A Service of Worship

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PARTICIPATING IN WORSHIP TODAY Rev. Karla Shaw, Senior Pastor Don Brenneman, Minister of Music/Business Administrator Elder John Spafford Bryan Verhoye, Pianist/Music Associate Alicia McMillan, Organist and Director of Children’s and Youth Choirs Worship Band: Dave Zedaker, Dave Held, and Bob Giesick Deacon Greeters: Kathy Zorn and Eddie Dees and Merideth Blair October Ushers: Bryan Bennett, Jane Bennett, Bob Holst, Pete Griffith, Jill Giesick, Kirsten Helgager, Mike Long, Joshua Staker Media Ministry: Erich McMillan and Kurt Waller

2018 Pledge Goal $1,000,000

VISITORS Please complete a Welcome Card from the pew pocket, so that we may become acquainted and serve you. Place the card in the offering or hand to an Usher. We’re glad you are here! PRAYER is a powerful source of comfort and healing. We invite you to bring to our attention those in need by contacting the church office, or noting your prayer request on the Welcome Card. Place the card in the offering or hand to an Usher. TODAY’S FLOWERS are given by Fritzi Johns in loving memory of her husband Ed, their son Edward Dillon Johns and their parents. The flowers are also given by Diana Holman in loving memory of her husband Bill and their son, Ben Stephens. The floral arrangements were created by Diana Holman. The Baby Roses on the communion table celebrate the births of Rowan William Nett, grandson of Allen Hobbs; Quinn Lilith Harvey, granddaughter of Michele Reynolds and greatgranddaughter of Don McReynolds; and Sierra Marie Smith, granddaughter of Marty and Larry Smith.

A Service of Worship October 29, 2017 Commitment Sunday

Pledges Received as of 10/26/17: $502,886.

Rev. Karla Shaw, Senior Pastor Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church 2128 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego, CA 92107 ■ (619) 223-1633 pointlomachurch.org

Classic Worship 10:45 a.m. ~ Sanctuary

Experience Jesus Journey into Deeper Faith Strengthen the Church Transform Our World

Order of Worship Please remember to silence your cell phones and refrain from flash photography. Thank you.


Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Bryan Verhoye, pianist

arr. M. S. Kelsey

Welcome and Life of the Church *Songs of Praise

Rev. Karla Shaw

Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Holy Is the Lord

No. 34


Scripture Reading

Luke 16:1-13 (Page 79 in the pew Bible)

arr. B. Verhoye

Elder John Spafford

Prayer of Confession (In unison, followed by silent prayer) Holy God, Giver of Life and of Love, Thank You for Your constant faithfulness to us. We run around making plans for our comfort and our future, too often forgetting that You are both of those things to us. Help us to release, relax, and re-envision the lives we have chosen. Forgive us for the times when we forget we have a purpose beyond ourselves. Despite our shortcomings, allow us to be a part of Your vision for this world. (Silent prayer) Amen.

arr. Burkhardt

*Doxology (Old Hundredth) *Song of Preparation

The Gift of Love

No. 593 (1-3)


The Way in Words: Stories‡ Wasting Away

Pastor Karla

Call to Prayer

Father, I Adore You

Invocation Ministry of Music When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Worship Band

Praise and Thanksgiving Alicia McMillan, organist

No. 4

Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen *Song of Faith

My Worth Is Not In What I Own

*Benediction Postlude

Scherzino Bryan Verhoye

R. Schumann

*Please stand, if you are able.

Affirmation of Grace *Response

Jesus Messiah

Invitation to Christian Stewardship

‡The Kingdom Equation: A Fresh Look at the Parables of Jesus by John Timmer is the primary reference for Pastor Karla’s current sermon series.