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You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 1

You First Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo About this Series: It feels good to be first! It’s fun to be the first one in line, the first to get a snack, or the first to finish in a game. One day, Jesus told his disciples something amazing. We can do something great, not by being first all the time, but by letting others be first. When we say “you first,” we make others feel good, and show them God’s love, too! Memory Verse: Romans 12:10- “Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.” Weekly Overview:



Big Idea:

Lesson 1: June 30/July 1

Why do we serve? Great servants, Matthew 20:20-28

I can serve like Jesus did!

Lesson 2: July 7/8

“You First” Loaves and Fishes, John 6

I can put others first.

Lesson 3: July 14/15

Thoughtful serving Nehemiah helps, Nehemiah 2-6

I can find ways to help.

Lesson 4: July 21/22

A chance to serve! Peter and Cornelius; Acts 10

When I serve, I’m sharing Jesus’ love!

Lesson 5: July 28/29

Serving with words Nehemiah honors, Nehemiah 11

I can say good things about others.

You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 2

You First Series at a Glance for Kid-O-Deo (continued) Lesson 1: Why do we serve? When two of Jesus’ disciples asked how they could be the greatest, he gave a surprising answer. He said that to be great, we need to serve others. Jesus didn’t just say that, though. He lived it! This week, we’ll find out how Jesus served us, and learn that every time we serve others, we’re following his example. Lesson 2: “You first” It’s fun to be first, but what could happen if you told someone “You first”? If you let them play with a toy first, or be first in line? You might make them feel really good! When Jesus met a boy who put others first, Jesus turned his act of service into something amazing! When you serve others, awesome things can happen! Lesson 3: Thoughtful serving If we want to serve, we need to practice thinking of others! Nehemiah had a super important job to do, but he didn’t let that distract him from thinking of others. Even while he was working hard to re-build a city wall, when people asked him for help, Nehemiah was there for them. When we think of others, we can make a big difference too! Lesson 4: A chance to serve! This week, we have the chance to serve others right where we are! This week, Kid-Os will serve in a way that helps others in our community. We’ll also hear a story about the greatest reason we serve others! Lesson 5: Serving with words At first, this part of the book of Nehemiah seems confusing. Why does he list a whole bunch of names? Imagine, though, seeing your parents’ names on that list, or even your name! The list Nehemiah wrote is of people God wanted to honor. When you honor someone, you have a chance to make them feel great, and that is always a good choice.

You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 3

You First Lesson Outline for Kid-O-Deo Lesson 5: Serving with words Lesson Segment

Total Running Time

Kid-O Playtime Transition Time Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video (3:00)


Introduction and Rules (2:00) Value (1:00) Worship Song: Gonna Serve (3:00) Bible Adventure (5:00) Memory Verse (3:00) Worship Song: Go (3:00) Application (5:00) Big Idea Video (2:00) Kid-O-Whampus (2:00) Prayer (2:00) Transition Time (2:00)


Group Time (15:00)

Video Cue


Slide Cue

Audio Cue

Tech Notes

You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 4

Opening Song


(Roll when directed) Kid-O-Deo Theme Song Video

(Auto advance) Kid-O-Deo Slide

Introduction and Rules


Welcome to Kid-O-Deo! My name is _______, and I’m excited to be here with all of you! We’re about to do some singing, hear a great story, and dance around as we go KidO-Whampus! Before we do all that, though, there are three rules I want to be sure you know! Rule #1: When I’m talking you are listening! Everyone put on your listening ears, and on the count of three, let’s practice listening! Rule #2: Keep your hands and feet to yourself! Do a little clap and place your hands in your lap! Rule #3: Stay in your spot! Let’s take our special glue sticks and put some glue on our spot to help us stay in the right place! Great job learning the rules, Kid-Os! Doing those three things helps everyone pay attention and have fun.



We learn about God, talk to him, and tell other people about him because we were made to be friends with God. God made you to follow him and to know that he loves you. Can you repeat this after me? I can learn, I CAN LEARN, more about God, MORE ABOUT GOD, every day! EVERY DAY!

You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 5



The more we learn about God, the more we can do things he made us to do, like serving others. Let’s sing this song, “Gonna Serve” together! Song 1: Gonna Serve

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “You First”

Bible Adventure


I love singing with you! You can sit down. Mail ding

It sounds like we got a message. Do you see a mailbox around here? Do This: Open the mailbox, and take out a postcard.

We got a postcard. Let’s see what it says! Do This: Take out and read postcard #1. Know This: The postcard reads: “Hello, Kid-Os! I’m not sure what to do. I said a joke about my friend today. I thought it was funny, but it made them feel sad. What happened? My words hurt my friend’s feelings, what can I do?”

That’s an important question. The truth is, our words can hurt others, but we can also use our words to do a lot of good things. We can encourage and honor other people with words, which might be a good way for them to help their friend. Honor is a word we don’t hear a lot. It means to make someone feel important. How can we honor other people with our words? There’s a great story about that in this book. Do This: Show kids the Bible.

Do you know what this book is, Kid-Os? THE BIBLE! Yes! It’s the Bible. This book is full of amazing things God wants us to know, which makes reading it kind of like an adventure. I hope you’re ready to go on a fun Bible Adventure! You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 6

Bible Adventure Jingle

Kid-Os, I have an important question for you. Are the stories in the Bible real or pretend? REAL! That’s right, these stories actually happened. Today, our story is about a man named Nehemiah, who lived about five hundred years before Jesus was born. We heard part of Nehemiah’s story last week, but we’ll start at the beginning again this week, so you won’t miss anything. Do This: Get the Bible storybook out and sit down in the chair.

This story you are going to hear comes from the Bible, but we use this storybook because the pictures help us imagine what it might have looked like back when the Bible was written. The pictures you see in here are the same as the ones on the screen. Let’s get started! Do This: Have kids help you “turn” the pages on the screen with an exaggerated arm wave. Picture 1: Nehemiah working on the wall.

Nehemiah had a super important job to do. He was rebuilding the wall of his home city, Jerusalem. It wasn’t an easy job. He and the other builders had to work for days, sometimes without eating much, just to get the job done. Picture 2: Soldiers threaten Nehemiah and Jerusalem.

Many people didn’t want Nehemiah to build the wall. They made fun of him, threatened to hurt him, and even attacked the city. No matter what they did, though, God was with the people of Jerusalem. After two months, the wall was finished! Picture 3: Nehemiah writes a list.

After the wall was done, Nehemiah sat down and wrote a list of everyone who had worked on it. He wrote down who had guarded the walls, what parts of the wall each person had built, and which families had worked together to make this happen. He made sure to remember everyone who had helped on the wall. Picture 4: Nehemiah talks to the people.

You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 7

Finally, Nehemiah and all the people had a celebration to honor God. They knew that God had helped them finish the wall, and that he deserved all the honor. They spent days celebrating and thanking God for helping them. Series Title Slide: “You First”

Great job listening, Kid-Os. There was a lot of honoring going on in that story. Remember, honoring someone means making them feel important. Nehemiah made other people feel important with the words he wrote and said, and then all of the people honored God, by talking about how awesome he is. Did you know that we still have the names of all the people that Nehemiah wrote down? They’re in the book of Nehemiah, in the Bible! Mail ding

Sounds like we have another message! Let’s see what it says. Do This: Take out and read postcard #2. Know This: The postcard reads: “Wow! Nehemiah was awesome. Do you think I can use words to be a good friend? What should I say?”

How can we use our words to encourage and help others? You probably don’t have to write a book of people who helped you build a wall, like Nehemiah, but there are lots of other ways we can use our words to honor people today. Our memory verse has something to say about honor, too!

Memory Verse


Memory Verse Jingle (Auto advance – Memory Verse) Romans 12:10- Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves. Do This: Read the verse from the screen.

This verse says to honor others more than yourselves. Nehemiah could have written about how awesome he was, and how much work he did, but he decided to honor others more than himself. He wrote about how much work other people did, and You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 8

because of that, those people probably felt really good. When we point out good things other people do, we can make them feel great, too! Let’s practice saying that verse together! Do This: Practice the verse with the Kid-Os 2-3 times. Begin with your “quiet voices,” then do it in your normal voices, and finish with your super-duper loud voices! Know This: The verse with actions goes like this: Romans 12:10- Love each other deeply (arms across chest). Honor others (extend right hand out) more than yourselves (extend left hand out).

Great job practicing your Memory Verse, Kid-Os.



I think we are just about ready to help ________ with his/her question, but first, I think it’s time for a song. Let’s get ready to sing and dance! Song 2: Go

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “You First”



I love singing with all of you. You can sit down. We’ve almost got the answer to our big question for today, but there’s just one more thing we need. Mail ding

That might be it! Let’s see what’s in our mailbox. Do This: Look in the mailbox, and take out the award.

It’s an award! You get one of these for winning something like a race or a prize. It’s a real honor to get an award, it can make you feel pretty important. I’m not sure we can honor everyone with awards, though. I don’t have enough of them to give to everybody. That reminds me of Nehemiah’s story. He didn’t give out a medal to You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 9

everyone who worked on the wall, or make trophies for whoever finished the most. Instead, Nehemiah made people feel important with his words. Can you think of a time when someone’s words made you feel really good? Maybe they complimented you, or said “I’m so glad you’re my friend.” Our words can do so many good things! When we use our words like Nehemiah did, to honor and encourage other people, we can give them joy, and maybe even make them feel better if they’re having a bad day. The words you use can make a difference, Kid-Os. You don’t have to be my age, or your parents age, or your older brother or sister’s age to honor others with good words. Let’s look at some ideas. Grown-Ups Picture

We can tell our grown-ups, “I love you.” That’s a great thing to say, and can make them feel good! We could tell them thank you for food, for our house, and for all the other things they do, because they do a lot to take care of us. We can honor our grown-ups with our words. Friends picture

We can use good words with our friends, too! When we say: “I’m so glad you’re my friend,” that can make them feel great. When we say: “You can choose what game to play,” or “you’re great at that!” we are saying such good things to them. Officials picture (police, fire, medical)

We can honor people who are in charge with our words, too. Some of these people have dangerous jobs and keep us safe, like police, firefighters, or nurses. We can thank them for doing their jobs. We can thank our teachers, too. When we are respectful and say good things about the people in charge, we can make them feel great! There are so many people we can honor with our words. You can say something good about everyone you meet, because God made every person special, and loves You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 10

them. That sounds like a great answer to our question, now we just need some help remembering it! Let’s go to our big idea!

Big Idea


Big Idea Jingle

Let’s see if Ranger Ron can help us learn our big idea today! Know This: The Big Idea is, “I can say good things about others.” Big Idea Video (Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “You First”

Thanks Ranger Ron! When we honor others and say good things about them, we can make them feel very important. Mail ding

It sounds like we have a new message! Let’s see what it says. Do This: Take out and read postcard #3. Know This: The postcard reads: Thank you for helping me learn how important my words are. Now I know that my words can do a lot of good things! I will say I’m sorry to my friend, and then I’ll do my best to say good words that make people feel great!



Great job, Kid-Os! We learned how great our words can be when we use them to do good things. That means it’s time to go Kid-O-Whampus!

You First Lesson 5 July 28/29 11

Kid-O-Whampus: Wiggle It (Auto-Advance) “Let’s Pray”



It’s super fun to dance with you! You can all sit down. Before we go to group time, we’re going to pray, or talk to God. When you talk to God, he always listens to you, no matter where you are, or what time it is. God always listens to you because you are super important to him, and he loves you. Here in KidO-Deo, we usually fold our hands in our laps and close our eyes, to help us focus on talking to God. Let’s do that now! Dear God, we love you. Thank you for loving us. Help us to say good things about others. Amen. Kid-O-Deo Slide

I have loved spending time with you, Kid-Os. Now it’s time for you to go back to your classrooms where you will get into groups with your leader and other Kid-Os, have a snack, and do a fun activity. See you later!

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