“I Know the Scriptures are True”

He knows them and wants nothing more than for them to return to live with Him someday. Your calling to teach is so important. Elder Jeffery R. Holland...

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“I Know the Scriptures are True”

First off – let us thank you for your willingness to teach the children in our Ward. We love and appreciate you so much for that wonderful service. You play such an important role in the lives of the children. It is our prayer that you will get to know each child and learn to love them – just as our Heavenly Father loves them. The Primary Handbook states: Primary teachers minister to individual children in the class, loving them, teaching them the gospel, and bearing testimony of gospel truths by word and example.

As you prepare to teach the lessons in this manual, please be prayerful and always keep the children you teach in mind. They are individuals who have specific needs. Please be sensitive to those needs. Remember that they are each a beloved spirit of our Heavenly Father. He knows them and wants nothing more than for them to return to live with Him someday. Your calling to teach is so important. Elder Jeffery R. Holland said this in a General Conference address; “We are so grateful to all who teach. We love you and appreciate you more than we can say. We have great confidence in you.” He continued: “To teach effectively and to feel you are succeeding is demanding work indeed. But it is worth it. We can receive “no greater call”. For each of us to come unto Christ, to keep His commandments and to follow His example back to the Father, is surely the highest and holiest purpose of human existence. To help others do that as well – to teach, persuade, and prayerfully lead them to walk that path of redemption also – surely that must by the second most significant task in our lives.”

“I Know the Scriptures are True” - That is a powerful statement! Inviting children to learn from the scriptures will help them develop a lifelong love for the word of God. We are very excited about this year’s Primary Theme, and know that as the children are taught from the scriptures, they will develop their testimonies and feel closer to Heavenly Father. The General Primary theme comes from 3 Nephi 22:13: It states: “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children” May we all work together to that end! With much sincerity, The Primary Presidency