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Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 1

Wisdom Wranglers Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo About this Series:

Get ready for a wild west rodeo in Kid-O-Deo! Sometimes, making the right choice is tough. That’s when we need to rustle up something super important: wisdom! Wisdom helps us make the right choices, and we can get all we need from God. Join us this series as we wrangle some of the tough choices we all must make, and see how God can help us be wise!

Memory Verse:

Proverbs 9:10- If you want to become wise, you must begin by respecting the Lord.

Weekly Overview: Lesson:


Big Idea:

Lesson 1: May 19/20

Takin’ Care Of the Land God’s creation, Genesis 2

Taking care of this world is a wise choice.

Lesson 2: May 26/27

Sayin’ Good Things Onesimus, Philemon

Saying good things is a wise choice.

Lesson 3: June 2/3

Obeyin’ Your Ma and Pa Noah, Genesis 6:9 - 7:23

Obeying my parents is a wise choice.

Lesson 4: June 9/10

Tellin’ the Truth Zacchaeus’ change, Luke 19:1-10

Telling the truth is a wise choice.

Lesson 5: June 16/17

Spend Time Prayin’ Ezra 8:21-36

Spending time with God is a wise choice.

Lesson 6: June 23/24

Helpin’ Around the Homestead Jesus’ story, Matthew 25:14-30

Being responsible is a wise choice.

Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 2

Wisdom Wranglers Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo (continued) Lesson 1: Takin’ Care Of the Land When God made this world, he gave us a job to do. We get to explore, learn about, and live in this world, but that also means we need to treat it well. This week, we’ll hear the story of how God gave Adam and Eve an important job, and learn that taking care of our world is a wise choice. Lesson 2: Sayin’ Good Things Philemon wasn’t sure what to do. His servant, Onesimus, had run away, but now he was back, with a letter from Paul. Paul was Philemon’s friend, and now he was asking him to take Onesimus back, even though he had run away. Instead of commanding Philemon to do something, though, Paul encouraged him. Paul’s letter to Philemon shows us that kind things are some of the most powerful things we can say. Lesson 3: Obeyin’ Your Ma and Pa God asked a man named Noah to do something that seemed really weird. Even though Noah lived in the desert, God told him to build a huge boat! This week, we’ll talk about how we can learn from Noah’s obedience to God, and make the wise choice to obey your parents. Lesson 4: Tellin’ the Truth Zacchaeus the tax collector wasn’t known for telling the truth. In fact, he would lie about how much money he took from people and keep the extra for himself. All that changed, though, when Zacchaeus met Jesus. Because Jesus treated him like a friend, Zacchaeus saw how important it is to tell the truth, and it changed his life. Lesson 5: Spend Time Prayin’ A prophet named Ezra had a long journey ahead of him. He led a group of God’s special people from Babylon back to their home in Jerusalem. Ezra knew the journey would be difficult, so he and God’s special people prayed. We can learn from Ezra’s example and make the wise choice to spend time with God too! Lesson 6: Helpin’ Around the Homestead “Responsibility” is a big, but very important word, that means doing what you are asked to do. Jesus told a story about being responsible. He showed that when you do your best, people will trust you with more. If we make a wise choice and do what we are asked to do, even little things like chores, we can be trusted with more! That’s the wise choice of responsibility.

Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 3

Wisdom Wranglers Lesson Outline for Kid-O-Deo Lesson 6: Help Around the Homestead Lesson Segment

Total Running Time

Kid-O Playtime Transition Time Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video (3:00)


Welcome (2:00) Value (:30) Worship Song: B-I-B-L-E (3:00) Bible Adventure (5:00) Memory Verse (3:00) Worship Song: Super Wonderful (3:00) Application (5:00) Big Idea Video (2:00) Kid-O-Whampus (2:00) Prayer (2:00) Transition Time (3:00)


Group Time (15:00)

Video Cue


Slide Cue

Audio Cue

Tech Notes

Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 4

Opening Song


(Roll when directed) Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video

(Auto advance) Kid-O-Deo Slide



Hello Kid-Os! Welcome to Kid-O-Deo! I’m super excited to be here with all of you! My name is _____________. If this is your first time in Kid-O-Deo, we are extra happy that you are here with us! Today we will sing about God, hear a Bible story, learn how to be wisdom wranglers, and go Kid-O-Whampus together! Before we get started, let’s practice saying the three rules we have here in Kid-O-Deo! Rule #1: When I’m talking, you are listening! Everyone put on your listening ears, and on the count of three, let’s practice listening! Rule #2: Keep your hands and feet to yourself! Do a little clap and place your hands in your lap! Rule #3: Stay in your spot! Let’s take our special glue sticks and put some glue on our spot to help us stay in the right place! Nice job! Kid-Os, those rules are very important because they help us remember to listen and be respectful to others, so that we can all learn a lot and have fun!



Kid-Os, today is a big day. We’re going to learn a lot! Did you know that God made all of us to love others? We can love others by being good friends and family members. Can you all repeat after me? I will be, I WILL BE, a good friend, A GOOD FRIEND, and family member! AND FAMILY MEMBER!

Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 5



Awesome! Kid-Os, we can learn a lot about being a good friend and family member in a special book called the Bible. Let’s sing a song about the Bible now! Song 1: B-I-B-L-E (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “Wisdom Wranglers”

Bible Adventure


Singing with you is so much fun! Kid-Os, we have a lot more fun planned for you today, so let’s get started right away! It’s time for…the Bible Adventure! Bible Adventure Jingle

Going on a Bible Adventure is awesome, but there’s something special that every cowpoke needs for it! What do we really, really need for a Bible Adventure? A BIBLE! Do This: Show kids the Bible.

Right! We need a Bible for our Bible Adventure! Kid-Os, I have another important question for you. Are the stories in the Bible real or pretend? REAL! Yes! What we read about in the Bible really, truly happened. Do This: Get the Bible storybook out and sit down in the chair.

This story I’m going to tell you comes from the Bible, but we use this storybook because the pictures help us imagine what it might have looked like back when the Bible was written. The pictures you see in here are the same as the ones on the screen. Settle in, wisdom wranglers, and let’s get started! Do This: Have kids help you “turn” the pages on the screen with an exaggerated arm wave. Picture 1: Jesus teaching

Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 6

While he was here on earth, Jesus taught many lessons to his followers. Jesus told lots of stories to help them understand how to follow him and live God’s way. One day, Jesus told the story of the man who had to go on a trip. Picture 2: Master and servants/bags of money

The man put his workers in charge of his gold while he was gone. He gave five bags of gold to one. He gave two bags to another. And he gave one bag of gold to the third. Picture 3: Men with money bags

While the man was on his trip, the worker who had received five bags of gold worked hard and earned five more bags of gold. The one with the two bags of gold earned two more. But the man who had received one bag went and dug a hole in the ground and hid his boss’ money in it. Picture 4: Master Returns

When the man came back from his trip, he was disappointed in the man who had hidden the money, but was very happy with the first two men because they had worked hard and earned more money while he was gone. He told them, “You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things.” Series Title Slide: “Wisdom Wranglers”

Good listening, wisdom wranglers! Kid-Os, that was a great example of people being responsible! Because the first two men were responsible and did their best, their boss was really happy! In a little bit, we’re going to talk more about helping out and being responsible. But for now, we’ve finished the Bible Adventure and it’s time to get on our horses and ride on over to the Memory Verse! Everyone stand up and get on your horses. On the count of three, everyone say, “Yee Haw!” One, two, three! YEE HAW! Do This: Imitate riding a horse and swinging a lasso. Make this really fun and engaging for the Kid-Os! Tech: Hit the “Yee Haw!” SFX when the teacher counts to three. Then, wait a few seconds Wisdom Wranglers and go right into the jingle.

Lesson 6 June 23/24 7

“Yee Haw!!” SFX

Memory Verse


Memory Verse Jingle (Auto advance – Memory Verse) Proverbs 9:10- If you want to become wise, you must begin by respecting the Lord.

Here in Kid-O-Deo, we practice a memory verse because knowing words that are in the Bible helps us learn things about God! Do This: Read the verse from the screen.

Kid-Os, let’s all stand up on our feet and practice our Memory Verse! Do This: Practice the verse with the Kid-Os 2-3 times.

Great job practicing your Memory Verse, Kid-Os! Our verse tells us that we need to have respect for the Lord. We will talk more about that later!



Kid-Os, stay standing! One way to show God respect is to sing to him, and sing about him. Our God is super wonderful, and I want to sing a song about that now! Song 2: Super Wonderful (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “Wisdom Wranglers”



Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 8

I love singing with you, wisdom wranglers! Please sit down. Our memory verse says that if we want to be wise, we need to start by respecting God. Today I want to talk about one way that we can show God respect! In our Bible story, we heard the story of the workers who were given some money to hold on to while their boss was gone. One man wasn’t very responsible and just hid the money, while the other two guys worked hard while their boss was away. Kid-Os, we can show respect to God by being responsible. Being responsible means doing the things you’re supposed to do. When you are responsible, you do what you’ve been asked to do, but you also notice and do things, even without being asked! There are many things you can do to be responsible and help out with around your home. We learned something cool thing about responsibility in our Bible story. When you show that you can be responsible with something small, you may be given a bigger responsibility. This is part of growing up! Let me show you what I mean. Image: Kid-O doing laundry.

Kid-Os, helping with laundry is a very big responsibility. It’s actually kind of fun too! If you want to be able to help with the laundry, the first thing you could do is offer to carry the laundry basket for your grownup. If you do your best at that, you might get another cool job like taking the warm towels out of the dryer and helping fold them! Image: Kid-O Vacuuming.

Kid-Os, do any of you like to vacuum? The vacuum makes a cool sound and sucks up all the dirt and dust that’s on the carpeting. Maybe you want to be able to vacuum, but your grownups think that it’s too big a responsibility. Maybe if you start by sweeping the kitchen without being asked, they will let you vacuum too! Image: Crying Baby

Kid-Os, raise your hand if you have a baby brother, sister, or cousin. Did you know that you can be responsible by helping to take care of him or her? It’s true! If the Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 9

baby cries, you can talk to him or her, or do something funny to make the baby laugh! That might really help out the grownups in your home. If you do something small to help out with the baby, your grownups might let you do something bigger like give him or her a bottle, or even change a diaper! Image: Fish

Kid-Os, let’s say you ask your grownups for a pet, so they get you a fish. Feeding the fish becomes your responsibility, and a way that you can help around the house. If you show that you can be responsible and feed your fish every day, maybe someday your grownups will get you a cat or dog, because bigger animals are more work and more responsibility! Remember, when we are responsible, we are showing respect to God! Series Title Slide: “Wisdom Wranglers”

It’s time once again to get on our horses and ride on over to our Big Idea! Everyone get up! Ok, when I count to three, you know what to do! One, two, three! YEE HAW! “Yee Haw!” SFX

Big Idea


Big Idea Jingle

Great riding, cowpokes! Our Big Idea helps us remember and think more about what we have been learning today. To help us with the Big Idea, meet up with our friend Ranger Ron! Let’s say “Howdy, Ranger Ron!” Know This: The Big Idea is, “Being responsible is a wise choice.” Big Idea Video (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “Wisdom Wranglers” Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 10

Thank you, Ranger Ron! Great job, Kid-Os! Cowpokes, like Ranger Ron reminded us, being responsible is a wise choice! Now, let’s all ride our horses on over to Kid-OWhampus! Hop on and remember to say, “Yee Haw!” when I count to three! One, two, three! YEE HAW! “Yee Haw!” SFX



Kid-O-Whampus: Wiggle It



Yeah cowpokes, that was fun! You can all sit down. Auto Advance “Let’s Pray”

Now it’s time to talk to God. Do you know what we call it when we talk to God? PRAYER. That’s right, we call talking to God “praying.” God is the best friend we could ever have, and he loves it when we talk to him. God will always listen when you pray, because he created you and he loves you. You can pray anytime and anywhere, but here in Kid-O-Deo we fold our hands in our laps and close our eyes, to help us only think about the words we are saying to God. If you want, you can repeat the words of this prayer after me. Dear God, we love you. Thank you for loving us. Please help us be responsible and help at home. Amen. Kid-O-Deo Slide

It’s been super spending time with you, wisdom wranglers! Now it’s time for you to go back to your classrooms where you will get into groups with your leader and other Kid-Os, have a snack, and do a fun activity. See you later! Wisdom Wranglers Lesson 6 June 23/24 11