“I Know the Scriptures Are True” Primary Program 2011 “If I Listen with

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“I Know the Scriptures Are True” Primary Program 2011 Intro by Primary President

This year our Primary theme is “I Know the Scriptures are True.” We have ……..Several of our Primary children will teach you what we’ve learned as many have helped to write their own parts for our program. We pray that their testimonies and strong Spirits will touch you through song and word as they do us each week in Primary.


The Scriptures Are the Word of God (just subheadings—not spoken parts)


“For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them.” (2 Nephi 4:15)


The scriptures are God’s words to us.


We have been told that they were written for our day—especially the Book of Mormon. The scriptures are ______________ (Fill in) Why should we study the scriptures? (answer question) We______


“Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:3) What do we learn about as we read and study the scriptures? The scriptures teach______________ How can we know the scriptures are true? (answer question) We can know__________ How do you know the scriptures are true? (answer question, share a brief testimony—how do you feel?) I know_______because________

“If I Listen with My Heart” Everyone, both verses (Time 2:30)


The Scriptures Teach of Heavenly Father’s Plan



Moses 1:39 says, “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”


The scriptures teach us about Heavenly Father’s Plan.


Yes. It is the Plan of Salvation or the plan of happiness. My part in God’s Plan is to _______________________

Families are central to Heavenly Father’s plan because______________ Bear your testimony of the Plan of Salvation and what your purpose on earth is. How can you follow God’s plan? (answer question)

“I Will Follow God’s Plan,” everyone, whole song (1:21)


Heavenly Father Speaks to Us through His Prophets


You know, God’s plan includes scriptures to help teach us, but prophets past and present have been the ones to bring us the scriptures.


I am so glad to know we have a prophet on the earth even now to help guide and teach us what God wants us to know.


”What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, …whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38) Prophets tell us__________ (fill in the blank) Our Prophet today is _________________. He teaches us to_____________ Bear your testimony about President Monson and how you feel when you follow him.

“Stand for the Right,” everyone (0:52)


Jesus Christ Is Our Savior and Redeemer 2


One of the most important things the scriptures and the prophets do is testify of Jesus Christ.


Yes, as we read the scriptures, we learn more about Jesus Christ and his role as our Savior and Redeemer.


Articles of Faith 1:3 says, “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.” Jesus Christ loves us very much. I love Jesus because____________ Jesus Christ’s example helps me because__________ How do you feel knowing that Jesus Christ’s atonement was for you? Share your testimony. Share your feelings and testimony about the resurrection. (Christ’s and all mankind) How would you have felt to be a child living on the earth when Jesus was here? How do you feel knowing that you will see him someday?

“Had I Been a Child,” everyone, (2:04)


The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Restored


There was a young boy who lived on the Earth who was blessed to see Jesus.


Oh, I know whom you’re talking about--Joseph Smith—the prophet of the Restoration! This is what he said about his experience seeing Jesus for the first time.

Class Val 9A Beans

“I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Joseph Smith—History 1:17) What does restoration mean? What are some things that we have because the Church of Jesus Christ was restored? Why is the Book of Mormon an important part of the restoration? How do you feel knowing that the Priesthood power of God was restored to Earth?


Share a brief testimony of how you feel about Joseph Smith and why his role was so important.

“Praise to the Man,” verses 1 & 3, with congregation (1:50)


The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel Make it Possible for Me to Live with God Again


I am so thankful for the prophet Joseph Smith. Because of him, we know what we need to do to return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again.


He received the inspiration to write the Articles of Faith. The Fourth Article of Faith tells us how to start on the path back to our heavenly home.

“The Fourth Acticle of Faith,” everyone (0:52)

What is faith? (answer question) Faith is________. It helps me_____ or tell an experience with faith What is repentance? (answer question) Share an experience about repentance. Baptism is the first ordinance of the Gospel. Share your feelings about being baptized. When I was baptized, I made a covenant with God, I promised ___________________. After I was baptized, I received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost helps me ________________ I feel __________


The Temple Is a House of God


One place I find it easy to feel the Holy Ghost is when I am near a temple



Me, too. I think that’s because a temple is the House of God. We are so blessed to have so many of God’s houses near us where we can continue making covenants with God when we are older.

Class Val 9B

“Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” paragraph 3). How has your family been blessed through sacred temple ordinances? (Answer question) What can you do to prepare yourself now to be worthy to go to the temple? How have you felt as your family has had the opportunity to visit many different temple grounds this summer? Share a brief testimony of temples.

“I Love to See the Temple, ” everyone (1:47)


My Body is a Temple


You know what else is a temple and should be treated as such?


Yes. Our bodies.

Class Val 9A

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? ... The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

How is your body a temple? My body is a temple___________ How can dressing modestly help show you know your body is a temple? How can the Word of Wisdom help you keep your body clean and pure like a temple? How can reading, watching, and listening to wholesome things keep your mind clean?


“The Lord Gave Me a Temple, ” CTR 7 classes (1:40)


The Gospel Will Be Preached in All the World


All of the Doctrines we’ve talked about today can be found in the scriptures.


You’re right! And the scriptures are what missionaries are using to teach Christ’s doctrines as they preach the gospel in all the world.


“This gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (D&C 133:37) Missionary work is a blessing because _______ What can you do to prepare now to serve a mission? I can prepare now to serve a mission by___________ Share an experience about being a missionary to someone. Share your testimony of how this helped you. We can be missionaries now. I was a missionary when __________

“Army of Helaman, ” everyone, verse 1 (1:11)


I know studying the scriptures now will help me prepare to serve a mission someday.


Yes. And studying them blesses our lives right now, too. How has reading the scriptures helped you and your family? Bear testimony about scripture study.


“For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them.” (2 Nephi 4:15)


“Scripture Power, ” everyone (1:05)


Closing remarks. Bear testimony of scriptures.