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CARING (Psalm 142:1-4) The fact that David was surrounded by a group of loyal subjects had no affect on his emotional condition at the time of this writing. He was running from King Saul and longed for the days that were sunny and peaceful from what seemed a long time ago. We have all been there, when something has gone terribly wrong in our life and the situation seemed hopeless. In the very worst moments in our life when we needed a kind word, a helpful hand, an answer to our most needed prayer, but nothing or no one came by our side and gave us the help we needed. DOES ANYONE CARE? Matthew 26:31-33 Emotional Care- The ultimate rejection at the time when Jesus needed comfort, loyalty, and companionship His best friends would scatter and disown their Lord and master. Mark 4:35-38; Luke 10:40 Physical Care- In a time of panic and distress we can feel like nobody is on our side to help us when things are out of control and we cannot fix the situation alone. Philippians 2:19-20 Spiritual Care- Paul shows us that as a spiritual leader one can feel the burden of responsibility to an excess when unable to fulfill the need of their flock. GOD CARES I Peter 5:7 The bible is clear and continues throughout the scriptures to make it known that he cares. Deuteronomy 32:9-10 It doesn't matter how many times God's people turn their back on Him because He continues to keep them in His mind for He loves and cares for His own. Psalm 23:1-6 No better place in all of God's word does the care of God for His people show forth. CHRISTIANS SHOULD CARE I Corinthians 12:23-25 In Paul's analogy of the church he emphasizes the importance of looking after and caring for the entire body of Christ, not only those we deem most important. Philippians 4:10 Paul often times thanked those churches that not only helped him in his missionary endeavors but also recognized and bragged on them for their care for other churches in need. Luke 10:33-34 Probably the greatest example of Christians caring for those that are rejected or not cared for by the world or by 'religious' organizations. Caring is more that words, it means action. John 21:15-17; II Timothy 4:1-4 Christians leaders are commanded to care for Christ's church by teaching and preaching the truth and help grow the people of God. CARE FOR FAMILY I Timothy 5:8 The bible is clear that a man is responsible to take care of his family, not the state. John 1:40-42; Acts 10:24-27 Once we have come to Jesus it is clear that our family is priority. Ephesians 5:21-25 There is nothing that will bring a family closer than when we obey the Lord and submit ourselves to Him and then to each other. John 19:25-27 One of the most ugly, modern, and sinful experience in today’s society is when our parents get old and in need of constant care and the children of the family 'decide it's best' to put mom or dad in a nursing home. Shame on us if we do that to the ones who brought us into the world and spent time, money, love and sacrifice to help us our entire life. The last thing Jesus did before dying was to take care of His mother.