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Vocation / Career Christ draws us each to seek our own unique identity by continuing to respond to his question, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ We are invited to enter into prayer with him with the whole of our lives, to respond to Christ’s question in our prayer with a question of our own: ‘Who, Lord, do you desire to be in me—this and all my days, for your sake, for mine and for the world which God loves?’ Society of Saint John the

Evangelist, July 5, 2018 devotion 1. Thinking about your chosen career, describe what is going well? What is one current challenge that you are facing? 2. Considering your current position at work, talk about your level of satisfaction. Which aspects are satisfying, and which are not? 3. With whom do you discuss your work opportunities or problems? 4. Considering your work in general, how do you discuss your thoughts or concerns? How have these conversations been helpful or challenging to you? 5. Do you talk with your spouse about your career or vocation? Why or why not? Do you have a close friend you can discuss career matters with? 6. In what ways do you carry your faith into your career or business life? 7. Talk about the connection between Sunday and Monday. In what ways do you feel God’s presence in your life Monday through Friday? 8. Think about a mentor in your life. Often mentors call us to walk our talk. How has a mentor in your life helped you in your career or life in general? 9. What does success look like to you? When will you know that you successful? 10. How might your faith in God, or the way you follow Jesus, inform and influence your career or career choices?