[PDF]Bethel's Telephone Prayer Line Ministry NEEDS YOU! Can...
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Bethel’s Telephone Prayer Line Ministry NEEDS YOU! Can you commit to one (1) hour per/week interceding for those calling in for prayer. You can do this from the Church’s Administration Building (the “2901 Bldg.”) between the hours of 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m., OR from your own home, between the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. For more information, contact Min. Gail Allen at 215-885-2585, Ext. 328. My Brother’s Keeper Ministry: Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes I am. No one should slip through the cracks. No one should leave BDIC wounded or hurt. Everyone should feel supported. If you are concerned about a member, perhaps someone who you’ve noticed hasn’t been in service, etc., fill out the green card in the lobby and drop it in the adjacent mail box. We are our brothers’ keeper. Our love is for one another. Sons of Elijah/Daughters of Adonai Mentoring Ministries: Parents: Now is the season to resume having your young children participate in Bethel’s Boys’ and Girls’ mentoring ministries. Sons of Elijah, for boys, ages 7-12 and Daughters of Adonai, for girls, ages 7 - 12, meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of every month. For more information on the Daughters of Adonai, contact Sis. Crystal Johnson, Team Leader, at 215-885-2585, Ext. 453, and for more information on the Sons of Elijah, contact Bro. David Morgan or Pastor Wayne Diggs at 215-885-2585, Ext. 306. Recording of Bethel Services is Strictly Prohibited by Copyright Laws. There are signs posted throughout the Sanctuary. Please refrain from recording any Bethel service on your phone, IPAD, tablet, or any other recording device. Please adhere to the signs posted around the Sanctuary. We thank you for your cooperation. Join Bethel! Membership has its privileges. Now YOU can become part of the few...the proud...the Bethelites. If you have not completed a membership application, pick up an application from an usher, complete the application and simply turn the completed card back in, either to the usher, or drop it into the offering basket. You will be contacted as to the date of the next New Members class. You can be on your way to becoming one of us! IT’S STILL CAMP BETHEL TIME! So remember, for these final TWO WEEKS, there’ll still be mini-Bethelites all over the campus. Please continue to reduce your speed while driving throughout the campus during the week, and be on the lookout for campers. Let’s end this 2019 camp season safely and incident-free. REMEMBER...BETHEL’S MID-DAY SERVICE TIME HAS CHANGED! Please note Bethel’s 11:30 service now begins at 11:00 a.m. Mark your calendars, set your clocks and don’t be late for church!
Men’s and Women’s Prayer: Join us at the altar for prayer. Men’s prayer is held EVERY Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. in the main Sanctuary. Women’s prayer is held on the fourth Saturday of every month. Ladies, join us on Saturday, August 24, 2019, at 8:00 a.m. in the Main Sanctuary. We’ll see you at the altar! Bishop Lambert Meeting with Bethel’s Young Adult Population: Are you 18-35? Pastor Lambert wants to meet with you. Come out to this interactive session with him on Friday, August 2, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Sanctuary. This is YOUR time with him. All Night Prayer: Bethel’s next All Night Prayer session will be held this Friday, August 2, 2019 at 11:00 p.m. in the Main Sanctuary. Let’s meet at the altar and talk to God about it all. Education Conference: Attention parents, educators and students. Get the jump on the 2019/2020 school year and take advantage of valuable resources at this year’s Education Conference. Friday, August 9th and Saturday, August 10th. Beginning Friday evening, August 9, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., the opening session offers a wealth of presenters, resources and information. Light refreshments will be served. Then come back all day Saturday for workshops from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Glean from proven successful education professionals in a wide variety of subjects. Lunch is available $5.00 per/person. Registration is required. Visit the table in the lobby after 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. services, or contact Stephanie DaCosta at 215-885-2585, Ext. 304. CONVOCATION ALERT: BDIFC’s 2019 Holy Convocation is almost upon us. Mark your calendars and plan to join Bishop Lambert and the Bethel Fellowship of Churches on City Line Avenue for our TENTH Holy Convocation. Wednesday; August 21 through Sunday, August 25, 2019. There’ll be dynamic workshops during the day, dynamic guest preachers nightly, as well as two renowned Gospel artists will be joining us Thursday and Friday Night. Also, there’ll be a special time of worship for the young adult crowd immediately following service on Friday evening. Our Celebration banquet will be held Saturday evening and the Convocation climaxes with a powerful message from our Presiding Bishop, Pastor Lambert! YOU WONT’ WANT TO MISS ANY OF THIS! We’ll see you at Convocation!
CONVOCATION SERVANTS NEEDED: Do you want to help out during our Holy Convocation? If you’re interested, we still need help in the following areas: Medical/Emergency Response Team, Ushers, Hospitality and Greeters, Security, Choir members and musicians. Please pick up a flyer from the rear of the Sanctuary with contact information for all of the areas listed above. You must call the contact person to sign up. CHOIR MEMBERS/MUSICIANS: Its not too late. There is one final Convocation choir rehearsal on Saturday, August 10, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at New Birth Praise and Worship Center, 2001 S. 29th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122. If you haven’t attended any rehearsals yet, you MUST attend this final rehearsal to minister during the Convocation.