a call to authenticity

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December 28, 2014

Parkview Worship Services: Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Sunday, December 28, 2014 8:00 a.m. -WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 a.m. -WORSHIP SERVICE -Nursery, -Transitions (107) -Bereans (Library) -NO PSM Experience -Parent Link (103) 11:00 a.m. -WORSHIP SERVICE -Nursery -International ABF (108) -A2 (107) -Crossroads ABF (104A) 1:30 p.m. -Chinese Church (106-108) 6:00 p.m. -NO J-Life @ Parkview -NO Student Impact @ Parkview -NO Grad Group (Atrium)

Monday, December 29 6:15 p.m. -Women’s Bible Study (108) 6:30 p.m. -Grad Women’s Bible Study -NO Men’s Bible Study (104A)

Tuesday, December 30 5:30 a.m. -Fight Club (Atrium) 6:30 a.m. -Fight Club (Atrium) 4:00 p.m. -NO Kids Club (The Spot) 6:00 p.m. -NO Spanish ESL (102A) 6:30 p.m. - Adult Choir Rehearsal (108) 7:00 p.m. -NO Fight Club (100)

Wednesday, December 31 7:00 a.m. -NO Men’s Prayer Group (Atrium) 5:15 p.m. -NO Simply Pray (Library)

Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day Office Closed

Year End Contributions must be postmarked in 2014 or received at the church office in 2014 in order to be counted as contributions for 2014. The date on a check is not the determining factor. Online contributions need to generated and dated by December 31, 2014. You may also view or print out your own giving information at any time by going to “My Parkview” in the lower center of our website homepage at www.parkviewchurch.org. Log in and click on “Go to my profile” under your name, then click the Financial tab.

WELCOME We're glad you've chosen to be with us today! It's easy to feel lost in the crowd, so we want to do everything we can to help you feel at home here at Parkview. Anyone you see with a green "I CAN HELP" badge can assist you and answer your questions. We hope you will find Parkview a place where you can experience God in a meaningful way, be encouraged in your spiritual journey, and learn how to grow in serving others. To find out more about what God is doing here and how you can get involved, stop by the Parkview Connect counter in the lobby. There will be people there to meet you and help you connect with others at Parkview. We understand that it can take a while to settle in, meet people, and feel connected, so let us know how we can help you love God, love others, and serve the world! Pastoral Care Concerns Please remember these needs with prayer, cards & visits. Pray for:

Friday, January 2 Saturday, January 3

Eleanor McClelland (healing) 1 Oaknoll Court Iowa City 52246 Tom Sundblad (health concerns) 4047 West Overlook Road NE Iowa City 52240 Lois Bird (health concerns) 109 Oberlin Street Iowa City 52245

Keep Us Informed.

The Parkview family wishes to support you in your life events. Please call the church office if you have a birth, death or hospitalization occur in your family.

December 28, 2014 THIS WEEK’S MESSAGE




December 28, 2014


A CALL TO AUTHENTICITY Pastor Dave Foster December 28, 2014

The primary relationship in Roman culture and the culture of the world of Jesus and Paul, was not husband/wife nor parents/children but rather brother to brother. This relationship cannot be overestimated. It was the pivot point upon which the Roman Mediterranean world revolved.

Command #1: “Remember” (2:5)

Matthew 12:46-50

Command #2: “Repent”

Romans 12:10

Command #3:

Romans 13:8


Rom 14:15 I. A Call to Authentic Stewardship. 1.

He satisfied their hearts with meaningful worship, answer to prayers, and fulfilling They did not provide for the poor: the widow and orphan and the stranger amongst them.


They used their wealth to buy judges and courts so they could illegally and corruptly increase their land holdings and thereby get even wealthier.


They looked to foreign countries and other outside providers to do business and create more wealth because they understood that certain business ventures were outside of God’s economy and He wouldn’t bless such a deal.


But worse than all is that they did not return thanks for the blessings they had and took credit to themselves for their success and income. In other words they became practicing financial atheists.

Problem with this attitude:  We compare 

It orders our financial priorities.

Deception becomes

II. A Call to Authentic Love John 15:9 -12 I John 4:7-8

So, when we harmonize the cultural norm of the first century with the Gospel’s new family priority, we need to ask how then should we treat one another. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I would give my life for you. I would give my property for you. I would bear your pain and needs for and with you. I would demand justice and be an advocate for you. I would not let words you speak or an attitude you show or an act you committed stop me from loving you We share the same Father because of His love and sacrifice

III. Mission Going Forward  First, is the call to authenticity for us as a church. 

Second, is the call to authenticity for this generation and community ADULTS Simply Pray. Wednesday Night Prayer will not be meeting December 31st. Watch for times and locations for prayer in 2015!

The Gospel Project. Check out the “God Who Is” on Sunday mornings starting Jan. 4th. The discussions are Christ-centered, story-focused, and mission driven. For more information contact Callie at [email protected]