4 SIGN Feeding with Bread AO

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Experience NEW LIFE u Discovering Truth to Apply in Life & Reach Out in Love!

Chris Regas • Teacher 3.6.2016

Lord, I Need A Miracle

When There’s No More Satisfaction in Life! Lesson 4 • John 6:1-15, 22-71

Background to the Fourth Sign (vv. 1-4) Ø



Where? “Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (or Tiberias)…Then Jesus went up on the mountain and there He sat down

“After these things, Jesus went away…Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near.” (6:1, 4; 5:1; 2:23-25; 4:43-45)

with His disciples.” (6:1, 3)



“A large crowd followed Him, because they saw the signs which He was performing on those who were sick. Then Jesus went up on the mountain, and there He sat down with His disciples [to teach].” (6:2-3)


The SOVEREIGN SAVIOR Jesus the All-Providing King who refuses to become a king by force! (6:12-15, 26, 30)


Those with SAVING FAITH The Twelve Disciples who follow Him and truly believe but still have much to learn about WHO JESUS really is and HOW saving faith trusts even in the storms of life and yet one of them is the devil himself! (6:16-21; 66-71)


Those with SIGN FAITH The Crowds who also follow Him and some of them are even called “disciples” but they do not truly believe in WHO JESUS is and only follow Him for the HANDOUTS and HEALINGS! (6:2, 26-35, 41-44, 47-67)


Those with NO FAITH / SELF WORKS/ SATANIC SCHEMES The Jewish Leaders in the Synagogue in Capernaum who murmur in unbelief against Jesus and His gospel. (6:41, 52, 59)


What’s the point?

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the Bread of Life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst. But I have said to you that you have seen Me, and yet do not believe…Therefore the Jews were grumbling about Him.” (6:35)

We Need a Miracle When There’s No Saving Satisfaction in Life!

1. The Sign PERFORMED: “Where Are We to Buy Bread, So That These May Eat?” (vv. 5-15)

No Problem Too BIG to Solve with Jesus! (vv. 5-7)

Ø Jesus initiates the miracle as a TEST out of compassion… 1)

To REACH the crowds: Convict them of their “sign” faith!


To TEACH His disciples: Instruct them in their “saving” faith!

Ø Philip FAILS the test because he only thinks in terms of the size of the problem and his own lack of resources.

No Person Too SMALL to Use with Jesus! (vv. 8-13)


Andrew does better, because he BRINGS what little he has to Jesus but still is focused on the size of the problem.


Little is MUCH when Jesus is in it. 1) TRANSFER all that you have––no matter how little––to Jesus. (v. 9) 2) Jesus will TAKE what you transfer to Him–– no matter how little. (vv. 10-11a) 3) Jesus gives THANKS to the Father as the Provider of all things. (v. 11b) 4) Jesus TRANSFORMS your little into much. (v. 11c)

No Hunger Too DEEP to Be Satisfied by Jesus! (vv. 11-13)

Ø Jesus is ENOUGH to satisfy the hunger of anyone and everyone. Ø Jesus is MORE THAN enough to satisfy your hunger after you have shared with others.

2. The Significance EXPLAINED: “I AM the Bread of Life!”

(vv. 14-15, 22-71)

Are You Following After Jesus for WHAT He does or WHO He Is?

Ø The crowd MISSED the significance of the sign. (vv. 14-15, 26, 35-36, 41, 60-66)

Ø Jesus is the BREAD OF LIFE from heaven that satisfies everyone who comes to Him. (vv. 25-41) 1)

Jesus is SPIRITUAL Bread. (vv. 25-29)


Jesus is SOVEREIGN/SUPERNATURAL Bread. (vv. 30-33)


Jesus is SATISFYING Bread. (vv. 34-


Jesus is SUSTAINING Bread.

So How Do We Find Saving Satisfaction in Life? Taste and treasure Jesus as the BREAD of LIFE, who gives eternal life and lasting satisfaction even in times of suffering and death! Seek a Salvation That Saves and Satisfies!

Ø PURSUE Jesus for the person He is, not just the pleasures He gives! Ø PLACE your trust in the work Jesus has done and not the works you think you can do! Ø PERSEVERE in following Jesus even when the bread runs out and the storms rage on! •

Trust in Him today and keep on trusting!

Obey Him today and keep on obeying!

Treasure Him today as your greatest pleasure in life and keep on treasuring Him above every other pleasure in life until He comes and raises you from the dead and…

You Will Enjoy a Salvation That Satisfies in This Life and the One to Come!