All Sufficient Helper

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The All Sufficient Helper June 7th, 2015
 Jerry Bates Bible Verses: Rom. 8:26-27;  Rom. 8:23-25;  Rom. 8:15-16;  2 Cor.12:9-10;  John 14:16-17; Matt.11:28-30 and 2 Cor. 1:3-4. We are given a hope that ought to sustain us through the trials of life. Hope in the Bible is a joyous anticipation of a future certainty, not something that we wish will happen but might not. Some of the trials of life come from a systemic weakness that results from the fall including physical weaknesses, mental weaknesses, and other problems that occur from living in a fallen world. However God can use these trials to show us that we do not have control and that we need help from someone who really is in control.

SERMON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: When you say that you hope for something what do you mean when you use that word? How does Paul use the word hope in Rom 8:24-25? What are some examples of physical weaknesses that have resulted from sin entering the world? Mental weaknesses? Weaknesses in nature? Examples of problems in the natural world as a result of the fall? Jerry said that even though we desire to be in control that any control we think we have is really an illusion. How much control do we really have over our lives? When you pray how does Jesus help us? How does the Holy Spirit help us? (Rom 8:26,34) Why is it so important that they are helping us? Jerry said that often he will ask God to show him how to pray before He begins. Why is this an important step before you launch into prayer? Are you supposed to feel something when your prayers are working? Why? What are some possible answers God might give to us as a response to our prayers?