10-14-2018 liturgy (8.30) draft

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8:30 service + October 14, 2018 Worshiping as a Family Corporate worship is for people of all ages, and the presence of children is a giC to the church. All are welcome here. Other opGons for children include nursery (ages 8 weeks — 2 years), the cry room, and children’s worship during the sermon at the 8:30 service (ages 3 — 1st grade). Ushers or greeters can give you direcGons. “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.’” (Mark 10:14)

Order of Worship Liturgist is Rev. Randy Mayfield Themes and keywords: love, liberate


Meditation on “Beautiful Savior” Chancel Ringers

Silesian folk tune Arr. by Cathy Moklebust


God calls us to worship Liturgist: All: Liturgist: All:

from Psalm 50:15; 34:3, 8, 10

The sovereign Lord says, “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” So come, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in him, for those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

We praise God

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Hymnal #8

Text: Joachim Neander translated by Catherine Winkworth Tune: Stralsund Gesangbuch 1665

We pray for God to help us worship Pastor: All:

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! He died for us that we might live for him.


God calls us to confess our sin Liturgist:

from Joel 2:12-13

The Lord says: “Return to me with all your heart, with fasGng, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. page 1

Songs of worship are used with permission. CCLI #100150

We confess our sin

Come, ye sinners, poor All (sing): stanzas 1, 2, and 3 of “Come, Ye Sinners” 

and wretched

Come, Ye Sinners

b 4 & b bb 4 œ 1. Come, 2. Come, 3. Come, 4. Lo! 5. Saints

b & b bb œ

Text: Joseph Hart 1759 Tune: Anonymous 1835 and D. Gill 2015


œ œ


œ œ


ye sin - ners, ye need - y, ye wear - y, th'in - car - nate and an - gels,

poor and come and heav - y God, a join'd in

œ œ


wretch - ed, wel - come, lad en, scend - ed, con - cert,

weak God's bruised pleads sing

œ œ

œ œ

and wound - ed, free boun - ty and bro - ken the mer - it the prais - es

œ œ



œ œ

œ œ œ

œ œ

sick and sore. glo - ri - fy, by the fall. of his blood. of the Lamb,

bb &b b œ

Je true If Ven while

sus be you ture the



stands to true re ll you're ven - ture courts of

save you, pen - tance, bet - ter, whol - ly, heav - en

œ œ œ

full of ev' - ry you will let no sweet - ly


pit grace nev oth ech



˙ œ œ

b & b bb œ

read - y lief and tar - ry on him, joy - ful




y that er er o

joined with pow'r: brings you nigh. come at all. trust in - trude. with his name,





œ œ

He is With - out Not the None but Hal - le -

œ a - ble, mon - ey, righ - teous, Je - sus, lu - jah!

œ œ




œ he is with - out not the none but Hal - le -

a mon righ Je lu -

ble, ey, teous, sus, jah!

he is come to sin - ners can do Sin - ners

page 2

will Je Je help here


ing; sus sus less may

doubt no Christ and came to sin - ners sing the

more. buy. call. good. same.


Liturgist: All:

Our paGent Father, you have made us your children by grace. But we have prodigal hearts, prone to wander and run from you and from all that is good for us. You offer us fatherly love and a place at your side. But we seek the illusion of freedom apart from you, and we seek our own loves and longings in other places. So we live with hearts far from you, following at a distance or running away where we think you cannot see. You offer us fatherly wisdom. But we prefer the folly of our own reckless path. Lord, have mercy on us.

Liturgist: All:

Liturgist: All:

(silent prayers of confession) Liturgist:

Gracious Father, in your mercy, liberate us from believing the lie that the world’s corrupGon will truly saGsfy and from spurning the way of eternal love that you freely offer us. By the power of your Spirit, open our eyes to see what is true and capture our hearts again by your great love and goodness so that we will run to you and receive the abundant life you give us in Christ.

All (sing): stanzas 4 and 5 of “Come, Ye Sinners” (previous page) STANDING (IF ABLE)

God declares our forgiveness Liturgist:

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
 He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquiGes.
 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
 so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
 as far as the east is from the west,
 so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
 As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.


from Psalm 103:8, 10-13

For all who have turned from sin in sorrow and look to God for mercy, this is God’s giC. In Jesus Christ, God loves you, God forgives you, God accepts you, and God rejoices over you as beloved daughters and sons. Hallelujah, Amen! page 3

I Know that MySTREET Redeemer Lives DUKE I Know that My Redeemer Lives DUKE STREET I Know that My Redeemer Lives DUKE STREET

 God °We##praise 4 ˙ Lives œ œ ˙ °& ##4 ˙I Know That œœ Redeemer œœ My ˙ œ œ œ ˙˙ °& # 4 œœ œ ˙ œRe - deem ˙ °& ### 441. I˙˙ œ know my œœ that ˙ ˙ - Re œ œ- deem & 42. He œœ - um 1. I˙ know my œœ that ˙ lives tri phant from œ ˙ œ 2. He lives that tri um phant from 1. I know my Re deem 3. He to - grant me rich 1. I 2. He 3. He 4. He 2. He 4. He 3. He 5. He 5. He 3. He 4. He ? ## 44 4. He ˙˙ 5. He ˙˙ ¢ ? ## 4 5. He

¢ ? ## 44 ˙˙ °¢¢? #### 4 ˙˙ °& ## ˙˙ °& # °& ### ˙˙˙ & what ˙ what He what He He what He ? ## He ˙˙ ¢ ? ## He ˙˙˙ ¢ ? # He

know lives lives lives œœ lives lives œœ

lives to com - fort e e lives and to lives, lives to lives, œœ œœ and lives to œœ lives, and œœœ and lives, œœ

œœ œœ œœ lives, œ œ lives, lives

He He He He ˙˙ ? ## He ¢ ? ## He ˙˙

lives, lives lives lives œœ lives lives œœ

¢ ? ## °¢¢? #### °& ## °& # °& ### &

˙˙˙ ˙ ˙ ˙˙ He ˙˙˙ He He

He He He ˙˙ ? ## He ˙˙ ? # ¢ # He ˙

¢ ? ## ˙˙ ¢? # ˙ ¢ #

my um - grant si -um - grants si -grant grants grant si si grants

Re phant me lence phant lence me me lence ˙œ lence œ me ˙œ me œ


this ter - guide wipe ter - guide wipe I guide wipe ˙I wipe ˙I ˙I


œœ œœ He œœœ He all all lives, He lives to He all to all to my to my œ to my œ my œ

œœœ œ œ œ œ œ lives, œ lives, lives œ lives lives,


œ˙ œ œ˙˙ œ˙ who œ˙ who rious



œœ œœœ œœ œœ œœ œœ lives, œglo lives, œlives, œ-- - rious glo who com fort lives, com glo - calm glo calm com - man com man calm œ œ˙calm man œ œ˙man œ-

œ œ˙˙ ™œ ˙ œ ˙œ™™ œ œ™ ˙™ œ my ev ˙œ™™ œ my œ™ ex alt œ - ev

lives, lives lives lives œ lives œ lives œ

ex my to my to ex all ex all to to all œœ all to œ œ to œ



me sweet nal a -nal me a -shall me shall œa œ-œ˙˙a shall shall œ˙ œœ


alt ev hear ev hear alt bless alt hear bless bring hear bring bless œœ ™™ bless bring œ œ ™™ bring

œ œœœ ™™™

œ œ œ œ œ

who fort rious my rious my fort sion fort sion ˙˙my sion ˙˙my ˙sion

˙˙ ˙ œ œJJ œJœJ-----

œ œ œ œ


deem from rich all from all rich dai dai rich all œ œ all dai œ˙˙ œœ dai

˙˙ ˙ ˙ grants ˙˙ ˙œ œ œ˙ œ œœ ˙ ˙œ ˙ œ˙ œ œ œ ˙ œœ œœ ˙œ ˙ ˙ ˙œ ˙œ œ œœ œœ ˙ ˙ œ˙ œ œ - fort œ this œ˙ œ sen ˙ com sweet œ˙ œ - fort ˙ - sweet œ œ- sen com lives eœ - this ter nal ly œ e - guide ter - sweet nal ly com - fort this sen lives to me with

˙˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙˙ He ˙ ˙ He

# °¢¢? #### °& ## °& # °& ### &

that tri to tri to and and to œœ to and œ œœ and

er the sup my the my sup ly ly sup my œmy #œ œ˙˙ly #œ œly

lives; grave; ply; fears; grave; fears; ply; breath; breath; ply; fears; w fears; breath; w w breath; w

#œ œ ˙œ˙ #œ œ ˙˙˙ œ ˙˙ ˙˙ œ- tence ˙ -œ tence to

w w w w w w w w gives! w w gives! w save;


to tence his his tence to my to his my quer his quer my ˙˙ my quer ˙˙ quer

save; gives! eye; eye; gives! save; tears; save; eye; tears; death; eye; death; tears; w tears; w death; w death; w

˙˙ œ œ œ˙ œ ˙œ œ ˙œ œ once ˙ once in

˙˙ ˙ œ œœ œœ was œœ was the

w w w w w w w w dead; w dead; w sky;

in once me once me in trou in trou me to œ me to trou œ œtrou œœœto œœto œ

the was when was when the bled the bled when pre when pre bled ˙œpre œ˙œbled ˙pre œ -

sky; dead; faint; dead; faint; sky; heart; sky; heart; faint; pare; faint; pare; heart; w heart; pare; w w pare; w


œ˙ œ

w w w w w w Head. w Head. w high. w w high. Head. plaint.

with sen ly way ly with way con with con way ˙ way con ˙˙˙ con ˙˙

œ œ

œ œœœ œœ er œœ er ed

˙ ˙˙˙ liv ˙˙ liv ˙˙ there

ed er my er my ed ings ed my ings me my me ings œ ings me œœœ me œœ

there liv soul's liv soul's there to there soul's to safe soul's safe to ˙ to safe ˙ safe ˙

œœ œœ œœJœ œœœ Jœ œœ œ Jœœpage œ4 œ J

œText: Samuel Medley œ w 1775 œ Tune: œ John Hatton 1793 w œ œ w er lives; œ œ w er lives; the œ œ grave; w the grave; er lives; sup ply; -



œ œœœ œœ œœ

œ œ

˙ ˙˙˙ ing ˙˙ ing on ˙˙ on ing com ing com on im on com im ly com ly im œ im ly œ˙ ly ˙œ

˙œ ˙


Head. plaint. high. part. high. plaint. part. there. there. part. œ plaint. w part. there. w œ there. w w œ


w w w w


O, for a Closer Walk with God

O, for a closer walk with God, a calm and heavenly frame; a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the Lamb!

Return, O holy dove, return, sweet messenger of rest; I hate the sins that made thee mourn and drove thee from my breast.

So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my frame, so purer light that marks the road that leads me to the Lamb.

Text: William Cowper Tune: C. V. Stanford


We greet one another with the peace of Christ


God instructs us in scripture reading

Luke 15:11-32 (pew Bible pp. 874-875)

God instructs us in preaching

“The Wandering Lost Son” Rev. Dr. Clay Smith

page 5

We offer ourselves in gifts and song Prior to singing, we will take a moment of silence to reflect and pray.

Though the World and Many Idols

# & # 68 œ

j œ œ

1.*Though the 2.*Though the 3.*Though my 4.*On that

j œ

world and dev C il sin, my day of

œ œ œ œœ œ

man C y i C dols wields temp C ta C @on self C ab C sorp C @on Christ's re C turn C ing,

# &# œ

j œ œ

# &# œ

œ œ J

j œ œ œ œ œœ

œ œ J

j œ œ œ œ œœ

clam C or and he I do No more

God, Christ, Yet I

# &# œ

paid and his I

j œ œ œ œ œœ œ

for my whis C pers not the tears or

my Fath C er, my Lov C er, my Sa C vior, will wor C ship

the his own call

Text: Gina Tuck 2010, © 2010 Gina Tuck Tune: Sherdonna Denholm 2010, © 2010 Sherdonna Denholm

heart's ac C good death

my my he him

price for my truth holds firm Spir C it guides him my Ab C


Cre C a C Re C deem trans C forms un C hin C

re C for C and ba,

tor, C er, me, dered


bel C lion, ev C er, com C forts, Fath C er;


sought while heart and


j œ œ

all de C mand my like a dag C ger wa C ges bat C tle I shall see him

al C le C giance, mock cu C sa C @ons of I want to; I or sor C row; all


j œ œ


j œ œ

my my live cre

œ J

j œ œ.

loy C al C ty, to my faith, in my breast, as he is.

j œ œ

j œ œ.

faith C less pi C e C ty, grim, un C love C ly state. not what I con C fess. C a C @on back to bliss.


to ran C I strayed, of flesh be C hold

j œ œ

made me his right C eous C ness pleased to make he calls me

j œ

som for for his

j œ

by to in his

œ œ œ œ.

back his own, me he died, heart of stone; lov C ing smile.


j œ œ.

grace a C lone. me ap C plied. me his home. pre C cious child.


We pray for the church and the world Liturgist: All:

(prayers for the church and the world) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptaIon, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

We praise God Take My Life and Let It Be

Text: Francis R. Havergal 1874 Tune: Henri César Malan 1827

Hymnal #379 page 6

God blesses us and sends us out Pastor: All:

And all God’s people said . . . Hallelujah! Amen.

Doxology Doxology

° #4 & 4 œœ


Text: Thomas Ken 1709 OLD HUNDREDTH Tune: Louis Bourgeois, Genevan Psalter, 1551







œ œ









œ œ


¢ ° # & œœ

œ œ

œ œ



bless - ings flow; Praise Him, all crea

Praise God from whom all

? # 44 œœ


œ œ


U œ œ



œ U œœ



œ œ

? # œœ



œ œœ œ

heavn' - ly

œ œ

œ œ

¢ œœ

U ˙



° #œ & œ Ho


œ œ





˙ ˙



U œœ


tures here be - low;

œ œ


œ œ

œ œ

œ œ


œ œ



hosts; Praise

œ œ


œ œ œ œ œ

Fa Praise


ther, Son, and










œ œ

œ œ



w w


œ œ œ ˙ ?# œ œ œ ¢ ˙



˙ ˙



˙ ˙



œ œ


˙ ˙



w w

P. Manz

Sermon discussion quesGons are available in paper copies at the Hanley Road entrance, on the table outside the Choir Room, and online at www.centralpres.com as sermon “Notes.”

Central Presbyterian Church 7700 Davis Drive, Clayton, Missouri 63105 + 314-727-2777 www.centralpres.com page 7