2017-18 awana registration

2017-18 awana registration - Rackcdn.coma8875a10d6b91a726909-899214c5f90d8900197be3f7050c8e4a.r14.cf2.rackcdn.com/...

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2017-18 AWANA REGISTRATION ► Cost of Registration does NOT include T-shirts or Vests Has your child previously attended AWANA at GCC?

 YES  NO Another Church?  YES

 NO

Nursery (On-Site Leader’s children only)

Circle One: $20-Puggles (2 yr. olds. On-Site Leader’s children only)

$25-Cubbies (3 & 4 yr olds)

If YES, current book or last book completed:

$25-Sparks (K’s-2nd grade)




$30-T-N-T (3rd–6th grade) GRADE_______

BIRTHDATE ____ - ____ - ____

LAST _____________________________________ FIRST___________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________ ZIP____________ E-MAIL ______________________________ If you are a leader you receive a $5 discount per child. Willing to be a Leader: Yes_____ No_____

Currently a Leader: Yes_____ No_____

Age group you’d like to work with____________________ MEDICAL RELEASE:

In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency during AWANA, I hereby give my permission to the physician selected by Grace Community Church to hospitalize and/or secure proper treatment for my child as deemed necessary.

Allergies/Medical conditions _______________________________________________________________ PHOTO RELEASE:  I give my permission to GCC to post photos that include my children on the GCC website. I understand that, at any time, I can rescind my permission by sending a written request to Grace Community Church. 

I DO NOT give my permission to GCC to post photos of my children.

PRINT Parent/Caregiver’s Name ____________________________________________________________ Relationship to child _____________________________ EMERGENCY PHONE# ____________________

Signature of Parent/Caregiver ______________________________________________________________

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Registration Paid:  CASH Logged in Shelby: _____________

 CHECK # __________