27, 2014 SPEAKING PASTOR: Scott Arbeiter PASSAGE: Mark

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April 26/27, 2014 SPEAKING PASTOR: Scott Arbeiter PASSAGE: Mark 6:1-29

April 26/27, 2014 SPEAKING PASTOR: Scott Arbeiter PASSAGE: Mark 6:1-29



A Prophet Without Honor (Mark 6:1-6) 1. The people were amazed with Jesus’ teaching but they doubted His power and authority. What stood in the way of them understanding the truth about Jesus?

A Prophet Without Honor (Mark 6:1-6) 1. The people were amazed with Jesus’ teaching but they doubted His power and authority. What stood in the way of them understanding the truth about Jesus?

2. How were Jesus’ miracles limited in His hometown? Do you feel like Jesus could do more in your life if you had more faith?

2. How were Jesus’ miracles limited in His hometown? Do you feel like Jesus could do more in your life if you had more faith?

3. Jesus was amazed in verse 6. Read Matthew 8:5-13. What is the difference between these two times that Jesus himself was amazed/astonished?

3. Jesus was amazed in verse 6. Read Matthew 8:5-13. What is the difference between these two times that Jesus himself was amazed/astonished?

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (Mark 6:6-13)

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (Mark 6:6-13)



Underline the instructions Jesus gives the twelve in Mark 6:6-13. Jesus challenged His disciples to trust God for all of their needs. Where do you need this kind of trust?

Underline the instructions Jesus gives the twelve in Mark 6:6-13. Jesus challenged His disciples to trust God for all of their needs. Where do you need this kind of trust?

4. Jesus’ disciples were met with rejection and danger. How does God equip us to witness to those around us? Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, 2 Timothy 1:8, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 3:20.

4. Jesus’ disciples were met with rejection and danger. How does God equip us to witness to those around us? Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, 2 Timothy 1:8, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 3:20.

5. The disciples were to preach repentance. How was this a continuation of John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ ministry? Read Mark 1:4 and 1:14-15.

5. The disciples were to preach repentance. How was this a continuation of John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ ministry? Read Mark 1:4 and 1:14-15.

John Beheaded (Mark 6:14-29) 6. John died for the truth of Christ; he confronted Herod on his immoral behavior. Where do you need courage to take a stand for what is right?

John Beheaded (Mark 6:14-29) 6. John died for the truth of Christ; he confronted Herod on his immoral behavior. Where do you need courage to take a stand for what is right?

7. In John the Baptist’s case, discipleship meant losing his life. What are the dangers of being a disciple of Jesus? (For another disciple’s sufferings read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29.)

7. In John the Baptist’s case, discipleship meant losing his life. What are the dangers of being a disciple of Jesus? (For another disciple’s sufferings read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29.)



3. Do you know someone who is struggling with the truth by doubting or denying Jesus? How could you be an encouragement to that person in the next month?


4. In what ways do you think your faith might amaze Jesus?

2. In what ways do you think your faith might amaze Jesus?

Do you know someone who is struggling with the truth by doubting or denying Jesus? How could you be an encouragement to that person in the next month?