Christ Church

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Christ Church Christiana Hundred P. O. Box 3510, Greenville Wilmington, Delaware 19807-0510

PERMISSION SLIP FOR YOUTH ACTIVITY I,_______________________________________________, give permission for my son/daughter, __________________________________________________, to participate with the Christ Church Youth in the following activity:__________________________________________________________________ Activity Date: _________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Time/Place: ___________________________________________________________________ Departure Time: ______________________________________________________________________ Return Time: _________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Method: _________________________________________________________________ Cost of Activity: _______________________________________________________________________ I realize that every effort will be made to ensure the safety of my child and do not hold Christ Church Christiana Hundred responsible for any unforeseen accident or injury which may occur. In the event of unexpected illness or injury, I give permission for the chaperones to administer first aid to my child and to seek out emergency medical attention should it be necessary. My child is responsible for adhering to all rules, safety policies, and instructions from chaperones; failure to comply may require that he/she be picked up early from this activity by a parent.

Parent Signature:___________________________________________Date:_______________________ Phone numbers where I can be reached: Home:___________________________________


Cell:_____________________________________ Other Contact:______________________________ (if you are unable to be reached) Phone (302) 655-3379 Fax (302) 655-2259

COMMUNITY AGREEMENT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS For your information, we expect each participant to comply with these rules of conduct. (Participants who fail to comply with these expectations may be sent home at their parents’ expense.) 1.

Participation with the group and being on time for all gatherings


Respect of property; treat indoor space appropriately


Respect of the efforts of others


Respect of other participants’ opinions and bodies


Respect of staff and other adults working with teens


Speaking with courtesy and respect for all; no foul language will be tolerated.


No possession or use of alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or weapons will be tolerated. Anyone breaking this rule will be sent home immediately.


No offensive or immodest clothing


No boys in girls’ sleeping quarters and no girls in boys’ sleeping quarters


Do not leave the event site without the permission of an adult supervisor.

I understand that these agreements are meant to make this event the best, safest, and most fun possible for everyone and that if I violate any of them, the leadership team will have the authority to determine appropriate consequences. I have read and agree to live by these standards. _______________________________________________ Participant’s signature

____________________________ Date