16.11.18 Homework letter

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Friday 16th November 2018 Dear Parents Learning update this week … This week has been anti-bullying week. We have talked about what bullying is. We have read non-fiction books about space and talked about why stars twinkle. In our Maths we have been practising addition and learning about 3D shapes. We enjoyed our Children in Need activities on Friday. Next week we will be…       

Looking at the story ‘Night Monkey, Day Monkey’ and thinking about things we do during the day and at night. Looking at the different ways we can represent the number 7. Discovering how to light a bulb by making a circuit. Learning how to use DoodleMaths. Creating art work based on shadows. Practising our Nativity Looking at the sounds ff, l, ll and the tricky word ‘the’ in our phonics.

How can I help my child at home? Talking homework: What would you do if you met an alien? Superstar learner’s homework: Look out of your window when it is light. Draw what you can see. Look out of the same window when it is dark. Draw what you can see. Talk about what is similar and different in your pictures. Please write a comment in the box on the back of the homework letter to let us know how your child found the homework. Please note: -



I have found a way to share the phonics workshop with you. Please type in this link and hopefully you will be able to watch it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dlXyX-eLCNDm9J3POMOMdhybh2ClR6dQ Let me know if there are any problems. Next week the children will be shown how to use DoodleMaths. Once I have worked with all the children I will send home the login details and a PowerPoint handout showing how DoodleMaths works. I will make a video again and post the link on the homework letter. Please return ‘Discovered at Home’ sheets as you complete them and let me know if you need more. Please make sure your child brings their book bag to school every day with their reading record, library book and book without words. Please comment in the reading record how your child has done with the books. During the week we will check your child’s keywords and change both their books.

We thank you for your support. Please come and speak to Mrs Mayers or Mrs Sullivan if you have any questions or e-mail [email protected] Kind regards, The Reception Team

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