Anger: Handle With Care

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March 31, 2019

“Anger: Handle With Care” Ephesians 4:26, 27

Ice Breaker: Do you tend to quickly get angry (fly-off-the-handle), smolder or slow-burn or remain calm and rarely get angry? Explain. Share a time when you left something unattended and it led to a bigger problem. Read Ephesians 4:26-27 1. What insight, principle or observation did you find to be most fresh, eye-opening or troubling? Explain.

2. What is the last thing that made you angry? How did you respond?

3. What are some things that regularly make you angry? Are they little (maybe even insignificant) things or are they big and significant issues?

4. As you look through Scripture, what are some of the things that made God angry? 5. Are there things that should make you angry, but don’t? Explain.

6. How does quickly addressing and resolving anger display the character of God?

7. How have you seen unaddressed anger lead to the devil having a foothold or opportunity in the life of a believer?

8. What are some possible ways to obey these commands? (Try to be specific). How do you plan to apply this passage in the next week?

Pray for one another (and your group missionary).

March 31, 2019

“Anger: Handle With Care” Ephesians 4:26, 27

1. What makes you angry?

2. How should you handle anger? Do Not Sin.

Keep Short Accounts.

Don’t Give the Devil a Foothold.