08-05-2018 liturgy (9.00) draft

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9:00 service + August 5, 2018

Order of Worship 

Liturgist is Rev. Randy Mayfield Themes and keywords: power, oppressed, serve


Holy, Holy, Holy

Arr. by Joseph Dilley


God calls us to worship

from Psalm 146:5, 7-10

Liturgist: Praise the Lord! Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, who executes jusOce for the oppressed, who gives food to the hungry. The Lord liSs up those who are bowed down; he watches over the sojourners and upholds the widow and the fatherless. All: The Lord will reign forever. Praise the Lord!

Psalm 72: Hail to the Lord's Anointed We praise God

Music: ST THEODULPH, Melchoir Teschner (1613) Text: James Montgomery (1821)

Psalm 72 - Hail to the Lord’s Anointed

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Text: James Montgomery 1821 Tune: Melchior Teschner 1613

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œ 1. Hail to the Lord's 2. He comes with jus 3. Kings shall fall down 4. O'er ev - 'ry foe

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noint spee fore tor

ed, great Da - vid's great - er son! dy, to those who suf - fer wrong, him and gold and in - cense bring. ious, he on his throne shall rest,



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Hail in the me ap to help the poor and All na - ons shall a from age to age more

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his reign on earth be - gun! and bid the weak be strong, his praise all peo - ple sing. all - bless - ing and all - blessed.

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Songs of worship are used with permission. CCLI #100150


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sion, to set ing, their dark ing and dai ver his co


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ion, ing, ing, er,


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ious, all

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to take a - way trans whose souls, con - demned and his king - dom s ll in his name shall stand for

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He comes to break op to give them songs for To him shall prayer un The de of me shall

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the cap ness turn - ly vows - ve - nant


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ve to as re


free, light, cend, move;

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and rule in e - qui are pre - cious in his a king-dom with - out that name to us is

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all - blessed.


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ty. sight. end. love.

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We pray for God to help us worship Pastor: All:

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! He died for us that we might live for him.

We greet one another with the peace of Christ SEATED

God calls us to confess our sin

from Mark 8:34; 1 John 1:6, 9

Liturgist: Jesus said, “If anyone would come aSer me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not pracOce the truth. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

page 2

We confess our sin All:

Our Creator and King, forgive us for misusing the power you give us by serving ourselves rather than people in need. Forgive us for cheering for strong leaders to protect us but walking away from sacrifice and suffering for the powerless and oppressed when we desire our safety and comfort in this life more than your eternal honor and purpose. Forgive us for not seeing, hearing, or caring for the vulnerable: the hungry, the prisoner, the widow, the orphan, the immigrant, and others hurt by the powerful. Lord, have mercy on us.

(silent prayers of confession)

Liturgist: Loving Lord, we are sorry for all the ways that we have misused our power to serve sinful desires rather than your mission of mercy for others. Help us abide in Christ and follow him in the way of the cross by laying down our lives to sacrifice and serve in the love and power of your Spirit so that our lives will reflect your character in word and deed.


God declares our forgiveness Liturgist:

from 2 Timothy 1:9-10

God saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. For all who have turned from sin in sorrow and look to God for mercy, this is God’s giS. In Jesus Christ, God loves you, God forgives you, God accepts you, and God rejoices over you as beloved daughters and sons.


Hallelujah, Amen!

page 3

Before the Throne of God Above We praise God Before the Throne of God Above

#3 & #4

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1. Be - fore the throne of 2. When Sa - tan tempts me 3. Be - hold him there the

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Text: Charitie Lees Bancroft 1863 Tune: Vikki Cook 1997 © 1997 Sovereign Grace Music

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God a - bove I have a strong and per - fect to des - pair and tells me of the guilt with ris - en Lamb, my per -fect spot - less righ - teous

œ œ œ

j œ œ œ œ œ


œ œ

plea, a great high priest whose name is love, who ev - er lives and pleadsfor in, up - ward I look and see him there, who made an end of all my ness, the great un -change - a - ble I Am, the King of glo - ry and of

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me. My name is grav - en on his hands; my name is writ - ten on his sin. Be - cause the sin - less Sav - ior died my sin - ful soul is coun ted grace. One with him - self I can - not die; my soul is pur -chased by his

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heart. I know that while in heav'n he stands no tongue can bid me thence de free, for God the just is sa - s - fied to look on him and par - don blood. My life is hid with Christ on high, with Christ my Sav - ior and my

# & # Ϫ part, me, God,

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no tongue to look with Christ




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bid me him and Sav - ior

thence par and

de don my


part. me. God.


God instructs us in scripture reading

God instructs us in preaching

Psalm 146 (pew Bible p. 525)

“What Do I Do With My Power?” Rev. Dr. Mike Farley

page 4

We offer ourselves in gifts and song 
 Prior to singing, we will take a moment of silence to reflect and pray.

Psalm 146

#6 & #8 œ

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1.Hal 2.Hap 3.Food 4.Hal -

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Text: Trinity Hymnal Tune: Rowland H. Pritchard

le py he le -

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lu - jah, priase Je is the man that dai - ly gives the lu - jah, praise Je -

œ œ œ

ho - vah, choos - es hun - gry, ho - vah,

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I will sing the glo - rious he is blessed whose hope of rais - es those bowed down with I will sing the glo - rious

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Put no Heav'n and Well Je O - ver

con - fi earth the ho - vah all God


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œ O Is sets O

my soul Je rael's God to the mourn- ing my soul Je -

j œ œ

œ œ œ œ

prais - es of my bless - ing on the an - guish, makes the prais - es of my

j œ œ œ œ


dence in princ - es, nor for Lord cre - at - ed, seas and loves the righ - teous, and the reigns for ev - er, through all

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help all strang a -

all - my days. God is stayed. eye to see. all my days.

œ œ œ

on that - er ges

man they he he

j œ œ œ œ œ

die to dust re - turn - ing, and his liv - ers from op - pres - sion, righ - teous fa - ther - less and wid - ow, judg - ment him, your God, O Zi on, joy - ful

pur ness on hal -

We pray for the church and the world Liturgist:

(prayers for the church and the world)


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptaIon, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. page 5


de - pend; con - tain; be - friends, is king;

j œ œ™

pos - es shall end. he will main - tain. the wick - ed sends. le - lu - jahs sing.



ho - vah praise; be his aid; pris - 'ner free, ho - vah praise;

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God feeds us at his table Central Presbyterian welcomes all ChrisOans who acOvely trust in Jesus Christ for salvaOon, who are willing to forsake their sin, and who are members of congregaOons that proclaim the gospel to receive Holy Communion with us. If you are not ready to receive communion, you may simply pass the elements by. We also urge you to meditate on one of the prayers below. Bread: The bread is gluten-free. Ea)ng and drinking: Please eat and drink as you receive the bread and the cup when you are ready. We will not hold the elements and wait to eat unOl all have been served. Prayer for those searching: Lord Jesus, you claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. Help me to be undaunted by the cost of following you as I consider the reasons for doing so. If what you claim is true, please guide me, teach me, and open me to the reality of who you are. Give me an understanding of you that is coherent and convincing and that leads to the life you promise. Amen. Prayer of new belief: Lord Jesus, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever dared believe, but through you I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt on the cross, taking what I deserved in order to offer me complete forgiveness. Knowing that you have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive you as my Savior and Lord. Amen.

Behold the Lamb

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Text and tune: Keith & Kristyn Getty, & Stuart Townend; © 2006 Thankyou Music

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1. Be - hold the lamb who bears our sins a - way, 2. The bod - y of our Sav - ior Je - sus Christ, 3. The blood that cleans - es ev - 'ry stain of sin, 4. And so with thank - ful - ness and faith we rise

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slain torn shed to

for us for you for you re spond -

œ œ

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& ˙™ sign sign sign join

in this bread in this bread in this bread in his suf -

œ œ of of of in

of of of fer -


we and and to

re - mem - ber re - mem - ber; re - mem - ber re - mem - ber

the us of on

œ œ

œ œ

cross. one. God. earth.

So So So So

we we we we


œ œ

œ œ life, life, life, ing,

and and and we

we drink we drink we drink pro - claim

‰ œ

our bonds our bonds our bonds the feast

for - give - ness at the price to make re - ceive the life his bod - y here


œ œ

share share share share

and eat drink and

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the pro - mise made that all who come in faith find the wounds that heal, the death that brings us life, paid he drained death's cup that all may en - ter in to our call to fol - low in the steps of Christ as

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peace love grace heav'n

his sac his sac his sac will come

ri ri ri a


fice as a fice as a fice as a gain! And we'll

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of of of Christ

the the the the

ta ta ta ta


ble ble ble ble

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the the the the

king. king. king. king.

God blesses us and sends us out Pastor: All:

And all God’s people said . . . Hallelujah! Amen.

Doxology Doxology

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Text: Thomas Ken 1709 OLD HUNDREDTH Tune: Louis Bourgeois, Genevan Psalter, 1551



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bless - ings flow; Praise Him, all crea

Praise God from whom all

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hosts; Praise

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Fugue in G minor The flowers in the chancel are dedicated to the glory of God in loving memory of our dear daughter, sister, and aunt, Beth, by the Terry Dunaway family.

Central Presbyterian Church 7700 Davis Drive, Clayton, Missouri 63105 + 314-727-2777 www.centralpres.com page 7


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J. S. Bach