Conflict Management - Conflict Resolution Tips

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Conflict Management - Conflict Resolution Tips Conflicts are fairly commonplace in workplaces. Here are a few conflict resolution techniques that can help you to resolve them.

Conflicts are bound to arise when people are in an environment where they have to work together. It is normal for disagreements to arise between individuals leading to differences of opinion. However, if the conflicts are allowed to get out of hand, it can be detrimental to the workplace. Even the best job can become miserable when there is destructive or unmanaged conflict. Destructive conflict can adversely affect both the productivity of the workplace as well as the quality of life and the health of the people at the workplace. Whether conflicts at the workplace turn into full-blown battles or can instead be turned into opportunities for solving problems creatively depends largely upon the person in charge using conflict management techniques to resolve the issues. Here are few conflict resolution tips for dealing with spats amongst employees in the workplace: There is no point in avoiding the conflict in the hope of it settling down by itself. It usually never does. Even if it may appear to simmer down, whenever there is another discord or an increase in stress levels, it will re-emerge again. Hence resolution of conflicts should be taken up as soon as there are signs of them brewing. Identify what the bone of contention is. Ensure that everybody involved is well aware of what the problem is, and what they are arguing about. Discuss it until everybody understands that a problem does exist, and comprehends the key issues involved. Don't meet each person involved in the conflict separately. By allowing each person to tell their part of the issue separately, you risk the chance of getting them polarized about the position they take. The individual involved in the conflict has a dominant interest in proving himself/herself right if they think you are going to be the judge or the arbiter. This will make resolving the conflict much harder. Set up a meeting wherein all the people involved in the conflict come together. Let each person involved in the conflict elucidate his or her opinions and point of view about the matter, without being interrupted by anybody else. Then, allow a discussion in order to let each person be clear about what the conflicting views are. If one employee attacks another, you will need to intervene. It is up to you to see to it that everybody feels supported and safe. Ask each person in the conflict to express what actions they want the other person(s) to take which would solve the dispute. Work out what can be done realistically so that each person's goals are achieved. You also need to figure out how the actions taken will have an effect on the other objectives and projects of the organization. Try and determine areas where a compromise can be made. For example, examine if there are some parts of the issue where everybody is in agreement. If that is not possible, try elucidating the long-term aims of the company which affect everybody involved, and begin from that point. Ensure that each person commits to making the required changes. Create an environment wherein each everybody treats each other with respect and dignity. Employees must be made to understand that while it is fine to have reasonable differences of opinion about plans and issues, it is not acceptable to allow

personality clashes have an adverse effect on the workplace. Let the adversaries know that you will not favor one over the other, and that it is not possible for a person not involved in the conflict to really know the exact truth of the issue. And that they are expected to find resolutions to the conflict in a proactive manner, as thinking adults. Also, that you may have to take disciplinary action if they are unwilling to find a workable resolution, which can even result in both parties being dismissed. And lastly, all the people involved in the conflict should be assured that you have faith in their capability of resolving their differences and carry on contributing successfully to the organization. Define a time where you will review the progress made. Resolving conflicts at the workplace (or anywhere else) can be a challenging task. However, the role of the mediator is part of the supervisor's or manager's ambit of work. You can use the conflict resolution tips given here to create an environment at the workplace that encourages people to work harmoniously together both for individual success and the success of the organization.