Blessed are the Peacemakers

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

Questions for Discipleship Group and/or Personal Study

1. Do you believe conflict is good or bad? Why?

Chris Reitmayer June 10, 2018

Matthew 5:9 Sermon Notes:

2. Do you typically try to avoid conflict or engage it? Discuss. 3. How did your family deal with conflict growing up? What were some of the positive ways you saw conflict dealt with? What were some of the negative ways you saw conflict dealt with? 4. Read the following quote from the MB Confession of Faith (pg. 145): "The call to biblical peacemaking challenges us to be more than passive non resistors. The word “peacemaker” combines the meaning of well-being or wholeness with the idea of action. A peacemaker is one who actively intervenes in situations of conflict in order to establish peace.” a. How does the idea of biblical peacemaking as explained here, challenge your current response to conflict? b. What do you sense the Lord inviting you to repent of? (*repent simply means a change of mind or direction - it’s not necessarily about apologizing.) c. What are some tangible ways you want to act on this moving forward? d. How can your group hold you accountable to this?

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