BIG IDEA: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Prayer is not about

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L O R D T E A C H U S T O P R AY SEPTEMBER 3 & 6 SERMON VIDEO LEADER LEADER INFO: • Please initially reach out to your people by PHONE CALL OR TEXT. Once you meet gather all contact info and discuss best ways to communicate with the group (Facebook page, group text, email). • If you need personal emails of members please email [email protected] [email protected]

GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Check out the Daniel Fast Devos and Recipes on our website and app: • Saturated 2015 will be September 16-20. We fast and pray with expectation that we will grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord during this time. • The Before All Things Album will be on sale starting this week! $15 for a CD and $11.99 on ITunes. Come check out the booths before and after services!

TEXTS: Luke 11:1-13 and Matthew 6:5-13

BIG IDEA: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Prayer is not about information. It is about

intimacy with the Father. Prayer is the means by which our Sovereign God accomplishes “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” ACTION STEP FOLLOW UP (5 MINUTES)

Last Week: Take a few minutes right now to write down how you can leverage the things below for the Kingdom of God. Which one do you need to really focus on first? EyesMouthTimeTalentsTreasure-

ACCOUNTABILITY QUESTIONS 1. What plan have you put into place to leverage your eyes, mouth, time, treasure, and talent for the Kingdom of God? (PLAY VIDEO)

VIDEO SEGMENT 1: THE POINT: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Prayer is not about information. It is about

intimacy with the Father. Prayer is the means by which our Sovereign God accomplishes “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Luke 11:1-13 out loud. 1. When and where do you usually pray? 2. What stirs up inside of you when you pray? (adoration? frustration?) 3. What are you asking God for right now? Are you persistent with that prayer? 4. Do you believe that God hears your prayers? Why or why not?


VIDEO SEGMENT 2: THE POINT: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Prayer is not about information. It is about

intimacy with the Father. Prayer is the means by which our Sovereign God accomplishes “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Matthew 6:5-8 out loud. 5. When has your prayer life become more about you and less about God’s glory and promises? 6. How will understanding that prayer is not about us affect your prayer?

Matthew 6:5-8 is not teaching us that the only way to prayer is alone in a quiet room. It is addressing the issue of those that pray in vain to win the approval of man and those that babble on with words that have no heart behind them.


VIDEO SEGMENT 3: THE POINT: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Prayer is not about information. It is about

intimacy with the Father. Prayer is the means by which our Sovereign God accomplishes “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” (PAUSE VIDEO AND DISCUSS QUESTIONS) Have someone read Matthew 6:9-13 out loud. 7. What stands out to you about the flow of this prayer model Jesus teaches?

In the Lord’s Prayer we see a rhythm of adoration, alignment, and asking. We should start with honoring God and His character, aligning ourselves with His heart and His will, and asking with expectation that He hears us. It is through our intimacy with God that we become more like Him and we see the gift of prayer through the lens of the Gospel instead of our own wish list. We can then freely experience the gift of God allowing us to play a role in Him accomplishing His will on earth.

ACTION STEP: Remember, prayer is talking and listening to God. He has invited you to sit with Him. Set aside intentional prayer time each week for one month. See what happens. -Put it on your calendar (Example: Every Tuesday & Thursday on your lunch break for 15 minutes). -Remove distractions (Turn off phone, go somewhere quiet)