(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,804,256 B2

Mar 12, 2008 - ...

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(12) Ulllted States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:

Melanson (54)

(45) Date of Patent:


(75) Inventor:

4,334,250 A



Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35


0585789 Al

U.S.C. 154(b) by 358 days.




(21) Appl. NO.Z 12/047,262 (22)

Sep. 28, 2010

6/1982 Theus

John L. Melanson, Austin, TX (US)

(73) Assignee: Cirrus Logic, Inc., Austin, TX (US) (*)

US 7,804,256 B2


Mar. 12, 2008

Linear Technology, “Single Switch PWM Controller with Auxiliary Boost Converter,” LTl950 Datasheet, Linear Technology, Inc.


Prior Publication Data

US 2008/0224636 A1

Mllpilas, CA, 2003

Sep. 18, 2008


Related US. Application Data _ _


Primary Examinei’iTuyet V0




(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiHamllton & Ternle, LLP;

(60) Prov1s1onal applicatlon No. 60/894,295, ?led on Mar.

Kent 3 Chambers

12, 2007, prov1s1onal application No. 60/909,458, ?led on Apr. 1, 2007.


G05F 1/00



Int. Cl. 2006.01

H02M 3/335 (52)


Ali ght emitting diode LED li ghting s y stem includes a PFC


and output voltage controller and a LED lighting poWer sys

us. Cl. ..................... .. 315/291; 315/247; 315/224;

tent The eentreller advantageously Operates from an auxil

315/274; 315/307; 363/19; 363/2101; 363/2105;

iary voltage less than a link voltage generated by the LED


lighting poWer system. The common reference voltage alloWs

Field of Classi?cation Search ............... .. 315/247,

all the Components Of lighting System to Work together- A

315/246’ 224’ 225’ 291’ 297’ 307L311’ 185 S’ 315/312L324’ 274’ 278’ 279; 363/19, 15,

poWer factor correction sWitch and an LED drive current sWitch are coupled to the common reference node and have

363/2101, 23’ 2105’ 2109’ 211’ 2111’

control node-to-common node, absolute voltage that alloWs

363 /21_1 2’ 2113 See application ?le for Complete Search history

the controller to control the conductivity of the sWitches. The LED lighting system can utiliZe feed forWard control to con

currently modify poWer demand by the LED lighting poWer (56)


system and poWer demand of one or more LEDs. The LED lighting system can utiliZe a common current sense device to

' '

provide a common feedback signal to the controller repre

3,790,878 A

2/ 1974 Brokaw

3,881,167 A

4/1975 Pelton et al.

senting current in at least tWo of the LEDs.

4,075,701 A

2/1978 Hofmann

30 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets 300 303 SWITCHING POWER CONVERTER 308




312,, 320 |


1 vi,

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301 s11

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