arts & crafts vendor application - Constant Contact

arts & crafts vendor application - Constant

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Granbury’s Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration Sunday, July 2nd - Tuesday, July 4th

ARTS & CRAFTS VENDOR APPLICATION Dear Arts & Crafts Vendor Applicant:

Quick Notes Deadline for Applications June 1, 2017 @ 5:00 pm Vendor Check-In Sunday morning, July 2nd Check-in times TBA Event Hours Sunday, July 2 1 pm - 7 pm Monday, July 3 10 am - 7 pm Tuesday, July 4 8 am - 4 pm

Attached is the Vendor Application form. Please follow all directions completely. All applications must be fully completed and returned before the deadline of June 1st to be considered. Submission of application does not guarantee acceptance or placement. The Granbury Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to select or reject vendors, as well as assign booth numbers as deemed appropriate. To eliminate delays, please return the following by June 1, 2017:   

Completed Application and checklist with initials and signature (two pages) Photo of items to be sold (and booth setup, if possible) Check or money order. We also accept credit card payment.

Vendors will receive notification that application has been received and if accepted via email.

Other Events to Note

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Parade - July 4, 10 am (start from GHS)

Thank you,

Ranch Rodeo - July 4, 6 pm Fireworks - July 4 Dusk (approx. 9:40 pm) over Lake Granbury

Kim Vezo Granbury Chamber of Commerce [email protected] 817.573.1622

2017 ARTS & CRAFTS VENDOR APPLICATION Show Dates: Sunday, July 2 - Tuesday, July 4 Fees: Corner Booth - $350 Non-corner Booth - $300 Early Bird Discount of $50 if payment is received by May 1, 2017 Vendor/Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Your Name:__________________________________ Are you a returning Vendor from 2016? ____Y/N ______ Email:______________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________________

Alternate Phone:_______________________________

Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________ State:________________ Zip Code:__________________ See attached map. Arts & craft vendor spaces are numbered 1 - 112

Booth Choice #1:__________________ Choice #2:____________________ Choice #3:____________________ If you are requesting a corner booth, please include ONE booth space that is not a corner booth. We will try to place you in choice #1, but it is not guaranteed. I authorize the Granbury Chamber of Commerce to provide my contact information to anyone Inquiring about my product/business after the festival. (Please initial to confirm.) Percentage of handmade goods:______________ Percentage of commercial items:_______________ 1. List all Art & Craft items below that you will be displaying and selling during the festival. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Only items listed and approved will be permitted in your booth) 2. You must enclose photos of items to be sold. Photos are retained by the Granbury Chamber of Commerce. 3. Attach a check or money order payable to Granbury Chamber of Commerce. Credit Card payment is also accepted. If, for some reason, your application is not approved, your payment will be returned to you. 4. Initial each line on page 2 and submit with your completed application, photos, and payment. 5. Type/length of vehicle & trailer ________________________________________________________________ 6. Estimated time for you to unload, and move your vehicle? ______________________________________ Comments:___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chamber Use:

Booth Assignment___________

PIF ck/mo/cc___________

2017 ARTS & CRAFTS VENDOR APPLICATION - Page 2 ** Initial next to each item indicating you have read it and then sign at the bottom. ** Please make a copy to keep for your records. ______ A completed application and paid booth fee is your commitment to show. No refunds will be made for cancellation or removal for cause. Vendors will be notified of the received application AND acceptance of application via email. ______ Vendor may request booth spaces, but the Chamber of Commerce has the final say on assignment. No last minute “booth swaps” will be allowed. ______ Merchandise must be comprised of at least 50% handmade/hand embellished items. ______ Booth spaces are 10’ wide and 20’ deep. All merchandise must fit inside your booth. ______ Ice will be available to purchase at the square. ______ Booth appearance is extremely important to the quality of the show and your business. Displays, tents, tables, etc. must be clean and in good repair. All tables must be covered to the ground. All boxes and extra merchandise must be stored out of sight and not behind your booth. Discount and sale signs not allowed. Signs with regular prices are allowed, if printed or neatly written. ______ Electricity for vendors is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Vendors are responsible for their own extension cords and power strips. Cords must be taped down. We do not guarantee electricity to all booths. ______ Vendors are responsible for providing their own tents, tables and chairs. Tents must be anchored down with weights - no stakes in the asphalt or in the Courthouse lawn. ______ The Chamber of Commerce and its festival committee will review all booths on the first day of the show. We reserve the right to require removal of work that does not comply with show rules or is not included in your application. ______ Vendor vehicles will be allowed in show area during set unloading times prior to the show and set loading times after the show. No vehicles allowed during open or closed hours. Vendor parking is available just north of the square. No one is allowed to drive over the curb to get into the square. No parking on Bridge or Crockett Streets, at any time. ______ Texas sales tax collection and payment are the vendor’s responsibility. ______ Each vendor is responsible to clean up their booth space after the show. All trash, tape, etc. must be removed. Failure to do so will result in a $50 fine and possible removal from future events. ______ No hay, grass or other vegetation is allowed in booth areas. ______ Security will be provided Sunday and Monday nights from the close of the show until the opening of the show the next morning. ______ Vendors are responsible for their goods and merchandise. The vendor should maintain proper insurance coverage over merchandise and booth display/equipment. The Chamber of Commerce and 4th of July committee are not responsible for damage to or loss of personal property or personal injury to the vendor’s booth and/or personnel. ______ Vendors are required to remain open during the advertised hours (on page 1) and not to leave early on closing day.

Artist Release and Acknowledgement I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth within and such rules as may be established by the 4th of July Celebration Committee. I hereby release and forever discharge the 4th of July Celebration, the Granbury Chamber of Commerce, the City of Granbury and the County of Hood from any responsibility or liability for loss, claims, damages, theft, injury or accident. It is further agreed that this application shall maintain his/her space, merchandise, activities and business practices in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the City Ordinances of Granbury and Hood County. Applicant understands that violation of non-compliance of same may result in the immediate expulsion of applicant and his/her exhibit from the Celebration.

Signature:_________________________________________________________________ Date:______________________________ Tax ID Number:_________________________

Please return applications to: Granbury Chamber of Commerce Attn: Kim Vezo 3408 East Highway 377 Granbury, TX 76049 Fax: 817.573.0805