College Graduates College Graduates

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College Graduates

College Graduates

to all those who graduated from the University of Montana and Missoula College this weekend. We wish you joy as you and your families celebrate this marvelous achievement.


to all those who graduated from the University of Montana and Missoula College this weekend. We wish you joy as you and your families celebrate this marvelous achievement.

Here is a listing of those college graduates from our parish family that we are aware of. If we’ve missed someone, please let us know, and we will be glad to list their accomplishment in the Spirited Times, our enewsletter.

Here is a listing of those college graduates from our parish family that we are aware of. If we’ve missed someone, please let us know, and we will be glad to list their accomplishment in the Spirited Times, our enewsletter.

Ania Chaney, daughter of Rob and Magda Chaney and granddaughter of Myrna Chaney, graduated from the University of Montana yesterday with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Violin Studies.

Ania Chaney, daughter of Rob and Magda Chaney and granddaughter of Myrna Chaney, graduated from the University of Montana yesterday with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Violin Studies.

Grace Harris Gardner, daughter of Doug and Gael Harris, received her Doctorate in Education, with an emphasis in Higher Education, from the University of Montana on Saturday.

Grace Harris Gardner, daughter of Doug and Gael Harris, received her Doctorate in Education, with an emphasis in Higher Education, from the University of Montana on Saturday.

Hailey Gray, daughter of Darren and Michelle Gray, will graduate from Whitworth University Honors College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology on Sunday, May 20. Hailey will continue in the fall at the University of Montana School of Psychology pursuing a Specialist in School Psychology degree. A specialist’s degree is more than a master’s but not as high as a Ph.D.

Hailey Gray, daughter of Darren and Michelle Gray, will graduate from Whitworth University Honors College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology on Sunday, May 20. Hailey will continue in the fall at the University of Montana School of Psychology pursuing a Specialist in School Psychology degree. A specialist’s degree is more than a master’s but not as high as a Ph.D.

Rebecca Korf, who has been in the choir for the last two years, graduated yesterday from the University of Montana with a Master’s in Environmental Philosophy; Albert Borgmann was on her thesis committee. She is from Seattle and has already begun work as lead interpretive park ranger at North Cascades National Park in Newhalem, WA. She invites everyone to come by and say hello—she’ll be the one in the Smokey the Bear hat!

Rebecca Korf, who has been in the choir for the last two years, graduated yesterday from the University of Montana with a Master’s in Environmental Philosophy; Albert Borgmann was on her thesis committee. She is from Seattle and has already begun work as lead interpretive park ranger at North Cascades National Park in Newhalem, WA. She invites everyone to come by and say hello—she’ll be the one in the Smokey the Bear hat!

Emily Silks has been our John Ellis intern for the past one and a half years; she is a native of Los Alamos, New Mexico. Emily graduated yesterday from the University of Montana as a University Scholar in the Davidson Honors College with a Bachelor of Music degree in Percussion Performance.

Emily Silks has been our John Ellis intern for the past one and a half years; she is a native of Los Alamos, New Mexico. Emily graduated yesterday from the University of Montana as a University Scholar in the Davidson Honors College with a Bachelor of Music degree in Percussion Performance.




This Morning’s Music

This Morning’s Music

THIS MORNING’S ANTHEM is offered for all graduates and their families:

THIS MORNING’S ANTHEM is offered for all graduates and their families:

Tell me, where is the road I can call my own, that I left, that I lost so long ago? All these years I have wandered, oh when will I know there's a way, there's a road that will lead me home? After wind, after rain, When the dark is done, as I wake from a dream In the gold of day, through the air there's a calling from far away, There's a voice I can hear that will lead me home. Rise up, follow me, come away, is the call, with the love in your heart as the only song; there is no such beauty as where you belong; rise up, follow me, I will lead you home.

Tell me, where is the road I can call my own, that I left, that I lost so long ago? All these years I have wandered, oh when will I know there's a way, there's a road that will lead me home? After wind, after rain, When the dark is done, as I wake from a dream In the gold of day, through the air there's a calling from far away, There's a voice I can hear that will lead me home. Rise up, follow me, come away, is the call, with the love in your heart as the only song; there is no such beauty as where you belong; rise up, follow me, I will lead you home.

EMILY SILKS, OUR JOHN ELLIS INTERN, is playing the prelude this morning

EMILY SILKS, OUR JOHN ELLIS INTERN, is playing the prelude this morning