Bird has a big problem. And he needs help!

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The tale of two minds

Written and co-illustrated by Rebecca Crompton, Helen Hancocks, Faye Johnson & Lucy Letherland

From an original short story by Jon Hallowell ©2014 Marketecture. All Rights Reserved.

Bird has a big problem. A forage in the sand has left him stuck and unable to eat or speak.

He wanders around for many hours thinking about what to do. It seems he has no means to solve his problem alone. Bird is sad.

‘Perhaps the swimming people can help?’ thinks Bird.

The swimming people are too busy swimming and do not notice him. Bird is sad.

But Walrus was set in his ways and would not listen. ‘Maybe I will try somebody stronger?’ considers Bird.

Bird is sad.

The wise Crab quickly scuttles over. He is eager to offer his assistance.

Despondent and dejected, Bird sits down and cries by the rock pool.

Crab surveys the situation carefully. Seeing the problem, he tells Bird, “sit still a while, let me help you.” A simple, precise cut sets Bird free. Bird is happy.

Bird flies off, realising that all he needed was a friend who cared enough to understand what his problem was. His mind alone was not enough!

The story you have just read is the first in a series designed to offer an alternate view on modern day marketing challenges. It is a labour of love that we at Marketecture are very proud to be associated with. It is the winning submission to a brief set for Second Year B.A. (Hons.) ‘Illustration with Animation’ students at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and is part of our ongoing initiative to build links between academia and the Creative and Marketing industry. We would like to thank not only the winning illustrators, but all those who submitted work in response to the brief. The standards were encouragingly high and it fills us with confidence that the next generation of Creatives are already starting to find their voice. We would also like to express our thanks to the teaching staff at MMU for their interest and support in this project. We look forward to developing the initiative further with the university in the next academic year. Should anybody wish to commission the winning illustrators for commercial projects, please contact marketecture in the first instance and we will pass your details on. Call it paying it forward, call it whatever you like, to us it’s just another example of what we like to call inspiring B2B Marketing. To find out what that could mean for you, visit or give Michael Clark a call on +44 (0)161 786 8040.

Bird has a big problem. And he needs help!

He knows what he wants to achieve. But he’s about to discover sometimes a specialist can soon become a fish out of water and that biggest is not always best. What he needs is an agile thinker with the right tools and approach to solve his problem.