Detection in Analytical Chemistry

Detection in Analytical Chemistry CF BauerMcCormack, Mike, 64...

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Downloaded by on May 23, 2018 | Publication Date: December 9, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1988-0361.ix001

Author Index Bauer, C F . , 194 Brossman, Martin W., 317 Crummett, Warren B., 288 Currie, L l o y d Α., 1,171 Epstein, Michael S., 109 Grant, C . L . , 194 Hallowell, S. F., 224 Hanneman, W. William, 288 Hare, P. E . , 275 Harrington, C . L . , 244 Horwitz, William, 288 Johnson, James E., 266 Johnson, Janet Α., 266 K a h n , Henry, 317 K i n g , Donald, 317 K i r c h m e r , C l i f f J., 78 Kleopfer, Robert, 317 K o c h , William F., 210 K u r t z , D a v i d Α., 288

Liggett, Walters., 210 McCormack, M i k e , 64 M c K e n n a , Gerard, 317 Mellor, R . Α., 244 Midkiff, Charles R., Jr., 288 Moss, Thomas H . , 70 Owens, K . G . , 194 Parr, Robert M , 171 Reutter, D . J., 224 Rogers, L . B., 94 Sarver, E . W„ 224 Smith, H . C , 126 St. John, P. Α., 275 Steigstra, H . , 126 Sturdivan, L a r r y , 288 Taylor, John K . , 288,317 Watters, Robert L . , Jr., 288 Wood, Laura J., 288 Zweig, M a r k H . , 149

Affiliation Index Ministry of Environment, 317 National Bureau of Standards, 1,109,171,210,288,317 National Institutes of Health, 149 Pennsylvania State University, 288 Radboud Hospital, 126 St. John Associates, Inc., 275 U.S. A r m y Chemical Research, 224,288 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 317 University of Amsterdam, 126 University of Georgia, 94 University of N e w Hampshire, 194 Yankee Atomic Electric Company, 244

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, 288 Case Western Reserve University, 70 Colorado State University, 266 Dow Chemical Company, 288 Ecology & Environment, Inc., 78 Food and Drug Administration, 288 Geophysical Laboratory, 275 International Atomic Energy Agency, 171 Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, 288 McCormack Associates, 64

Subject Index A

Acceptable M i n i m u m Detection Amount discussion, 102,103 See also Regulatory limits, process specifications Accuracy, definition, 149

Absorption noise sources flicker noise, 119 limiting noises, 120/ shot noise, 119


Currie; Detection in Analytical Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.