Budget Budget

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2016 Financial Plan & Leadership Proposal

2015 Ministry Highlights LifePoint Church exists to multiply disciples of Jesus Christ locally and around the world. Everything that we do ultimately works toward that goal, including the way that we steward our resources. Here are just a few ways that your giving has helped to advance the Kingdom of God.

Local Missions We have helped 19 families with assistance and resources, including one couple, three single, disabled men, two disabled elderly women, and 15 single mothers. This also includes a total of 32 children that were affected by LifePoint Church. We have provided money and repairs for the renovation of The Recovery Station, an Oconee County organization that helps those struggling with addictions and similar needs. LifePoint Life Groups have completed 3 ramps and 2 roofs for homes in the area. We have helped four families get moved and settled, providing furniture and some utility deposits. We have also repaired one car, a bathroom (currently in progress), and we have provided kerosene for a family during the winter.

National Missions We sent 84 students and adults on a mission trip to Panama City, Florida, where they conducted Vacation Bible Schools and sports camps for over 150 children and teenagers. After the catastrophic flooding in the lower part of South Carolina, LifePoint sent 15 pallets of fresh water and other supplies to victims in Columbia. 1

2016 Financial Plan & Leadership Proposal

2015 Ministry Highlights Global Missions We sent an 8-member mission team to Kenya, where they conducted a conference for IMB missionaries in the Conflict Zone of Africa (Sudan, Chad, Uganda, and South Sudan). We supplied each family with a large crate of food and supplies, and we purchased a generator for a missionary in Zambia. We provided funding for a surgery in Africa to help heal a man’s damaged ear. We also provide on-going support for our full-time missionary in Nicaragua, Sara Long Castillo. We helped send a mission team to work with an orphanage and church planters in India.

Partners Supported LifePoint Church supports a number of local ministries and organizations that are dedicated to making a difference in our community. These partners include: - Christ Central Ministries (men’s shelter for the homeless and recovering addicts) - Collins Children’s Home - Our Daily Rest (homeless shelter) - The Recovery Station - Foothills Pregnancy Center - Ripple of One - Golden Corner Food Pantry - Shade Tree Ministry

Spiritual Growth We have been blessed to see over 30 baptisms this year. Our average weekly attendance at our Seneca Campus was 375, while our average weekly attendance at our Westminster Campus was 160. The total weekly average in our KidzLife ministry was 90. We have a total of 15 adult Life Groups and 5 student Life Groups, where spiritual growth and discipleship are taking place. 2

2016 Financial Plan & Leadership Proposal

2015 Expenses Per Line Item The following information represents the total expenses per line item of 2015. A percentage of the overall expenses is provided with each line item.

Administrative Total: $23,000 - 3.20% Accounting/Bank Fees, Copier/Printing, Office Supplies, Phone/Internet, Postage and Website/Apps

Campus Operations Total: $45,000 - 6.24% Baptism/Lord’s Supper, Guest Services, Guest Speakers, Marketing, Off-Campus Meetings and Mileage

Missions & Evangelism Total: $168,000 - 23.30% Adult Life Groups, Local/National/Global Missions, Missionaries/SBC, Schools, Ministry Partner Support Includes Share Account Balance of $50,000

Next Generation Total: $83,000 - 11.51% College Ministry, KidzLife, Wave, Panama City Beach, Camp Buc and Volunteer Screenings

Staffing Total: $270,000 - 37.45% Senior Staff, Associates, Regular Staff, Interns, Employment Expenses and Contract Cleaning

Worship, Media & Tech Total: $20,000 - 2.77% Audio and Video, Instruments, Music Teams, Production/Sets

Capital Purchases/Equipment Total: $15,000 - 2.08% Facility Rentals & Utilities Total: $82,000 - 11.37% Office and Storage, OCA, Westminster Music Hall, Westminster KidzLife, Other Facility Rentals and Repairs/Upgrades

Future Campus Growth: $15,000 - 2.08%

Total 2015 Expenses: $721,000 3

2016 Financial Plan & Leadership Proposal

2016 Projected Budget The following information represents the total projected budget per line item for 2016. A percentage of the overall expenses is provided with each line item.

Administrative Total: $25,000 - 2.90% Accounting/Bank Fees, Copier/Printing, Office Supplies, Phone/Internet, Postage and Website/Apps

Campus Operations Total: $50,000 - 5.81% Baptism/Lord’s Supper, Guest Services, Guest Speakers, Marketing, Off-Campus Meetings and Mileage

Missions & Evangelism Total: $200,000 - 23.26% Adult Life Groups, Local/National/Global Missions, Missionaries/SBC, Schools, Ministry Partner Support Includes Share Account Balance of $100,000

Next Generation Total: $95,000 - 11.05% College Ministry, KidzLife, Wave, Panama City Beach, Camp Buc and Volunteer Screenings

Staffing Total: $318,000 - 36.98% Senior Staff, Associates, Regular Staff, Interns, Employment Expenses and Contract Cleaning

Worship, Media & Tech Total: $25,000 - 2.90%% Audio and Video, Instruments, Music Teams, Production/Sets

Capital Purchases/Equipment Total: $32,000 - 3.72% Facility Rentals & Utilities Total: $95,000 - 11.05% Office and Storage, OCA, Westminster Music Hall, Westminster KidzLife, Other Facility Rentals and Repairs/Upgrades

Future Campus Growth: $20,000 - 2.33%

Total 2016 Projected Budget: $860,000 4

2016 Financial Plan & Leadership Proposal

2016 Leadership Proposal Leadership is a primary tool the God uses to organize his people to work toward a common mission. Therefore, it is vital that we have godly leaders in place to lead the charge in accordance with God’s will. Listed below are the individuals that have been prayerfully selected to serve on the Leadership Team and as Trustees for LifePoint Church.

Leadership Team The Leadership Team of LifePoint Church consists of two cooperative entities: The Ministerial Staff and the Elders

Ministerial Staff


Blake Pitts Brad Price Chad Carroll Jud Lusk

Chad Lusk Brad Henderson Brian McGhee

Trustees Lyle Belcher Darryl Broome Ryan Cagle Michael Lee