Confidence or Shame

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CONFIDENCE OR SHAME I John 2:28 There is no doubt about what and where the Apostle John is speaking of in this verse. He speaks of the Rapture and Judgment Seat of Christ where the believer will see and meet the Lord face to face and give account of our Christian life. Some will be have confidence but most will be ashamed. OUR SALVATION Rm.1:16; I Cor. 15:1-4; II Tim. 1:12 Will we be able to stand with our head high and be confident that we were able to give a clear and concise witness and testimony of our faith in Christ when we had opportunity? We knew what the gospel was and knew how to go through what we believed and why. Mt. 25:41; I Jn. 2:2 Will we have confidence or be ashamed of the testimony and witness we had referring to how Jesus paid for our sins and how He saved us and will save others from the fires of hell. OUR SERVICE Eph. 2:10; 6:7 No doubt the most time in the Judgment will be spent on our works or spiritual deeds done for the Lord. Will we be ready to give a good report or will we be ashamed of the lack of service. Rm. 12:6-8; I Cor. 12: 4-10 As the books are opened and our spiritual gifts are looked at along with our natural talents, will we have confidence in what is recorded? Did we use what God gifted us with? Mt. 6:21; Eph. 5:16 Of course Jesus will want us to look at how we spent our time. Did we realize how fast our time would go by and utilize it for eternal benefit? Where was our most desired treasure? OUR SEPARATION II Cor. 6:17 Will the Lord be happy with how we lived along side of the our lost friends and family? Matthew 5:16 As we lived before neighbors and co-workers will the books show that our testimony was strong and glorified God in us or will we be ashamed of what is recorded about our spiritual walk? James 3:2-5 Will we be confident that the recorded part of how we used our tongue and our lips in our every day conversations both with the lost and with our fellow brethren will be honoring to God? OUR STEWARDSHIP Gal. 6:10; I Pt. 4:10 As our time in the Judgment chamber continues our care for each other as brethren and fellow citizens of heaven will take place. The scriptures clearly admonish believers to help and care for each other as we seek opportunity to do so based on what God has blessed us with. James 2:14-17 As the way of communications has grown the believers today will have more to answer for regarding helping other believers as we are made known of their needs. Many believers living today will be embarrassed and ashamed of the lack of care and concern for hurting Christians. OUR SPIRITUALITY I Corinthians 3:1-2 The amount of confidence or shame faced at the Judgment Seat will be based on how long we have been saved verses how much we have grown spiritually. Babies will be ashamed. I Corinthians 3:3 If we are judged as carnal believers, that means we should be more mature but have allowed “the old man” to dominate our life style and manner of dealing with issues. Hebrews 6:1 Very few believers in the American church will be confident with their spiritual check up because they had decided to “grow up” and study to be approved of God in their spiritual growth.