ANNOUNCEMENTS January 13, 2019

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ANNOUNCEMENTS January 13, 2019 SIXTY ONE 2019 OFFERING ENVELOPES are on the ushers’ table in the narthex. If yours is among them, please pick them up. If, for some reason, you did not receive your offering envelopes, please contact Maureen at 516-349-1966 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you. HAVE YOU MADE A 2019 PLEDGE TO YOUR CHURCH YET? As we continue our mission of Loving, Living & Sharing Christ, it is very important that we are able to budget to support our ministry and know what kind of offerings we may expect to work with in the coming year. If you have not submitted your pledge for 2019, please do so today. Pledge forms are in the narthex and on our website. If your offerings are made electronically, we would still appreciate your completing a pledge form. Thank you for your consideration. WE ABSOLUTELY THANK YOU! Please know that “thank you for your pledge” letters are sent the same week the pledge is received. According to our records, all letters have been sent. If you have pledged but have not received a thank you, please notify the church office. It is the only way we can know when we are having problems with our mail pick-up. Thank you for your pledge & thank you for notifying us. OUR WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY/BOOK CLUB WILL NOT BE MEETING THIS WEEK. Our next meeting is at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 23rd. Please join us & bring your friends! WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE BEAU JEST NEXT SUNDAY? An available ticket is waiting for you in the church office. Please call Maureen if you would like to go with our seniors. You don’t even have to be a senior to join them! This is a 2:00 p.m. performance at the Star playhouse at the Suffolk YJCC in Commack. TAIZE IS NEXT SUNDAY at 6:00 p.m. Start of the year in a peaceful mindset. Reflect, meditate, unwind, and refresh at our first Taize service of 2019 next Sunday, 1/20 at 6:00 p.m. You’ll be glad you came. A SPECIAL CONCERT IS COMING IN FEBRUARY…We are very excited to be hosting the POB JFK High School’s Music Department’s first ever senior recital, featuring the Mixed Choir’s seniors who will be singing solo repertoire in English, French German, Italian, and Latin. All of these performers have been selected for either All-County, All-Eastern, or All-Nation in the past. This concert is at noon on Saturday, February 2nd, and all money received from the suggested donation of $10 will support the high school’s A-Cappella Club and the Evening Choir Club. These kids have been supporting Good Shepherd throughout the years by performing at our annual tree lighting, our 9/11 service, and any interfaith service our community holds. Many of our own musicians and guest musicians have come through this wonderful program, including Caryn Yakacki, Kevin Lynch, and Lexi Pinnata. We hope you’ll give them your support. OUR SOCIAL MINISTRY TEAM DELIVERED: 8 bags of coats many of them brand new, to New Life on Wednesday, November 28th. They were back again on Friday, November 30th, delivering 20 frozen turkeys (about 400 lbs.) donated by Rose Minnick, a large bag of knitted scarves, baby quilts, and 4 large bags of winter coats. Thank you for your ongoing response to our calls. BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!!! It might be just an old coat to you but think of how much your gently used coat might mean to someone else. It kept you warm, and now it will keep your neighbor in need warm, too! The New Life Center has a need for that coat you no longer wear. Please bring it to the narthex, and we will get it to them. We also need new hats, gloves, mittens, and socks. As always, thank you for your support. ATTENDANCE FOR 1/6 = 157: 8:00 a.m. = 28, 10:15 a.m. = 41, and 6:00 p.m. = 18; Worship to Go Attendance on 1/10 at 10:00 a.m. was 7 at Sunrise and 12 at White Oaks.

THANKS TO OUR USHER TEAM of John Bird & Joe Grappone at our 8:00 a.m. worship and the Tollefsen family and Uzzo family at 10:15 a.m. In addition, we thank our Head Usher, Jim Mason. We sure do appreciate your service! We are always in need of usher teams. If you can serve as an usher once every 68 weeks, please speak to Jim Mason or Marge Wenger. PLEASE JOIN OR SUPPORT TEAM GOOD SHEPHERD IN LUHI’S NINTH ANNUAL MEAL PACKING EVENT Once again we will be participating in LuHi’s (ninth) annual Meal Packing Event on Sunday, April 7 th from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Each year, we help LuHi exceed their goal of meals packed for local food pantries and the Andrew Grene School in Haiti, and every year the number of meals packed has been substantially increasing! As you know, the funds to purchase this food comes from donations like yours. Every $60 donated entitles one person to take part in a 2-hour packing session. Even if you are personally unable to commit the time and energy to this very important project, you can still support it by sponsoring or contributing to help offset the donations of some who would like to participate, such as our confirmation students who are required to attend as part of their studies, some complete families, and some fiscally challenged congregation members. The $60 registration is for one person only, so if a family of four is willing and able to participate, they would have to donate $240 on their own! Your gift of $60 will register one person for a two-hour session and would greatly help everyone’s ability to participate. Others may have the time, the heart, desire, and ability but need the cash to participate! Your gift in any amount will be greatly appreciated. Please donate a check payable to Good Shepherd, marked “LuHi Meal Packing”. Just a reminder that this is a requirement for our Confirmation students as stated in the September welcome letter. Please put the date and time on your calendar now if you have not done so already and plan to attend. Confirmation students and participants are also encouraged to fundraise the $60 for this event. Thank you for your consideration. MINUTES of our December Council Meeting are available in the narthex. Please feel free to take a copy. WORSHIP TO GO SCHEDULE! All are welcome to join us. Following is our upcoming schedule: 1. Huntington Hills (400 South Service Road In Melville): Sunday, January 13th, at 2:00 p.m. (second Sunday of each month) 2. Sunrise (1231 Old Country Road in Plainview) & White Oaks (8565 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury): Thursday, January 24th (second and fourth Thursday of each month) 3. Central Island (825 Old Country Road in Plainview) Thursday, January 17th, at 10:00 a.m. (third Thursday of each month) 4. Prayer Group with Holy Communion (Good Shepherd) followed by the Shepherd’s Table (Shepherd Hill): Thursday, February 7th at 10:30 a.m. (first Thursday of each month) OUR SOCIAL MINISTRY TEAM COLLECTS two specific items for the Community Food Bank sponsored by the Mid Island Y right here in Plainview: Hunt’s Pasta Sauce and canned fruit with no sugar added. This is separate from our regular, ongoing food donations. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS OF WEEKLY COUPONS to our Plainview Community Food Bank sponsored by the MIYJCC. They are very helpful and very much appreciated. Please be sure to drop any you won’t be using into the box in the narthex. LUHI OPEN HOUSE & ENTRANCE EXAM: Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School (131 Brookville Road, Brookville) will host an Admissions Open House on Sunday, January 27th at 2:30 p.m. for students seeking admission for the 2019-2020 school year. An Entrance Exam will be given on Saturday, February 9th at 8:45. To reserve a space at either Open House or the Entrance Exam, please call the Admissions Office at 516- 6261700, ext. 545. Spaces are limited.

WEEK OF 1/13/18 OPPORTUNITIES/EVENTS AT GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL Baptism of our Lord, Sunday 1/13 Holy Eucharist(spoken)  Sharing the Faith Adult Christian Education  Junior Shepherds  Sunday School Holy Eucharist Troop #423 Court of Honor in Gym Worship to Go at Huntington Hills Service of Healing & Anointing with Holy Communion

Monday, 1/14 Children’s Chapel in Sanctuary Children’s Music Program in Sanctuary Lectio Divina Bible Study in East Cottage English Conversation/Introduction to Christianity Bereavement Group in Prayer Chapel Ministry Team Meetings in Sanctuary

8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - Noon

10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, 1/15 Church Council Meeting in East Cottage Wednesday, 1/16 Children’s Music Program in Church Saintly Sew”ers” & Nifty ‘Nitters in West Cottage Confirmation Class Choir Practice in Sanctuary Thursday, 1/17 Worship to Go at Central Island 21+ Men’s Luncheon at Jackie Reilly’s Boy Scouts Troop #423 in Gym Preacher’s Pub at the Inn Between Friday, 1/18 Saturday, 1/19 Second Sunday of the Epiphany 1/20 Holy Eucharist(spoken)  Sharing the Faith Adult Christian Education  Junior Shepherds  Sunday School Holy Eucharist Taize

7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – Noon

10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

THOSE IN NEED OF HEALING: Gloria Albreicht (Alice Vorstadt’s friend), Allison & Dave (Karin Kienle’s friends), Barbara Altman (Alice Vorstadt’s friend), Helen Anderson, Anthony (Karen Faucera’s friend), Ariana (Susan Ferraro’s friend), Charlie Aviano (Garcia family friend), Pat Ballard (Reverend Dale Carr), Chris Balos, Barbara Bajore, Alex & Derek Bartkow, Carolyn (Wuerffel) Bayerkohler, Marilyn & Paul Benner, Joe & Carol Berardino, Martha & Tom Berardino, Grace Berry, John Binsfeld (Benner family friend), Miriam & Paula Bistany (Grappone family friend), Emily Brandi (Wakefield family friend), Laura Brandt (Thomas family friend), Janet Brazel (Terry Miccio’s relative), John Brooks (Debra’s husband), Annmarie Brown, Arthur Brown (Dean’s father), Glen Cacchioli, Connie Campbell (Patty Larson’s sister in law), Patricia Cannata, Lynn Carlson, Bill Carroll (Rose Minnick’s friend), Sally Christophedes (Grappone family friend), Olga Colandro (Olsen family friend), Amanda Conca (Grappone family friend), Gisela Conforti, Maya Contreras & family (Alice Vorstadt’s relatives), Frank Costeira (Martha Peterson’s friend), David Cronin, Chris Cucci, Frank Dell’Aquila (GSL teacher Diane Kideris’s father), Claudia DeMauro, Georgeann Diblasi (Sue Wakefield’s relative), Gregory Diehl (Dorothy Turaukas’s son), Romia Dimor (Wenger family friend), Steven Dux (Irma Carlson’s nephew), Theresa Eby (Mary Oliveto’s relative), Dilliana Edwards, Becky Ernst (Paul Wenger’s cousin), Judy Esposito (Karen Faucera’s friend), Richard Faithfull (Grappone family friend), Eric Faret, Ricky Fedyk (Sue Wakefield’s friend), Margaret Fiedler, Pat Fiedler, Danny Fink, Marcelle Figlo, Susan, Anthony, and Alice Ferraro, Arlene Fraraccio (George Hirn’s sister), Gary, June & Rosalie, Jackie Gentner, Ray Gorka, Katelyn Gregorie (Grappone family friend), Kenneth Hall (Ronn’s brother), Sean Harrison (Lorch family friend), Ellen Harvey (Terry Miccio’s friend), Diane Helmers, Gunhild Hendrickson, Katherine Hill, Tobi Indellicati, Jack (Kathy Matullo’s friend), Michelle Jackowdik (Annmarie Brown’s relative), Jessica, Jimi (Chrissi Canino’s relative), Amy Kalb (Karen Faucera’s friend), Robin Kane (Rose Minnick’s relative), Lois Kazarian, Susie Klemm (Bruno family), Evelyn & Niko Kontonis & their family, Jon Krenkel (Terry Miccio’s cousin), Heather Rose Landry, Kenneth Lane, Carol Larson (Bob Rickmeyer’s sister), Rolando Larrondo (Jennifer Stoddart’s relative) Lois Lengenfelder, Charles & Michael Leva (Angel Lorch’s uncle & father), Angel, Christopher & Marie Lorch, Ron Lupi (Meyer family friend), Roger Luedtke (Sue Devine’s brother in law), Joe Marino (Annmarie Brown’s relative), Vanessa Masih (Lisa Cacchioli’s student’s sister), Matt Massucci & his family (Vollono family friend), Diane Matales (Lilli Schulz’s friend), Steve McCoy (Sue Wakefield’s friend & Bettyann Jacovino’s brother in law), Pastor Fred McElderry, Dorothy McGowan, Annette Meitzner (Roy Steinhilber’s friend), Nancy Michaelis (Dawn Zacchino’s mother), Martha Minnicozzi & Pat Miskey (Brown family friends), Judi Miranda, Teddy Moore (Miccio family friend), Maryellen Moyse, Ellie Mueller, Jane Muller (Sean Cooke’s friend), Karen Murphy (Donna Hickey’s friend), Richard Murphy (Mary Ann’s Son), Ann Ocker, Anthony Pericone (Donna Hickey’s friend), Diana Petrielo (Terry Miccio’s friend), Mark Prowatzke (Danny Wenger’s father in law), Bob Rickmeyer, Justin Rogers (Karin Kienle’s nephew), Stephanie Rogers (Ferrara family friend), Mackenzie Ruff, Barbara Russo (Susan Ferraro’s friend), George Saueracker, Elena Savage (Jeff & Susan Wakefield’s granddaughter), Craig Schumacker (Elaine Mark’s relative), Danna Sgambati, Kenny Shrypek (McGowan family friend), Diane Sicca (Debbie Garcia’s sister), Barbara Silber (Sarah Wenger Silber’s mother in law), Eric Silva & family (Karen Faucera’s friends), Jennifer Sorenson (Cathy Vollono’s friend), Judy Stal (Christine Adolphus’s daughter), Ken Steffens, Ed Strauhs, Raymond Tarnok (Pat Fiedler’s nephew), Debbie Tassi (Denise Donitz’s sister), Richie Taylor (Ann Rickmeyer’s friend), Paul Thompson (Lisa Olsen’s relative) the Thomas Family, Tori & Family (Karen Faucera’s friend), Nancy Tucker, Domenick Tuozzo, Kathy Van Driessche, Lisa Van Tress (Donna Hickey’s friend), Ken & Kevin Vorstadt, Ralph Wahl (Alice Vorstadt’s relative), Jeff Wakefield, Clifton Weed (Fiedler family friend), John Wenger (Paul’s brother), Marilyn Weyant (Maisch family friend), Derek Zacchino, Brother George Zenle, Julia, Pat, Josie, Jennifer & Nicole (Genevieve’s Helping Hands). THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING: The family & friends of Marlo Biesma, Phil Lorch’s Aunt Gloria, William Cahoon, Raymond, and Dorothy.

There’s 49 Sundays Available for You to Host Ethel’s Coffee Hour! Please Consider It! Thank You!

THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: CPT Hector Ruben Alejandro, USMC, (Lori Mason’s friend), Matthew Beers (Army), Keith & Kyle Calderone (Army), SGT Sean Hassett (Lori Mason’s cousin), MAJ Paul Rickmeyer, Captain Robert Saueracker, 1st Lt. Jack Senft (Maureen Cooke’s friend), Major Philip Sounia, Corporal Nicholas Ventrelli- O’Connell (Patty Larson’s family friend). THOSE PREPARING FOR ORDINATION: Vicar Adam Reinhardt. THOSE WHO ARE UNABLE TO JOIN US IN BODY BUT ARE WITH US IN SPIRIT: Audrey Lassus.