Busy Bees Developmental Plan

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Busy Bees Developmental Plan May 1-5 Week 1- Around the World

Objectives Learn about Italy, France, China and Mexico. Learn about May Day. Introduce the letter Y and /y/ sound.

Classroom Action Explore each country through its music, literature, location and food. Discuss how May Day is a celebration of spring.

What’s Happening? May 12 Mother's Day Teas May 15-19 Parent Conferences ( Yellow Room May 19) May 29 School Closed Memorial Day

Explore the letter Y and its sound through writing activities and a rhyme.

Environment: Large Group: Read a book about flowers and talk about how May Day celebrates spring. Throughout the week introduce Italy, France, China and Mexico on a map and display pictures of the culture and landmarks of each. Dramatic Play: Create an International Café with aprons, money, and foods from around the world. Math Manipulatives: "Planting" the correct number of flowers in cups numbered 1-5. Creating shapes on the small peg boards. Recognizing the numeral 5 from wooden numbers 1-5. Measuring large objects in the room with a yardstick. Science & Social Studies: Following the recipes for and cooking: pizza, crepes, stir fry vegetable noodles and tortillas. Writing Strengthening fine motor skills by weaving ribbon in and out of baskets. Write the letter Y on paper with crayons using proper pincer grasp. Writing the letter Y in shaving cream. Forming the letter Y using clay. Language/ Literature: Sing the "May Day" song. Listen to a CD of Italian opera. Listen to a CD of Chinese music. Create different tempos using maracas made in art center. Sensory: Make cloud dough to scoop and dump. Explore the texture of cooked noodles and oil. Scooping and dumping dry beans and corn. Blocks: Encourage children to recreate the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China and the Mayan ruins by displaying pictures of each. Art: Making May Day headbands with flowers and streamers. Making an Italian flag. Making paper plate maracas. Cutting yellow yarn to decorate a cutout of the letter Y. Outdoor: Play ring toss.