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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 7, No. 15 March 10, 2017

Connecting the World with God’s Love


Tournament raises $8,000 for Jamaica

Spring forward! Don't forget to set your

clocks ahead by one hour this Sunday as we begin Daylight Saving Time.

Encouragement for moms Karen Stubbs of Birds on a Wire Ministries will speak to moms about the journey through the various stages of motherhood.

The 10th annual Jamaica Golf Tournament was a huge success. We raised more than $8,000 toward this year’s spring mission trip. This will be our 25th year to take the senior class to Jamaica, and we couldn’t do it without your prayers and support. Thanks to all of our sponsors and golfers!

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

Inspiration and encouragement for mothers


n May 5, from 6-9 p.m., Mothers of Young Children will host Karen Stubbs of Birds on a Wire Ministries for a night filled with fellowship and encouragement. Karen will share real-life experiences, while giving inspiration to all women as they journey through the varying stages of motherhood. Cost for the event, which will be in Lott Hall, is $40 and includes two 45-minute speaking sessions by Karen, with a brief intermission in between for coffee and dessert. This will be followed by a Q&A session with Karen to close the event. Child care is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register at

Alzheimer’s Support Group


e will meet March 20 at 1:30 p.m. in S209 for a time of caring and sharing. For more information, contact Beverly Deerhake at (281) 372-8389.


Is it a trait or a state?


he fifth day of Lent was the first day this year that I slipped in my prayer practice. The day started with worship at St. Peter's. After that, Erin and I went home, and I relaxed while she wrote a paper on the class she taught. That evening, I did laundry and stayed up late doing dishes. Just as I was walking to the bedroom to go to sleep, I realized "AHHHH! I forgot to do my hour of prayer." We planned on an early morning, and I was already up later than I should have been. I had to admit that, much to my disappointment, I could not fulfill my commitment that night. Russell LaGrone, Some of you astute and technical people Pastoral Intern might say "But that was a Sunday. Isn't that, as a feast day, a day that you aren't beholden to your Lenten practice?" First, I would say "beholden" is a strange word. Second, and more pertinent to the conversation, I would normally agree with you, but for some reason I feel that I would most benefit from continuing this practice irrespective of the day―like drinking tea for my health, regardless of whether I’m feasting or eating light. As such, even on Sundays I hope to include the hour of prayer I committed to doing for my Lenten practice. But that discussion is not what matters to me. What matters is that I can continue my practice even after I missed a day. When we fall short of our commitment, our dereliction with respect to Lent can be seen as either a trait or a state. If it's a trait (as I suspect most people see it), then the moment we eat that chocolate we swore off or the day we don't follow through on our prayer practice is the day that our Lenten practice is over. We tried, but we picked something too hard and simply couldn't cut the mustard. I have so many memories of quitting things and then later quitting Lent. I don't remember specific choices from high school, but I bet video games was in there somewhere. The moment I picked up a controller, I considered the whole affair finished. I couldn't make it through Lent, but I could count how many days I lasted (somehow that was a consolation). On the other hand, if it's a state (as I am encouraging you to see it), then we recognize just how much we needed this practice after all. The moment we eat that chocolate we swore off, or the moment we don't follow through on our prayer practice, is the moment we realize just how much we need this practice as we seek to grow in our relationship with God. I didn't come to this mindset until quite recently (like two years ago or something). Last year, I chose to fast from streaming videos on the Internet, with the exceptions of education and shows that helped with relationships. Unfortunately, those exceptions served as a means by which I transitioned to watching all sorts of videos having nothing to do with education, nerding out with my sister, or spending time with my wife. Fortunately, I realized continued on page 3

Capital campaign and budget update


he Re/Member Our Future campaign marked an exciting expansion of St. Peter’s vision to connect the world with God’s love. Discerning a call to stretch our outreach across the greater Katy area, the decision was made to purchase property along FM 1463. This enables the possibility of a permanent location for our West Campus. Below is an update on the total amount pledged over the three-year period and the amount contributed to this point. Thank you for your generosity, and we ask for your continued support as St. Peter’s ministry spreads farther west across Katy.

Total Pledged: $3,000,668 Total Received (through February): $468,302 Here also is an update of our total budget, and contributions so far in 2017. This information has been shared in more detail with the narrative budget included in the last few newsletters. If at any time you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Business Office directly or e-mail Mike Benjamin at [email protected].

Men’s Bible Application Study


lease join us for a series on discovering God’s design for men. Using Jesus’ time of ministry as a model, we will focus on topics such as marriage, career, and fatherhood. We meet Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in S101 through May. The cost for materials is $15. For more information, please call Guy Brasseux at (281) 468-8136.

Open Hearts Support Group

Total Budget: $3,203,850 Total Received (through February): $465,554 I thank God for your faithful stewardship,


Trait or state continued from page 2 that watching a YouTube video of funny cats wasn't the end of Lent for me. I could start the next day fresh and be back within my Lenten practice. I could do better each time I bounced back, and I could thank God for being with me every step of the way. What I'm getting at is this: our Lenten practice helps us to clear a space in our lives so we can invite the presence of the Holy Spirit. This is hard work, and some days we don't achieve our goals. This isn't failure, but a sign that we chose something worthwhile. So I'm going to take comfort in the fact that I can change my state. I can pray today, be back within my Lenten practice, and continue developing my relationship with God as I learn how much I need prayer in my life. I pray that you can, if you miss a day of your Lenten practice, recognize that you chose something important; I pray that you find yourself encouraged to continue your practice; I pray you embrace the fact that you can change your state and grow in your relationship with God.



pen Hearts is a support group for families and friends of LGBT persons. We offer a safe and affirming setting for those who desire understanding, education, and support. We welcome anyone to be a part of this group, whether you need support or can provide support. Our next meeting is March 16 at 7 p.m. in E225. For more information, please contact Elaine Saunders at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031.


Trip to Gonzales. The KEYS will be traveling to Gonzales on March 28 to visit the Gonzales Memorial Museum, take a driving tour of historic homes, and tour the Pioneer Village. The cost of the trip is $10 plus lunch. Sign up at the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby. The bus will leave at 8 a.m. and returns between 5 and 5:30 p.m. For information, contact Cindy McKinney at (281) 676-4621. Trip to Cuero. On April 7, the KEYS will visit Cuero, which is where the Chisholm Trail began. We will visit the Cuero Heritage Museum and historic Wagner Hardware Store and have lunch at the Cuero Country Club, hosted by St. Peter’s members Barbara and Wilfred Konrad. Cost for the trip is $10 due when you register at the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby. Each participant is asked to bring nonperishable food items to be donated to the Cuero food bank in honor of the Konrads. The bus will leave at 7:30 a.m. and return around 5 p.m. For more information, contact Barbara Allen at (281) 578-7627.



he process of changing the name of Living Stones to St. Peter’s United Methodist Church West Campus is now complete! This rebranding process started last November, and we are in the final phases. The outside signage was the first to change, and now all the inside signs have been updated as well. We recently rolled out the new information and LifeGroup brochures, attendance registration pads, pens, and coffee mugs. In addition, Thad Brown is hard at work integrating the new website that will join both campuses and all worship venues under one site. The new church-wide website should be up this summer.

Please donate blood this Sunday


ur next blood drive is March 12 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Scout House. You can sign up by contacting Marsha Asplin at mea1242@ Or just walk in on Sunday morning, and we'll find a spot for you. All donors will receive a Commit for Life T-shirt.

Ministerial scholarship goes to Whitney Peper


he St. Peter’s United Methodist Men’s Group is pleased to announce the award of a Cliff Lott Ministerial Scholarship to Whitney Peper. Whitney’s ministry journey was officially affirmed at a Charge Conference earlier this year. We wish her well in her preparation to continue God’s work. The Cliff Lott Scholarship Fund was created by the United Methodist Men’s Group in 1995 in memory of Rev. Lott and in honor of his wife, Betty. Cliff was one of our former ministers and a sponsor of the men’s group as well as an active participant. The scholarships are funded by the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Suppers. Other recent award recipients include Vicki Campbell, Sydni Hagens, and Russell LaGrone. With your support of the Pancake Suppers and the able assistance our volunteer workers and the Boy Scouts and their leaders, we will continue to offer financial aid to deserving ministerial students.

In Our Prayers PRAYERS

Marci Barnes, Jim Basham, Lee Bennett, Tanya Bolog, Lynn Bortka, Dennis Bowl-

ing, Gordon Buffington, Claire Cook, Lorkeshia Davis, Faunelle


ur Easter Fellowship and Egg Hunt is April 9 from 12:30-2 p.m. We’ll have food trucks, games, a photo booth, and more after our Palm Sunday worship services. Please bring your baskets and lawn chairs. If you would like to donate candy for the eggs, contact Whitney Peper at [email protected].

Deaton, Jenifer Franklin, Joe Hawkins, Art Henderson, Mike Ibarguen, Lin Johnson, Brian Jones, Oscar Jones, Lisa Leitch, Ralph Lovell, Mary K McNamara, Lou Moore, Neil Pickthall, Kathy Powell, Janice Remmele, Virginia Reper, Fay Smith, Cheryl

Family Seder Meal connects us to our roots


e are excited to offer a free family Seder Meal on April 10 from 6-8 p.m. in Lott Hall. We will be having elements of the traditional meal with an adapted story to allow children and adults to fully understand the connection between our Jewish roots and Christ’s life. Please join us as we take a trip through the Exodus, Passover, and celebration of Easter. Children of all ages are welcome to attend with their parents. Register at at Register for Events. For more information, contact Whitney Peper at [email protected].

Swift, and Annabelle Turner. SYMPATHY To Ken Collins and family on death of his father. To Sue Crum and Lee Crum and family on the death of their husband and father, David Crum. To Jennifer Medellin and family on the death of her mother. To Pat and Becky Wallace and family on the death of their grandson.

Welcome to our new members Justin and Kristen Jasek

PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Tim and Alison Batig, John Belsha, Will Brandt, John Buck, Jonathan Burdette, Skyler Cook, Austin Foster, Westley Freeze,

ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE February 26 Traditional Worship 8:30 184 9:45 239 11:00 362 The Element 9:45 65 11:00 95 SPLASH 57 West Campus 167 West Campus Kids 63 Mid-Winter Retreat 54 TOTAL 1,286

March 5 Traditional Worship 8:30 171 9:45 194 11:00 352 The Element 9:45 75 11:00 100 SPLASH 46 West Campus 147 West Campus Students/Kids 85 TOTAL 1,170

James Gilbert, Tyler J. Gorcie, Dylan Greismeyer, Stephen Travis Harding, Adam Higdon, Mike Linn, Ryan Lueders, Blake Nunes, Cameron Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Melissa Ouellette, Matthew Platz, Noah Platz, Shawn Platz, Hamilton Rencurrel, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Ben Saunders, Jacob Shinkle, John Simmons, Justin Simon, Theo Speas, Jason Steele, and Jasen Wilson.


Connecting the World With God’s Love Agape Circle. We will meet March 15 at 10 a.m. in E106 to hear a program by Rev. Jamison Doehring. All women are welcome. Health Kits. We are asking for donations to help complete health kits. The following items are needed: hand towels (15X25 to 17X27 inches), washcloths, combs longer than 6 inches, metal nail files or nail clippers, bath soap larger than 3 oz., and toothbrushes. We are asked to send $1 with each kit to purchase toothpaste. Please bring your donations to the collection bin in the Lobby.

Small group for young adults

5K Color Run As our first Church Without Walls event of 2017, St. Peter’s is helping with a 5K Color Run that supports Christ Clinic, Hope Impacts, and Clothed by Faith. The run will be on March 25, and we encourage folks of all ages and skills to sign up to help, to run, or to provide whatever kind of support you can. We’ll be providing an inflatable obstacle course for kids, as well as helping to staff the event. We’ll even have some runners, too. To help out or for more information, visit events/katy-color-run, and look for more from us as we get closer to the event date.

Disaster Recovery Workday

Also on March 25 we will hold another workday at several sites, as we continue to help those affected by flooding. There will be jobs for all skill sets. Please respond to [email protected] if you would like more information or would like to sign up to help.


f you are single or married and in the 25- to 35-year-old range, you are invited to the Young Adult Small Group that meets on Thursday nights in Asbury from 7-8 p.m. Child care is provided. Lessons are designed around topics that interest the class, which is facilitated by Harry and Pam Chapman with occasional guest speakers. Contact Pam Chapman at [email protected] for more information.


Second-graders learned that Jesus' love for them is not an illusion by investigating optical illusions during their Sunday School lesson.

When we need God’s love most


hen do we need God’s love most? Of course we need that love every second of our lives. But at times God’s love is especially precious to us. Times when: • We lose a loved one • We are diagnosed with illness/disease • We are suffering caregiver fatigue • We just retired—now what? • We are empty nesters—how we miss them! • Life becomes so confusing that we do not know where to turn • Life just becomes meaningless and de- pression sets in If you or someone you know would benefit from having a Stephen Minister, contact Rev. Kim Poer at (281) 492-8031 or kmpoer@

New Stephen Ministers to be commissioned


n March 19 at the 11 a.m. service, we will commission nine new Stephen Ministers. Each person has received 50 hours of training that equips them to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficult times. If you or someone you know could benefit from the support of a Stephen Minister, please call Rev. Kim Poer at (281) 492-8031.

Group TUTS tickets available


he Singles With a Purpose group is sponsoring a group rate open to all who are interested in tickets to six TUTS shows in 2017-2018. This includes “Hamilton,” “Bright Star,” “The Secret Garden,” Sleeping Beauty,” “Memphis the Musical,” and “Guys and Dolls.” More information is at tuts. com. The deadline for this group rate is March 31. Please contact Sue Robertson at [email protected] if you are interested.

Daily Bible Reading March 13 – 19 MONDAY Genesis 12:1-4 TUESDAY Psalm 121 WEDNESDAY Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 THURSDAY John 3:1-17 FRIDAY 1 Kings 17:8-16 SATURDAY Acts 10:1-29 SUNDAY Acts 10:30-48 March 20 – 26 MONDAY Exodus 17:1-7 TUESDAY Psalm 95 WEDNESDAY Romans 5:1-11 THURSDAY John 4:5-42 FRIDAY Isaiah 35:1-10 SATURDAY Mark 10:46-52 SUNDAY Isaiah 6:1-13

Adoption Support Group


he Adoption Support Group is for families thinking of adopting, in the process of adopting, or who have completed adoptions. It is designed to uplift, support, and encourage families who have been led by God to adopt a child or children. The group meets the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in S201. Our next meeting is March 20. For more information, please contact Whitney Peper at [email protected].


S u nday Worship 8:30 a.m.

Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

10:30 a.m.

St. Peter’s West Campus at Cinco Ranch High School

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar Sunday, March 12 8:00 a.m. Blood Drive Scout House 12:15 p.m. Pizza With the Pastors E106 Tuesday, March 14 1:30 p.m. KEYS Council E225 7:00 p.m. Women of Joy S203 Wednesday, March 15 10:00 a.m. UMW Agape Circle E106 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s Thursday, March 16 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study Asbury Hall Finance Committee Conference Room Open Hearts Support Group E225 Sunday, March 19 4:00 p.m. Women’s Cancer Support S205 Monday, March 20 1:30 p.m. Alzheimer's Support Group S209 6:30 p.m. Adoption Support Group S201 7:00 p.m. Trustees Conference Room Wednesday, March 22 10:00 a.m. The Gathering Asbury Hall 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s Thursday, March 23 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study Asbury Hall Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available on our website.

Pizza With the Pastors Are you thinking about joining St. Peter’s? Do you want to know more about this church and the United Methodist Church? If so, you are invited to our monthly Pizza With the Pastors March 12 at 12:15 p.m. in E106. For more information, please contact Patty Campbell at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031.