Articles of Faith JEOPARDY! Name that #

[PDF]Articles of Faith JEOPARDY! Name that

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Articles of Faith JEOPARDY! Name that # 100 The principles and ordinances of the Gospel. (4)

200 We will be punished for our own actions and not anyone else’s. (2)

300 This one deals with the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. (1)

400 We try to do kind things to everyone and seek after lovely things. (13)

500 We believe in the translated Bible and the Book of Mormon. (8)

600 Everyone is saved through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (3)

700 The organization of the Church. (6)

800 How and why men are called of God. (5)

900 There are many gifts such as the gift of tongues. (7)

1000 Someday Christ will reign on the earth, and the earth will be return to is glorious state. (10)

1100 God still reveals important things in our day. (9)

1200 Everyone has the right to worship where or what they may. (11)

1300 We obey our Presidents, police officers and keep the law. (12)