Bond Market Review | April 8, 2019

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Bond Market Review | April 8, 2019 Special Revenue Municipal Bonds Exposed •

In a move that could have legal ramifications for the municipal market, the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals agreed with the judge overseeing Puerto Rico’s debt restructuring that the U.S. bankruptcy code does not compel a chapter 9 debtor to make payments on special revenue bonds during bankruptcy.

If the ruling is not overturned, the downgrade of some special revenue bonds is likely to occur. Bonds most exposed to this risk are ones where there is a notable rating difference between a government-sponsored enterprise (e.g. school districts, water and sewer authorities) and the general obligation rating of the local sponsored government itself.

Had this ruling been in effect when Detroit filed chapter 9 six years ago, Detroit’s water and sewer authority would have had the option of reneging on its debt service obligations as the city made its way through the bankruptcy process.

10-Year AAA Municipal Yield

Source: Bloomberg

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