Burleigh Instruments Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Burleigh Instruments Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac00067a721Burleigh Instrume...

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Laser r e f l e c t a n c e m e a s u r e m e n t system Model LRMS-600 measures total integrated reflectance from surfaces in the spectral region of 2 5 0 2500 nm in setups with a user's laser source. The system contains a 150mm-diameter integrating sphere with a diffuse reflectance surface c o a t i n g , transfer optics, a detector assembly, and a controller for manual or c o m puter control. Labsphere 409

Data acquisition. Single-channel chromatography data acquisition and integration system Model 717

for GC or HPLC contains an A/D converter board that runs at a 100-Hz sampling rate and fits into a half-length PC bus slot. Also included are chromatography software as well as detector and flag cables. The system expands, scales, or displays data in two different time axes simultaneously during collection, then optimizes integration parameters, draws baselines, and labels peaks after the run. Manual baseline changes can be reintegrated, and options are included for HPLC pump control, vial barcode identification, and linking to networks. Axxiom Chromatography 410

Software FT. Fourier Toolkit software contains the calculation capabilities of Fourier Analyzer, Transfer Function Analyzer, and Harmonic Analyzer software packages. It performs time domain and frequency domain transforms, including fast and discrete FT and their inverses, and calculates power spectral density. Data filters include exponential and moving average filters for time domain trans-

forms and low, high, or bandpass filters for frequency domain transforms. The software includes Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, and Bartlett windowing functions. It calculates autocorrelation and covariance, cross-correlation and crosscovariance, and convolution for complex data sets. Dynacomp 411 Spectrometry. Xspec modular spectrometry data processing and analysis software for UNIX computers includes programs for n- dimensional NMR, FT-MS and TOFMS, IR, and EPR, as well as a program for automated peak assignment and spectral interpretation. The modules all feature a mouse-manipulated graphics user interface, multiple spectral display capability, and WYSIWYG plotting and annotation for HPGL and PostScript output devices. The software runs on Sun SPARC, Silicon Graphics, IBM, and Macintosh platforms. Bruker 412 Property prediction. InStep vl.O category and property prediction software package uses macro tools and statistical models produced by Pirouette software to generate an ex-

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