Deever Barb Hinton
Marilyn Perry
ADVENT STUDY – WHEN GOD COMES DOWN - This Advent join together as we explore the meaning of the incarnation…God with us in human flesh. When God Comes Down, by James Harnish, focuses on the stories of the primary biblical characters in the birth stories through whose lives the miracle of incarnation happened: Zechariah, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Through each of these characters we hope to claim for ourselves the reality of God's presence with us. Books are $9.50 and will be available at the end of November. There are two options to join the Advent study: Thursdays, through – December 20 from 6:30–7 pm. in the Fellowship Hall Sundays, December 2 – December 23 from 9:30–10:30 a.m. in Balcony Room 20 SERMON STARTERS - Join the preacher each Wednesday for an hour of casual conversation and Bible study. Each week we will cover the scripture passage for the following Sunday. If you have a favorite Bible, bring it along, however the preacher will have copies of the scripture lesson. This study is come as you can, so come for one week or come for every week. No pre-registration required, simply show up. Class meets Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in Wagoner-Hursh. SUPPER CLUBS - Does connecting with others through good food and good conversation sound like your idea of a fun evening? If so, then a Supper Club is just for you! Supper Clubs are made up of 8-10 people who meet monthly to dine and share in fellowship together. There are no other requirements to joining. Supper Clubs are assigned randomly in order to create opportunities to meet new people and build relationships throughout the congregation. Look to the Connection Cards on December 9 & 16 to sign up for a Supper Club! THE GATHERING SUNDAY SCHOOL - You are invited to join a new Sunday School class! This class explores topics relevant to everyday living, using scripture as foundation to the conversations. Can’t commit to a weekly study? No problem! This class allows for flexibility and all are welcome. Come with an open mind and a willingness to listen or participate in stimulating conversation. Class meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the middle balcony room SEEKER’S SUNDAY SCHOOL - Do you seek out a variety of tools for your spiritual formation? If so, then the Seeker’s Sunday school class may be for you. This group utilizes a variety of methods for engaging in transformative spiritual exploration. You can expect traditional Bible studies as well as studying theologians and spiritual leaders. No pre-registration required, simply show up. Class meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Wagoner-Hursh CONNECTIONS SUNDAY SCHOOL -Searching for a group that focuses on a comprehensive understanding of Scripture? Holy Scripture is central to the spiritual formation of the Connections participants. Join the class this fall as participants read and reflect on Daniel. Class model is structured so that members are encouraged to connect to God, to the Word, and to others. Class meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the ChapeL Growing closer to God happens with intentional study, prayer, and connection to one another. Church of the Master offers a variety of Bible study and fellowship groups in order to help you become a transformed disciple of Jesus Christ. Have questions or need more information on any of our groups? Please contact Pastor Jennifer Casey at
[email protected] or 614-882-2153.
MISSIONS WESTERVILLE HABITAT PARTNERSHIP PROGRESSIVE CHRISTMAS CONCERT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 AT 7 PM Tickets for this popular and fun event will still be only $10 and will be available on Sundays December 2 and 9. Performances will be held at Church of the Master, Church of the Messiah and First Presbyterian with attendees rotating between the churches. Choirs and musical groups from those churches along with choirs from Central College Presbyterian and Grace Lutheran will perform. There will also be a “Soup for Shelter meal before the concert at Otterbein with ceramic bowls made by Columbus Academy students. The $15 ticket will get you a handmade bowl and a meal of soup, roll, dessert and beverage. Tickets can also be purchased at the Westerville Visitors’ Bureau on weekdays and online at or on the WHP Facebook page. All proceeds will benefit Delaware/Union Counties Habitat for Humanity. For more info, please see Frankie Exley or Josh Flory. HEIFER: Save the dates: Remember to visit the Heifer International table on Dec. 2 and Dec. 9 to purchase an animal or a part of an animal, honeybees or many other ways you can help needy families around the world. Honor cards will be available at the table. A great gift for your family or friends. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS - Thank you for continuing to support our neighbors in need through your donations of food and toiletries. You can make an even bigger impact by donating money instead of food items. Food pantries purchase items from Mid-Ohio Food Bank at dramatically reduced prices over what we spend at the grocery store. The same $1 spent at the grocery store on a can of soup to donate could purchase an entire case of soup through Mid-Ohio Food Bank. If you’d like to give a monetary gift to one of the food pantries please indicate your intent on your giving envelope or check. WARM NEEDS: Canned tomato products: sauce, paste, whole, stewed and with diced green chilies; canned spaghetti sauce; all types of canned fruits; baked beans, hot dog sauce, sloppy joe sauce and dried beans; peanut butter and jelly; potato and pasta sides; saltines and graham crackers; flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt and pepper; toilet paper, paper towels and tissues; size 5 & 6 diapers. Please label your donation for WARM and place in the basket in the Gathering Space. NNEMAP FOOD PANTRY: Current Needs: diapers size 5 & 6, canned vegetables and fruits, drinks of all kinds i.e. water, fruit juice, etc. Note: Other hygiene items are always low! We always need dental items, razors, and shampoo. Please label your donation for NNEMAP and place in the basket in the Gathering Space. Are you interested in more information about the ways Church of the Master is engaged in mission work locally and globally? Would you like to find out how you can plug into being the hands and feet of Jesus? Contact the Missions Chair, Chuck Erickson, or Pastor Jennifer Casey at
[email protected] for information.
OUTREACH LAUNDRY MINISTRY: We are excited to announce that Capitol Area Community Ministries is providing Church of the Master a $5,000 grant for 2019. This is the third year in a row the Church has been awarded this gift. We praise God for each of you and the ways God is active through this vita ministry. Interested in experiencing this ministry for yourself? Contact Outreach Chairperson Sherrie Mettle at s
[email protected] for more information. BRING A FRIEND TO WORSHIP ON CHRISTMAS EVE: When you’re at either worship service on Sunday, December 16, make sure you grab a ”Bring A Friend Card” (or two!) and invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker or relative to one of the Christmas Eve Services. TELECARE: Our Telecare team is in place to do the work of communicating with each church member about upcoming events in the life of the church as well as to do a check in, ensuring all are cared for. This dedicated team of servants meets on the fourth Monday of each month. If you hear your phone ringing between 7 – 9 p.m. on the fourth Monday, make sure you pick it up, there is someone excited to touch base with you!
What’s Your Gift? Do you have a heart for those who don’t yet know Jesus? Do you have the gift of hospitality? Are you a dreamer? Or would you simply like more information on the ways the Outreach Committee is engaged in the community to make new disciples of Jesus Christ? If so, please contact Outreach Chair, Sherri Mettle, or Pastor Jennifer Casey at
[email protected] for more information.
C H I L D R E N ’ S
Kay Thomas, Director of Children’s Ministry Email:
[email protected] Office Phone: 614-882-2153 ext. 209 Office Hours: M-Th, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cell Phone: 614-313-2196
Join Us Every Sunday Morning!
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL IS GROWING! Come and be Part of our Community! We offer Sunday school for children aged 3 years to 5th grade. Three, four, and five year olds are invited to gather in the Movie Room where we will sing Bible songs together and then they will move downstairs to Room 8 where they will be taught by Erin Flory, Tiffany McGinnis, and Julie Porretta. Children in 1st – 5th grade gather in the Movie Room for singing and then move to Room 17 and are taught by Kay Thomas. Please join us! RAINBOWS AND DEWDROPS - A Gift for the Whole Family! Rainbows and Dewdrops are children's church programs held during the 11 a.m. worship service. Rainbows is for children in 1st through 3rd grade while Dewdrops is for 3 year olds - Kindergarten. These programs allow parents the opportunity to worship without distractions while allowing their children time to fellowship and learn about God in an age-appropriate environment. All children are invited to begin the worship service with their parents, participate in the Children’s Moment during the service, and then to follow the teachers to the classrooms. Dewdrops is held in Room 8 downstairs and Rainbows in Room 17 upstairs.
Count Up to Christmas and Help Your Community!
M&M families are encouraged to participate in our "Count Up to Christmas" food drive for WARM. Beginning December 1, every day place one food item in your family's box. On Christmas Eve, place two items and then bring your box of 25 items to the church for the Family Christmas Eve service. We will bless your donation during the service and an anonymous donor has agreed to donate $25 to WARM for each box of 25 items that we collect! This means that not only will your family's counting provide needed food, but it will also provide funding for 50 more meals! WARM is especially asking for Canned Fruit, Condiments, Tomato Paste, Stewed Tomatoes, Sugar, Coffee, Toilet Paper, and Paper Towels. Thank you for caring for your community!
U2 Should Share Your Gift of Song and Smile!
U2 (4th – 6th graders) are invited to sign up with Kay or Bev to deliver both the gift of a poinsettia and the gift of a song and your smile to our members at Friendship Village. We'll be caroling and delivering flowers Saturday, December 8, from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Pick up and drop off will be at Friendship Village, but contact Kay or Bev if that presents a problem for you.
C H I L D R E N ’ S
Kay Thomas, Director of Children’s Ministry Email:
[email protected] Office Phone: 614-882-2153 ext. 209 Office Hours: M-Th, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cell Phone: 614-313-2196
THURSDAY EVENINGS: Preparing for God’s Presence Children’s Chime Choir Plays Monday, December 24 Children’s Chime Choir will meet at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6, 13, and 20. Session 2 concludes with ringing during the 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service on Monday, December 24. Children should report to the church at 4:15 that afternoon. If you have any questions, contact Marilyn at 614-4329996 or
[email protected]. Note for January: Session 3 of Children’s Chime Choir begins Thursday, Jan. 10, and concludes with ringing on Children’s Sabbath, March 3. Music and the Master Prepares for God’s Presence! M&Ms will meet Thursday, Dec. 6, 13, and 20. **Supper will be at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 20.** Under our yearly theme of We Can’t Have Community Without U! the month of December will be busy preparing our hearts and minds for the presence of God in our community. God will be sending us Emmaunuel, God with us. We will celebrate this gift on Christmas Eve at 5 p.m. during the Family Worship Service. We hope everyone will join us each week so our community and preparations will include you! Special Notes & Dates: · M&Ms will meet Thursday, Dec. 20. Supper will be at 5:30 p.m. that night with practice for the Family Christmas Eve service beginning at 6 p.m. The Adult Bible study remains at 6:30 so that parents can be present at the children’s practice for the first 30 minutes. ·
M&M Choirs sing during 11 a.m. service on Sunday, Dec. 23. Please meet Miss Kitty in Room 17 at 10:30 a.m. for a final practice.
Children in 1st – 5th are asked to attend a final practice on Sunday, Dec. 23, 3:30 – 5 p.m.
M&M Choirs sing and Children’s Chime Choir rings during the 5 p.m. Family Christmas Eve service. Children should report at 4:15 p.m.
M&Ms will not meet Dec. 27 or Jan. 3. We will resume on Jan. 10.
Monday, Dec. 24:
Þ 4:15 p.m. Report time for all the children participating in the Family Christmas Eve service. Þ 5 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service - Both M&M choirs will sing and the Children’s Chime Choir will ring. Þ 6:15 p.m. Potluck Dinner in the Fellowship Hall Þ 7:30 p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve Service Þ 11 p.m. Christmas Eve Service with Communion
Bev Pancoast– Director of Next Generation Ministries Email:
[email protected] Cell : 330-416-4656 Facebook: Bev Carlton Pancoast Instagram: bevpan Twitter: @Bev_Pancoast
Sunday Youth Ministry Opportunities SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. High School Youth (Green Room) All 9th-12th grade youth are invited to join us on Sunday Mornings. Through the use of current events in our culture and world we will look at how we as Christians can “LinC” our faith and the world around us. Middle School Youth (Blue Room) All 6th-8th grade youth are invited to join us on Sunday mornings. We will be looking at how we respond to our world and culture through our faith. SUNDAY EVENING YOUTH GROUP: Youth Group Mission Project Sunday, December 2, 6:00-7:30 p.m. The youth will meet together to work on “Knots of Love” blankets that will be distributed by West Ohio Disaster Relief Teams who are going to Hurricane struck areas like North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. “Knots of Love” is a mission that Bev’s mom started a few years ago– with her current illness and hospitalization, we will help fulfil her plans to get the blankets to the Conference before the end of the year. We will also be “prepping” bags for Christmas Eve that will be given to folks who have to work on Christmas Eve. Youth Christmas Party Sunday, December, 9-6:00-7:30 p.m. The “Sockings” were hung by the chimney with care…. Join the Youth Sunday, December 9th for our Christmas celebration! We will start with a “finger food” potluck. We are asking each family unit to bring a finger food or dessert to share. Also, feel free to wear your tacky Christmas Sweaters or your Christmas Jammies (church appropriate) or some of both! After snacking we will have a devotion, play a game or two, and then we will close out time together with the youth group tradition… “Sockings.” As a gift exchange we are asking each youth to bring a NEW pair of socks. We will hang the “sockings” up and then will exchange them in some way. This is a great way to get ready for “Tall Sock Tuesday” at REACH. All youth are welcome to join us for our annual youth Christmas party! Christmas Eve Instrumental Musicians All 6th-12th grade instrumentalist are invited to play pre-service music on Christmas Eve before the 5:00 worship service. If you would like to play, please let Bev know. We will meet on Sunday, December 16 and 23rd for practices. (Time to be announced)
THURSDAY EVENING YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES AT M&Ms 5:30-7:00 p.m. We will meet on December 6, December 13, and December 20 for our youth Bible Study. We will be looking at the birth of Jesus. Don’t forget that Youth Hand bells and choir will meet on December 6. It will be the final practice for our performance on December 9. All Middle School and High School youth are invited to join us on Thursday evenings! 5:30 p.m. Homework, Hang Out , or Hand Bells 6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Bible Study Camp Otterbein Winter Camp Friday, December 28– 5:00 p.m. to Sunday, December 30– 7:00 p.m. Experience God's backyard in a Winter Wonderland of faith, fellowship and adventure! Warm up with hot chocolate and worship around camp fires. Find adventurous fun with ice-blocking and winter crafts. Register NOW for only $79.00. Contact Bev Pancoast for more information. The Youth Lock-in is Coming! Mark your calendars for Friday, January 5-6 for the Youth Group Lock-in!! More information is coming! You won’t want to miss out on all the fun! Winter Jam!
Saturday, January 19, Noon - 11p.m. Winter Jam is back and we’re headed to the Schottenstein Arena for a great evening of music. We will purchase VIP tickets because it lets us in early and guarantees seats where we can be up closer to the bands. Artists include Danny Gokey, Mandisa, Rend Collective, New Song, and Newsboy United. Cost of the tickets are $35 through December 31. After December 31, cost will raise to $50/person. Please RSVP to Bev.
THE 10th ANNUAL YOUTH CHILI LUNCHEON will take place on Sunday, January 13. Join us after 11:00 a.m. worship for our 8th Annual Chili Luncheon. We’ll be serving some of the best chili in Westerville, chicken noodle soup, salad bar, and great desserts. The funds from this lunch will help defray the cost of the 2018 REACH Work Camp to Uniontown, Pennsylvania. We currently are looking at approximately 35 youth and adults planning to be a part of our Summer Mission Trip Experience.
of the Master Campus Ministry News
COLLEGE ADDRESSES NEEDED! We like to stay connected with the Church of the Master Students who are off at college. Please make sure the church has their address! You can send it to
[email protected]
Coffee Ministry - A huge thank you to all who have helped serve coffee, hot cocoa, and tea this semester. We saw about 80 students each week. The students are grateful and have heard many times “This is the reason I get up to go to my Monday Morning Class!” We will |resume in January. If anyone would like to join our Monday Morning Coffee Ministry team, please contact Bev Pancoast.
2019 West Ohio Campus Ministry Grant We are glad to announce that Church of the Master Campus Ministry was awarded a Campus Ministry grant that will allow the church to continue to fund a Campus Ministry Intern and help the church defray the cost of the water delivery for Coffee Ministries.
Girls’ and Boys’ Chrysalis Weekends 1/19- 1/21 (Girls) 2/16-2/18 (Boys) Chrysalis is a 3 day intense spiritual retreat for Youth and young adults in high school and college. It is a time for young men to build their own relationship with Jesus. It is a time of talks given by youth, adults, and clergy, worship, great food, and time with friends, both old and new. Any youth interested in participating in Chrysalis needs to get an application from Bev. Cost of the weekend is $75.00. We ask that each participant pay $50 and the church will scholarship the remaining $25. To learn more about Chrysalis, check out their webpage:
MEETING AND ACTIVITIES-DECEMBER 2018 *Meetings and activities are subject to change.
Saturday 1 9:00a.m. Advent Team Decorating 3:30p.m. Advent for the Ages
2 8:30a.m. Missions Committee Fundraiser 8:30a.m. Casual Worship Service 9:30a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a.m. Traditional Worship Service 5:00p.m. Soul Healing for couples 6:00p.m. Youth Group
9 8:30a.m. Missions Committee Fundraiser 8:30a.m. Casual Worship Service 9:30a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a.m. Traditional Worship Service
7:00a.m. Coffee Ministry
7:00a.m. Coffee Ministry
7:00a.m. Coffee Ministry
9:00a.m. Aerobics
9:00a.m. Tai Chi
9:00a.m. Aerobics
10:00a.m. Monday Work Crew
10:00a.m. Staff Meeting
11:00a.m. Sermon Starters Bible Study
10:00a.m. Quilting
10:00a.m. Mastercards
6:00p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:45p.m. Boy Scouts
7:00p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal
6:00p.m. Running Club Cookie Exchange 7:00p.m.Missions Committee
9:00a.m. Aerobics
7:00p.m. SPRC
7:00a.m. Coffee Ministry
7:00a.m. Coffee Ministry
8 2:30p.m. U2 Caroling & Poinsettia Delivery
5:00p.m. Children’s Chime Choir 5:30p.m. M&Ms (Music & the Master) 6:30p.m. Adult Bible Study & Conversation
7:00p.m. Board of Trustees 10
9:00a.m. Tai Chi
9:00a.m. Aerobics
10:00a.m. Monday Work Crew
10:00a.m. All Staff Meeting
11:00a.m. Sermon Starters Bible Study
10:00a.m. Quilting
6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts
7:00p.m. Transformative Bible Study
7:00p.m. Finance Committee
6:00p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal
5:00p.m. Children’s Chime Choir
7:00p.m. Westerville Habitat Partnership
5:30p.m. M&Ms (Music & the Master) 6:30p.m. Adult Bible Study & Conversation
7:00p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal
5:00p.m. Soul Healing for Couples 6:00p.m. Youth Group 16 8:30a.m. Bean Soup Fundraiser 8:30a.m. Casual Worship Service 9:30a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a.m. Traditional Worship Service
9:00a.m. Aerobics
10:00a.m. Quilting
10:00a.m. Office Staff Meeting
6:00p.m. Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:45 p.m. Boy Scouts
7:00p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:00p.m. Transformative Bible Study
7:00p.m. Worship Committee
9:30a.m. Sunday School for All Ages
6:15p.m. Christmas Eve Potluck Dinner
11:00a.m. Traditional Worship Service
7:30p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
3:30p.m. Practice for Family Christmas
11:00p.m. Vespers Christmas Eve Service
5:00p.m. Soul Healing for Couples
9:30a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 11:00a.m. Traditional Worship Service 5:00p.m. Soul Healing for Couples
5:00p.m. Children’s Chime Choir
7:00p.m. Blue Christmas Service
5:30p.m. M&Ms (Music & the Master) 6:30p.m. Adult Bible Study & Conversation
7:00p.m. Health & Wellness Cabinet
5:00p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service
11:00a.m. Sermon Starters Bible Study
8:30a.m. Casual Worship Service
8:30a.m. Casual Worship Service
9:00a.m. Aerobics
10:00a.m. Master Cards
5:00p.m. Soul Healing for Couples 23
10:00a.m. Monday Work Crew
2:00p.m. Piano Recital
M&M Choirs Sing
9:00a.m. Tai Chi
10:00a.m. Monday Work Crew 10:00a.m. Quilting