Cockfield's farm

Cockfield's farm - Rackcdn.comhttps://fb274d04d5c9865ba828-6754fbc5d62bbbcee43094cfdd9a8c4d.ssl.cf3.rackcdn...

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Dear Parents/Carers, The children will be going on a school trip on Wednesday 14 March to Cockfield’s Farm which is situated on Lees Road in Ashton. We will be departing from school at 9.15am and returning to school for around 2.30pm. The cost of the trip is £14.00 however parents will only be required to contribute £8.00 towards the total cost. Please ensure your child comes to school in their uniform as normal but send them in with a pair of wellies. The children will be provided with a school packed lunch. Please ensure that your contribution towards the trip is paid to the office by no later than Friday 9th March.

Mrs Beverley Oldham Associate Principal

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Child’s name _____________________________________________________________________________

I confirm that I give permission for my child to attend Cockfields Farm. I do not give permission for my child to attend Cockfields Farm.

Signed ___________________________________________________________________