congregational care weekly focus: neighbors' international

congregational care weekly focus: neighbors'

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weekly focus: neighbors’ international

congregational care

Neighbors International is an all-volunteer ministry of Calvary Church that offers friendship and hospitality to Grand Rapids’ international college students. Every year, hundreds of students come from around the world to our city, and this can be a lonely and intimidating experience. Neighbors International helps these students get acclimated to Grand Rapids and to American culture by matching them up with a couple or family – a Friendship Family, who helps them in practical ways such as grocery shopping and getting a driver’s license, as well as just being a friend – calling, texting, and sharing their home and a meal on a regular basis. Many of these students have never experienced cold weather and snow, or ice skating and hot chocolate, or the holidays in the home of a Christian. Most of all, we want these students to experience the love of Jesus through word and deed.

RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED PRAYER LIST If you have been hospitalized, or anticipate hospitalization, and would like to be added to the prayer list, please call the church office at 956-9377.

A volunteer training will be held at the end of September for all new Friendship Families, and then in October, the families and students come together at our annual dinner. We expect 100 students to request a Friendship Family this year, and anticipate needing 20 additional families to meet this need.

Mercy Health: Bob Becker PRAYER CHAIN: If you need prayer, contact Don & Cindy Marrell ([email protected]) at 450-9622. BEREAVED We extend our Christian sympathy to Joyce Johnson at the homegoing of her husband, Hugh, on September 4.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Our Middle School Ministry is looking for a worship leader to serve our ministry on Sunday mornings during the second service. If you are someone who loves to praise the Lord with your musical talents, and can consistently serve on Sundays, contact Samantha at [email protected] or 956-9377, ext. 5161. Our 7th/8th Ministry is also looking for people each week who are available to help us run our soundboard and screens during programming. Sign up at or contact Sara Tindall ([email protected]).

If you are at least 30 years of age, and have the gift of hospitality, you are encouraged to volunteer; visit us in the Gathering Place today. Contact Sonja ([email protected]) at 340-2568. Applications are due by September 17. Missionary Christmas: Intentional, tangible care for our missionaries is something you can be involved in! Throughout the months of September and October, please give to our annual Missionary Christmas offering. Through your generosity, our missionaries each year receive a love gift with no strings attached to use for whatever they need the most. To donate, indicate Missionary Christmas on your check or on the Giving Envelope and drop it in the offering plate. Global Spotlight: This month we are highlighting our workers in Central Asia and the unique challenges they face. Please stop at the table in the Gathering Place to pick up a booklet to guide you in your prayers for these missionaries. Calvary Equip - Engage Islam: Engage is a dynamic and interactive learning experience that will empower your witness to Muslims, taught by some of the most experienced evangelists and experts working with Muslims in America and around the world today. For more information, go to Cost of the course is $90; scholarships available by contacting Chris ([email protected]) at ext. 5022. Register at

NOTE: Please finish all food and beverages prior to entering the Sanctuary.


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112,909 ($ 24,337)

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707 E Beltline Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 Mailing Address: PO Box 1600 Grand Rapids MI 49501 Ph (616) 956-9377 Fax (616) 956-9723 CalvaryChurchGR calvarygr

September 10, 2017 9:00am & 10:45am

Seeing Jesus More Clearly Mark 1:1 & 8:22-33 Jim Samra, Senior Pastor

If you are visiting today, we are glad you are here. For information about our many groups, programs and events for all ages, pick up a copy of the quarterly Calvary Life magazine, visit us online at, or stop by the Connection Point (located in the Gathering Place across from the main Sanctuary entrance). We would love to meet you! If you need hearing assistance, listening devices are available at the Welcome Center in the Crosswalk.

ANNUAL MEETING | September 17 | 6:00pm | Sanctuary If you consider Calvary to be your church home, this meeting is for you! Come participate in this important time as we celebrate how God has moved at Calvary Church over the last year. Childcare will be provided (birth through age four). All Calvary attendees are encouraged to attend, however only members may vote. Absentee ballots are available at the Chapel Information Center. Nominees for elder and deacon are included in the Fall Calvary Life.

this week at calvary 1



coming events & announcements Widows’ Monthly Coffee Sept. 18 | 10:00am | Room 108 Come enjoy fellowship with other widows over a cup of coffee. This month we are excited to have Nancy Samra, RN, BSN and her sister Beverly Gantos, RDN share healthy eating tips to promote wellness and disease prevention along with tips for cooking healthy, quick and easy meals for one. Contact Katy ([email protected]) with questions. Register to attend at

Widowers Luncheon Sept. 22 | 11:30am | Room 114 Come enjoy fellowship with other widowers over lunch. Hosted by Jack Huizenga. Contact Katy ([email protected]) with questions. Register to attend at Membership Class Sept. 23 | 9:00am-2:30pm Our next membership class is coming up. All materials will be provided, including lunch. Just bring your Bible. Register at by September 19. Space is limited.



Calvary Equip - A New Series of Classes Launching Today Calvary Equip provides opportunities for those who aren’t currently involved in other classes or groups to learn faith-enriching practices. You will be equipped to live out what you are taught and engage more fully with what God is doing in and through His church in this place. A full list of classes being offered this semester is at equip. 2nd and 4th week classes start today. Register at by October 1. OASIS Hymn Sing TONIGHT | 7:30pm | Chapel Lift your voices as we rejoice together with the timeless hymns you know and love. Maury Lehmann will lead us in singing. Special guests are Lorna Dobson & Cynthia Haas. Welcome College Students! College Life: Thursdays | 7:00pm | Room 208 (Entrance D) Free College Lunch: Sundays | 12:15pm | Gym (Rm 208B) Whether you are returning or new, we would love to connect with you at College Life. Our ministry meets on Thursday nights to study God’s Word and to worship Him passionately. Connect with other students from around Grand Rapids. Many of us attend the 10:45 service together and then enjoy lunch together in the Gym. Come join us today! Monday Night Bible Study Begins Sept. 11 | 7:00pm | $10 Monday Night Bible Study combines discussion in gender-specific small groups with 30-minutes of large group teaching. This year we will study The Gospel of Mark. You will be equipped to discover truth and establish intentional gospel-centered relationships with those in your context who don’t know Jesus as their hope and Savior. Register by Monday at noon at Women’s Bible Study Begins September 12 | 9:15am | Gathering Place | $10 Join women this fall for growth in God’s Word, prayer, worship and community. We invite you to join us as we discover the treasure in the Gospel of Mark. Children can participate in Tuesday Kids. Register at by midnight tonight.


New this Fall: Generation Rising Begins Sept. 12 | 7:00pm | Room 208 Join other young adults, ages 22-34, as we dig deeper into the Gospel of Mark together. We’ll focus on integrating our faith into our lives as we are empowered and equipped to live into the fullness of God’s calling. Register at


WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ARE BACK THIS WEEK! Wednesday Fellowship Dinner | 5:00-6:30p | $5 Gather with your friends and family for a hearty meal. This week’s menu is: Calvary’s Classic Pork Loin Dinner with a Kid’s bonus entrée of Breaded Chicken Tenders. Kids-N-Action | 6:30-7:50pm | Kindergarten-4th Grade Children age kindergarten through fourth grade will memorize James chapter 4, identify situations where major Bible characters put their faith into action by obeying God. They will also participate in several different electives as they learn new skills and make new friends. Nursery and preschool classes are available for kids whose parents are participating in a ministry. Register at LUMIN8 Kids’ Choir | 5:45-6:35pm | Kindergarten-6th Grade Our LUMIN8 Children’s Choir is for kindergarten through sixth grade. LUMIN8 will proclaim God’s glory in a variety of performances throughout the year: Sunday morning services, a Christmas program, and a spring concert. Register at and join the fun! Middle School Ministry | 6:30-8:00pm 5th/6th: Room 108 | 7th/8th: Room 208 We desire to create a community where middle school students can find authentic friendships, encouragement, & accountability. This year we will be studying the book of Acts! Join us. Choir, Orchestra, Praise Band Open Rehearsals | 6:30-8:00pm Choir, Orchestra, and Praise Band serve a key role in our worship services at Calvary. Anyone high school age and up is welcome to join our Worship Ministry. If you are interested, contact Christie at ext. 5615.