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Entertaining Lies
I. Love in Truth ●
TRUTH = Real, Accurate, Without Error, Unhidden
LOVE = Form of Agape Love, Divine Love
TRUTH and LOVE can seem like opposites but maybe they are just different sides of the same coin
Maybe TRUE LOVE is LOVING others IN the TRUTH
II. Walk in Truth ●
WALK = to make one’s way, progress Hebrew means to live
It is by believing truth - in Christ and in the Word - that we are saved. The evidence of that salvation is love and obedience, but love and obedience are strengthened as we grow in our knowledge of truth. We speak the truth in love and we obey God’s commandments because we love Him. Obedience enables us to learn more truth, and the more truth we learn the more we love Jesus Christ who is truth! Instead of living in a ‘vicious circle” we live in a “victorious circle” of love, truth and obedience. ~ Warren Wiersbe
III. Teach in Truth ●
Vs. 8 - Watch to not lose their Reward
Vs. 9 - To Abide in this Teaching
Vs. 10 - * Do not receive him into your house * Do not give him any greeting * If you do you are taking part in his wicked works.
Truth is worth Protecting Is there an area where we are entertaining lies? Or are we choosing to Love In Truth Walk In Truth and Teach in Truth?