
[PDF]divorce - Rackcdn.comc1940652.r52.cf0.rackcdn.com/54bec214ff2a7c55b6000a8b/Divorce-1.2015.pdfCachedMarried… But Lonely: Stop Merely Existing. S...

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DIVORCE Talking Points! • God loves marriage. If you are currently considering divorce, dig deep and know that God can heal. There is hope and help. ! • Know this - God doesn’t hate divorced people. He hates the acts of divorce because of the hurt it causes people He loves.! • Fighting for your marriage is priority. ! • If abuse is involved, separation for protection may be necessary. Safety first. ! • Reconciliation and restoration is possible. ! • With the love of Christ, extend grace and forgiveness to one another, pursuing peace. ! • Read aloud 1 Corinthians 13 replacing “love” with your name. !


Scriptures! Mark 10:6-9! 1 Corinthians 6:12-13! Matthew 19:9! Ezekiel 18:21!


Psalm 38:17-18! 1 Corinthians 13! Philippians 3:12-15! Luke 7-36-50

Prayer! Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your unconditional love and understanding. Where there is hurt, bitterness, and despair, flood me with your spirit of hope and confidence, that by Your grace things will get better. Help me to look within to discover faults that I contributed that have hurt others. May I extend the grace to others that you have extended to me, Amen.!


Suggested Reading!

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Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way - M. Gary Neuman! Growing Through Divorce - Jim Smoke! Divorce Care - Hope, Help & Healing During & After Your Divorce - Steve Grissom and Kathy Leonard! What to Do When He Says, “I Don’t Love Your Anymore” - David Clarke Ph.D! Married… But Lonely: Stop Merely Existing. Start Living Intimately - David E. Clarke! Marriage, Divorce, Soul Mates Left Behind - Julian Olson! Divorce Busting: Step-By-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again - Michele Weiner-Davis!

Online Resources! • Right Now Media - The “Netflix” for online Bible study, this valuable tool is a gift from Van Dyke Church. Contact [email protected] for a link to join. ! • divorcecare.org!


Local Counselors ! • Marriage & Family Enrichment Center! ! David Clarke, Ph.D.! ! 813.879.4927! • Drs. Bob & Shea Roop, L.M.H.C.! ! 727.298.8404! • Laurel A. Slade, Counseling Services, P.A.! ! 813.909.4463! • Life Connections Counseling Center! ! 813.265.3859 !! ! ! ! Van Dyke Church - 17030 Lakeshore Road - Lutz, FL 33558 - vandyke.org
