[PDF]BUCS PwC SMALL BOATS HEAD - LM1x RESULTS - Rackcdn.comc1593.r93.cf3.rackcdn.com/LM1x_Results_2011_1.pdfCached38 Bond. Thomas. Reading Univ BC. LM...

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BUCS PwC SMALL BOATS HEAD - LM1x RESULTS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)

Boat No 14 42 4 6 11 62 45 19 43 30 12 38 20 29 23 33 35 7 28 58 40 47 36 52 24 26 51 59 66 50 69 61 53 64 34 41 57

Surname Kirkwood Bedford Lee-Green Fletcher Kimberley Ferrazzo Watton Price Brown Richards Woodman Bond Monteith Scott Turner Hudson Atkin Loveday Tedbury Hunt Pearson Jones Wedlake Downes West John Smith Hall Oliver Thomas Blake Holbrough Crowe Roberts Buckle Brock Waite-Roberts

First Name Jamie Matthew Zak William Wilf Andrea Richard Rupert Kieran Timothy Timothy Thomas Matthew James Craig Patrick Inigo DS Piran Andrzej Thomas William Paul James Liam Stuart Joseph Matthew Gregor Vincent Jack Rhys Sean Myles Andrew Alex N Tom Charles

Club Imperial Coll/Roehampton Univ Univ of London BC Agecroft/Manchester Univ Durham Univ BC Imperial Coll Birmingham Univ Loughborough Students Cambridge U L Edinburgh Univ BC Imperial Coll Durham Univ BC Reading Univ BC Imperial Coll Heriot Watt Univ BC Loughborough Students Imperial Coll Univ of London BC London RC/UEL Cambridge U L Granta Imperial Coll Imperial Coll Granta/Cambridge Granta Durham Univ BC Univ of London BC Newcastle Univ Heriot Watt Univ BC Sheffield Univ Rhwyfo Cymru/Cardiff Univ UWIC Imperial College Edinburgh Univ BC Derby Newcastle Univ W of England Univ W of England Univ

Boat Type First Half Second Half Total Time 2km Ergo LM1x 10:16.85 10:43.02 20:59.87 06:25.20 LM1x 10:20.13 11:01.39 21:21.52 06:34.10 LM1x 10:19.48 11:02.88 21:22.36 06:18.00 LM1x 10:27.28 11:02.59 21:29.87 06:19.20 LM1x 10:25.93 11:08.33 21:34.26 06:24.80 10:27.15 11:16.31 21:43.46 LM1x 10:41.62 11:19.98 22:01.60 06:35.10 LM1x 10:43.58 11:18.58 22:02.16 06:27.40 LM1x 10:39.56 11:24.23 22:03.79 06:34.40 LM1x 10:34.45 11:29.40 22:03.85 06:31.00 LM1x 10:47.43 11:19.27 22:06.70 06:24.90 LM1x 10:42.01 11:25.40 22:07.41 06:32.40 LM1x 10:44.84 11:22.84 22:07.68 06:27.80 LM1x 10:53.45 11:14.29 22:07.74 06:30.80 LM1x 10:37.22 11:34.95 22:12.17 06:29.20 LM1x 10:52.93 11:20.10 22:13.03 06:31.40 LM1x 10:38.87 11:35.41 22:14.28 06:31.50 LM1x 10:45.03 11:32.01 22:17.04 06:23.50 LM1x 10:56.13 11:25.24 22:21.37 06:30.50 LM1x 10:41.75 11:42.76 22:24.51 06:49.30 LM1x 10:46.15 11:41.32 22:27.47 06:32.90 LM1x 10:47.68 11:39.96 22:27.64 06:38.30 LM1x 10:46.54 11:48.11 22:34.65 06:32.00 LM1x 10:47.80 11:46.88 22:34.68 06:38.90 LM1x 10:54.44 11:41.11 22:35.55 06:29.50 LM1x 10:59.99 11:40.21 22:40.20 06:30.10 LM1x 10:57.11 11:43.97 22:41.08 06:38.90 LM1x 10:52.30 11:49.65 22:41.95 06:51.70 10:58.75 11:45.24 22:43.99 LM1x 10:53.77 11:58.51 22:52.28 06:38.70 10:55.20 11:57.17 22:52.37 LM1x 11:01.57 11:51.69 22:53.26 06:37.90 LM1x 10:58.59 11:55.23 22:53.82 06:38.90 11:07.24 11:49.99 22:57.23 LM1x 11:20.54 11:39.81 23:00.35 06:31.50 LM1x 11:18.17 11:47.81 23:05.98 06:34.10 LM1x 11:15.00 11:52.06 23:07.06 06:42.30

Rank (16) (44) (6) (8) (13) (48) (21) (46) (32) (14) (40) (22) (31) (25) (35) (36) (9) (30) (70) (42) (52) (38) (56) (26) (28) (56) (71) (55)

(56) (36) (44) (65)

5km 20:59.87 21:21.52 21:22.36 21:29.87 21:34.26 21:43.46 22:01.60 22:02.16 22:03.79 22:03.85 22:06.70 22:07.41 22:07.68 22:07.74 22:12.17 22:13.03 22:14.28 22:17.04 22:21.37 22:24.51 22:27.47 22:27.64 22:34.65 22:34.68 22:35.55 22:40.20 22:41.08 22:41.95 22:43.99 22:52.28 22:52.37 22:53.26 22:53.82 22:57.23 23:00.35 23:05.98 23:07.06

Rank (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)

(38) (39) (40)

49 65 67 44 63 68

Crockford Clark Sillitoe Dickinson Hayward Loveday

18 Harvey 27 Ablard 2 Evans

Daniel Joe James James Tom Clive

Univ of London BC Derby Southampton Univ Newcastle Univ Cardiff Univ UWE


Daniel Glenn Donald

Isis Lincoln RC Queens Univ Belfast RC

LM1x LM1x LM1x

11:03.65 11:03.13 11:45.96

12:13.74 12:14.67 12:33.21

23:17.39 23:17.80 24:19.17



23:17.39 (38) 23:17.80 (39) 24:19.17 (40)

10:29.42 11:20.21 11:07.10

11:07.18 11:44.21 12:13.77

21:36.60 23:04.42 23:20.87

06:27.10 06:30.10 06:15.60

(20) (28) (2)

21:36.60 23:04.42 23:20.87
