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September 26 and 27, 2015
When was the last time you entertained an angel? Hebrews 13:2 reminds us that every time we show hospitality to strangers we could be entertaining angels. What is Hidden Halos? Earlier this year while traveling to South Africa, Pastor Wesley was seated next to a young boy who was excited about traveling, but was not very prepared for a long international flight. "I took out my ipad to catch up on my TV shows and the kid was practically leaning over into my lap trying to watch," said Pastor Wesley. "So I pulled up some cartoons, handed the kid my iPad and headphones, and he was in heaven. This got me to thinking; how small random acts of kindness could change the world, and I thought, "What better way to celebrate seven years of Pastor and People." And thus, Hidden Halos was born.
7 years of Pastor & People
Hidden Halos is a kindness project that challenges everyday Christians to change the world through random acts of kindness. We believe that through Christian love and generosity, men and women will be inspired to invite Jesus into their hearts, making Him their Lord and Savior. Hidden Halos are Free Pick up your hidden halos card in the narthex or download online at www.hiddenhalos.org.
301 S. Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Office: (703) 683-2222 • FAX: (703) 683-1718 Alfred Street Baptist Church is a 501(c)(3) organization
Alfred Street Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley
Pastor & People AND
Growing Together
6387 Baptisms
Median Age
Pastor has Preached on
The Leadership of Pastor Wesley
$403,370 Total Scholarships Awarded
Read your bible . . . it'll make you a better Christian! - Rev. Dr. HJWesley
Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Houston, Texas
ASBC Members
Our Guest Preacher
First Family Visited Easter Sunday 2015
The Reverend Dr. Marcus D. Cosby serves as the Senior Pastor of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. He received the Bachelor of Arts degree in R e l i g i o n and English from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, the Master of Divinity degree in Homiletics and Christian Education from the Morehouse School of Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, Georgia and the Doctor of Ministry degree in Homiletics from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Lombard, Illinois. Dr. Cosby was licensed to preach and ordained to the Christian Ministry at the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois where the Reverend Dr. L. K. Curry served as pastor. It was at Emmanuel that he met and married his high school sweetheart, Mrs. Audrey Marie Cosby, and they have been blessed with three beautiful daughters, Adrienne Marie, Ashley Marie and Aliyah Marie and two sons, Marcus D., II and Matthew D. Cosby. Among the gifts and talents with which God has blessed Pastor Cosby, none are more meaningful and fulfilling to him than preaching and teaching. He has been blessed to carry his ministry across the country and on the mother continent of Africa. He has lectured, preached and taught in numerous conferences, conventions, retreats, revivals and on university and seminary campuses. He has become very sensitive to the spiritual needs of individuals, and therefore focuses his ministry primarily, but not exclusively toward persons who are hurting — especially in the church. Finally, Dr. Cosby seeks to empower and uplift all humanity through the life-changing, uncompromising Word of God. "I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35 (KJV)