
Anxiety -

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Bethany Bible Church LIVING UPSIDE DOWN

October 9, 2016 DR. KENT DELHOUSAYE

Anxiety Matthew 6:25-34 I)

What is the problem of anxiety? (25-30) A) There is a __________ anxiety and an __________ anxiety B) The difference between__________ and__________ anxiety is a __________ on the “what if’s”


What is the solution to anxiety? (31-34) A) Obsessing about God’s __________ and __________, not about our __________ or __________ B) When we worry we are not __________ the__________ of God

God’s View of Anxiety It’s impossible for us never to worry about anything. Anxiety is triggered by outside events, but God is most concerned for us in what takes place in our hearts. What’s going on in our own internal dialogue in the midst of an outside stressful event? Do we find ourselves constantly obsessing over “what if’s?” Do we think that our obsession over “what if’s” will somehow solve or improve our difficult circumstances? If so, this is the kind of anxiety Jesus warns us about in Matthew 6:25-34. Our present-day word “anxiety” comes from an Old English word which means “to strangle.” Anxiety literally can strangle our hearts. The solution to anxiety involves an inner shift away from obsessing about the all the things in this world to obsessing about God’s kingdom and righteousness. Obsessing about the things in this world is easy because we take in the world every day through our senses. However, obsessing about God’s kingdom requires faith - a faith where we humble ourselves before God and cast all of our anxieties on Him (1 Peter 5:6-7; Philippians 4:6-7). Questions for Discussion or Further Study 1. Why does the world ultimately have no answers for anxiety? 2. What is Jesus’ solution to anxiety? 3. What is the relationship between anxiety and biblical faith? In our hearts, why does anxiety displace faith and faith displace anxiety?

4. How do you tend to worry? Do you worry about the past? The future? Your health? Family and friends? Things that never happen? Something else? 5. How should our hearts ponder the “what if’s” of life in light of God’s sovereignty? 6. It’s easy to become obsessed with our worry’s. How instead can you become obsessed with God’s sovereignty?