connect group questions

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CONNECT GROUP QUESTIONS Be Careful in Demanding INTRO: In recent studies on the subject, even scholars have suggested that a common characteristic of Americans [one we share with other cultures, like Japan] is complaining. When we do not like the way we’ve been treated as a customer, when we object to what the city council decides, when it is too hot in the back seat of the car, we do not simply ask for a change, we complain. Do Jesus’ disciples join the cultural chorus? Do we? Do I?

Begin with Your HEART Take a moment to describe and discuss each of two kinds of people, completing the following sentences for each kind. KIND #1 – A “thankful person” usually… -- A “thankful person” looks for… -- When disadvantaged or uncomfortable, a “thankful person”… KIND #2 – A “complainer” usually… -- A “complainer” looks for… -- When disadvantaged or uncomfortable, a “complainer” … Summary: What would you identify as the main difference between these two kinds of people.

In the WORD Consider these passages. What do you think they teach about complaining and being thankful? [1] Philippians 4:10-13 Look carefully at these verses. Here Paul is not insisting the Philippians tangibly help him, but encourages it. Still, what had he “learned”? How does this relate to our tendency to complain? [Is there example of this in Acts 16:22-25? What’s the example?] [2] 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18 Verses 16-18 form a memorable “triad” of commands. What are the 3 things that Paul calls for in the attitudes and lives of the Thessalonian believers? Now, focus on and discuss vs. 18 – what is it in life that makes this particularly difficult for us? What would you say – is it our habit when something unpleasant or unfair happens to us – to say, “What is God’s will for me in this?” [3] 1 Corinthians 10:10-11. When writing to the Corinthian Christians, Paul wants to underscore the seriousness of complaining, reminding them of what happened to Israel in Numbers 11-12. As you think about today’s teaching, what was your key take-away from today?

My LIFE - our MISSION Finish your study time together by everyone finding and reading together Psalm 105. Let each one read a verse and go around your circle. As you read, you’ll become like God’s people of old, remembering all those things for which to be thankful, all those things the Lord did even though hearts were often filled with complaint. Then, take a few minutes for each to share 3 things for which he/she is deeply grateful to the Lord. As Christ Community Church of Ames, we are deeply grateful to God for [1] beginning this body of believers some 54 years ago, [2] for growing this body to have a consistent and important gospel witness in this important, university city in central Iowa, [3] for sustaining our unity and giving us a great mission in the lives of people [connecting them to life-defining relationships in Christ], and [4] for all the ways so many are serving the Lord this summer [missions trips, camp ministry, children’s ministry, etc., and [5] for the prospect of our Savior’s soon return! Let’s give thanks and praise as a habit of life…in everything!