Discussion about freedom from bondage and traps

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Discussion about freedom from bondage and traps From Trapped by Andy Farmer Chapter 3: The big trap and the great redemption Questions: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

In chapter 1 of Andy’s book, he talks about those who are trapped by all kinds of circumstances. The approval trap (always wanting to please those around her), the laziness trap (procrastination and unfulfilled commitments), the eating disorder trap (consumed by appearances), the pornography trap (constant battle for purity), the substance abuse trap (using substances to find peace and comfort), and the troubled marriage trap (two people who have grown apart and don’t know what to do about it). Being trapped in life can come in many different forms. If you were to describe a trap (from this list, or off this list) that you are either currently in or prone to fall into, what would it be? What does Andy say makes a redemption story great? (page 37) In what ways does Andy say that the word “ransom” speaks to the greatness of our redemption story? Was this new to you? In the Exodus passage, it says that God heard, remembered, saw and knew. How does this encourage you today? How does the idea of “substitutionary atonement” give you hope that you can walk in freedom from the traps of life? In what specific ways does the biblical truths of this chapter encourage you to walk in freedom?