Conflict Resolution and Open Door Policy

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Conflict Resolution and Open Door Policy Conflict Resolution WoodsEdge recognizes that differences of opinion and conflicts are inevitable part of human behavior. However, we desire to establish a conflict resolution policy, so that when conflict does occur, Jesus will be honored by our efforts to resolve our differences in love and maintain the unity of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:2-3). Our goal is to work together to overcome differences and find the common ground we share in Christ. Such an approach is biblically mandated and serves as an example to the non-Christian world that we are indeed disciples of Christ (John 13:34-35). Conflict may be as simple as a difference of opinion, a disagreement, dissatisfaction with one another, or an argument. When a staff member has unresolved feelings about a situation or person they should first seek to identify the reasons and motivations underlying the conflict. WoodsEdge staff members should always seek to fill any gaps with trust vs suspicion. Prayerfully staff should consider the other’s person’s perspective and how they have contributed to the problem. They should also ask themselves what it is that God sees, and whether they are putting their personal ideas, thoughts and desires above another’s or what God would desire. If the staff member is unable to resolve the conflict, the ideal response is for the concerned person to discuss the matter directly with the individual involved (Matthew 18:15). Disagreements and conflicts should be addressed as soon as possible; the longer conflict is unresolved, the harder it is to bridge the differences (Matthew 5:23-24). All conflict is not necessarily bad. Conflict that is dealt with, discussed and resolved can be good if it provides an opportunity unity and growth. As a result, each person should work hard to understand the other person’s point of view, to listen to the other person without interrupting, and to try to work together to create solutions. Gossip is strongly discouraged as dishonoring to our Lord Jesus Christ (James 4:11-12). Resolution shall be defined as mutual agreement or understanding among all the parties in a conflict. Resolving conflict is impossible if one is unwilling or unable to forgive. If and when the matter is resolved, the parties agree to put the issue/conflict behind them, and move forward in a positive and constructive manner that allows them to stay healthy, spiritually and emotionally. Open Door Policy WoodsEdge is intentional in maintaining a culture that is healthy and built on a foundation of trust, accountability and transparency. Leadership maintains an Open Door Policy for all staff members. This means, literally, that every leader’s door is open to every staff member. The purpose is to encourage open communication, feedback and discussion. The open door policy is not meant as an avenue for complaint but as a means obtain clarification, report serious issues or to resolve conflict with management that has otherwise been unresolved. When seeking resolution via the open door policy staff members will be asked if they have attempted to address the issue with their immediate supervisor and/or other parties involved first, as prescribed in the Conflict Resolution policy. If the discussion with the immediate supervisor does not address the concern, the staff member may at any time schedule a meeting with another leader and/or the human resources director. If there is

an unresolved concern that involves another person, leadership will facilitate a discussion with both parties. Concerns brought to the attention of leadership that involve an ethical breach, conflict of interest, harassment or violation of other policies outlined in staff handbook will be investigated by the Director Human Resources or the Executive Pastor of Business. See also Conflict of Interest, Standard of Conduct, Anti-Harassment, Code of Ethics & Suspected Child Abuse WoodsEdge is firmly committed to a policy that encourages timely disclosure of such concerns and prohibits retribution or retaliation against any staff members who, in good faith, report such concerns. Concerns will be addressed as promptly and as discreetly as possible, with facts made available only to those who need to know to investigate and resolve the matter.